Saving Kinsley

Chapter Masquerade of Hearts

Kole's P.O.V

My wolf roared inside of my head as a growl burst from my chest. "What the fuck Kassandra! God's you fucking rejected me!" I watched as she took a few steps back as my chest heaved.

Mason flew around the corner, his eyebrows drawn as his eyes scanned the area for threats. His eyes landed on Kassandra and his gaze narrowed sharply "What the fuck Kassandra, you know you aren't wanted here." His voice was harsh.


"Leave, Kassandra." I cut her off as I shifted and chased after Kinsley.


'Find Mate' My wolf, Silas snarled as I barreled through the woods trying to pick up her scent. Panic swept over my nerves, what if she really left before I could explain what just happened?

She's gone.

Her scent was everywhere, faint, almost gone as I ran through the woods I spent most of my life in.

My head fell back into a low, sorrow-filled howl.

My mate, she's gone.

Walking back through the woods I shifted, and immediately fell to my knees. "How could this happen? I just-"

"You were here."

The wind whistled through the trees as I sat, with my knees buried in the earth.

After a while, I just sat in the woods. Waiting. She would come back. But each passing minute, my heart sank further.

I could hear the leaves and sparse branches crunch under feet before a hand gripped my shoulder. "It's getting late man, we'll find her." Mason's tone held a hint of underlying sadness.

"No. I'll wait for her. She's coming back." I snapped, my voice breaking.

I know it was childish, but I shifted back and laid down in wolf form.

My mate would come back.

My second chance mate, she wouldn't leave me like my first.

I must have slept through the night because when my eyes finally cracked open, the beautiful morning light was ruined by who was in front of me.

"Kole." Kassandra spoke to me hesitantly.

I growled low, barring my teeth. Kassandra moved back, fear in her eyes.

I shifted back, "She's gone because of you. Why the fuck are you even here?" My voice was gravelly, Silas's voice mixed in with my own.

"Look I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to apologize. I never should have rejected you. We're mates Kole, we belong together. I was made for you."

I let out a wolfish snort, "Right, you rejected me, Kassandra. There is no we, you tarnished that idea years ago. And now, you're ruining my chance at having a second chance mate. Leave."

Kassandra whimpered before she raised her head in defiance. "That coward of a she-wolf? She fucking ran Kole. I'm your mate. Not her! I deserve to be Luna of this pack, it's my home!" Her voice continued to climb.

I snarled at her insults to my mate, "Enough! One more word Kassandra, and I won't hold my wolf back. You're playing with fire. As for the position of Luna, My Luna, you gave away that right when you rejected me. You don't give a shit about the pack, you never did. You never deserved to be my mate."

I turned my back and headed for the pack house.

Walking up the steps, Mason was waiting at the door for me. "Alpha, the summit invite came in today." I let out a growl as I ran my hand down my face. The fucking Alpha summit.

"Thanks, Mason. When is it scheduled for? And what Pack is hosting this year?"

"West Cove Pack this year, Montana."

My eyebrows drew in, "Montana? They haven't hosted in years. Why the change?"

Mason shrugged his shoulders, "Your guess is as good as mine man."

I nodded my head and walked directly to my room. I wasn't in the headspace to chat with anyone. Not when all I could think about was Kinsley.

Walking into my room my senses were overrun with her scent.

I pulled in a deep breath of her caramel and warm amber scent. Greedily inhaling every last note of it. My body slumped against the door, how was I going to find her when I didn't know what pack she was from?


Maybe, she's a high-ranking wolf. She has to be If the moon goddess matched her to me as my second chance mate.

And if she is, she'll be at the Alpha summit.

That's where I'll find her.

And if not, I'd search through every last pack for her.

"Kinsley, I'm coming for you mate." I whispered into the empty room.

The next morning, Mason and I were climbing into one of the black SUV's. The drive would take a little over eight hours. At least this time we could drive instead of fly.

The drive was scenic, but my thoughts remained on her. I needed to find her. I needed her to be at the summit.

Finally arriving, I almost missed the turn with my thoughts consumed by Kinsley. I jerked the wheel for the turn causing Mason to let out a growl at the sudden movement. "Goddess, next time I'm driving." He glowered as I evened out the SUV on the dirt road.

Throwing the SUV in park, I waited as the dust settled around us, peering ahead I could see many Pack Alphas and their parties had arrived already.

This is it.

I let out a deep breath as I opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Welcome to West Cove pack territory, I am Alpha Ian Marshall. Rooms have been prepared for you and your Beta, This evening we will be hosting a masquerade party, as you know. The Summit meeting has been pushed back a few days due to the late arrival of Some of the packs. Please make yourselves at home." Alpha Ian extended his hand out in greeting to the both of us in a welcoming manner.

"Thank you, Alpha Ian, for hosting this year. We will be attending the Masquerade this evening." I hadn't meant for it to come out short, but my mind was elsewhere as my eyes scanned every shifter in sight. Searching for her.

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