Saving Kinsley

Chapter Kiss of Fire

Kinsley's P.O.V

After some time, we began to move through the woods. "Look, I can't stay, I need to get back to my pack." I finally broke the silence. It pained me to even speak those words aloud, but I needed to return to them.

Kole whirled around "You can't leave." His expression was shocked, hell I was too. But Noah. Worry for him was gnawing a hole through my chest.

I let out a groan as I ran my hands down my face, "I don't want to leave. I need to. My friend and I were attacked by Rogue wolves, and I don't know where they've taken him. I don't even know where I am." His expressions softened, and then a mask of rage slipped over his face at the mention of Rogue wolves.

"Goddess, okay. I'll help you find your friend. What pack are you from? I'll reach out to your Alpha, but as far as you leaving it, isn't safe. As you've pointed out, Rogues. Also, you're in North Dakota, Dark Moon pack." He ran a hand down his face, and my gaze flew to his muscled arms, watching as every muscle shifted with his movements. What did he say?

"Come on, we got shit to do Kinsley." Kole grabbed my hand and began to gently pull me through the woods. Distracted, my eyes fell to his large hand, completely overtaking my own. A perfect fit.

Reaching what I assumed to be the pack house, that raven-haired girl, was on her knees, tears streaming from her face. I looked to Kole as he spoke "Shit, Sienna! Take Kinsley inside please." Another female was moving closer to us now, Kole turned to me, "You're safe here Mate. Go with Sienna, I'll be inside soon." I nodded my head as Sienna reached out for my hand. I wouldn't argue, he looked like he had his hands full right now.

In the meantime, I could focus on trying to reach out to Tate, Noah, or Calum.

Stepping inside, with Sienna leading the way, eyes of all colors were on me, "Manners." Sienna's voice cracked like a whip, sending the room filled with shifters scurrying about. I cracked a small smile, I like her. Tough.

I was led to an office, I could smell Kole's lingering scent throughout the room. This must be his office, "If you need anything hun, I'll be down the hall in the kitchen. Just holler."

"Thank you, Sienna." I nodded my thanks to the she-wolf and she left the room shortly after.

I sat down on the sofa, focusing on my pack ties.




I closed my eyes, waiting for a response. The ties were stretched far too thin, it was exhausting trying to hold on to them. Let alone push through to communicate. It was like blindly feeling around in the darkness searching for any light source.

'We need rest. Mate will keep us safe.' Ember sighed out.

I rolled my eyes, But I couldn't disagree. Kole was not Dakota. Not by a long shot. I settled further into the sofa, my arms bent beneath my head like a makeshift pillow.

Darkness slipped over my eyes swiftly.

The most alluring scent wafted to me in droves, cracking open my eyes as hushed voices came to me. The room fell silent suddenly, the vibe in the room quickly turned to a more violent one. "Fuck, Madi's gone!" A man snarled out as his fist cracked against the wall.

I sat upright, "Is everything okay?"

Two sets of green eyes turned to me, "Shit. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." The man said as he ran his hand frantically through his hair. "Come on, You can rest in my room little one." Kole swept me up from the sofa. Sparks lit a trail along my body where his skin was touching mine, I sighed as he carried me out of the room.

"I can walk, you know." I smiled up at him.

"I'm aware. I just want to hold you, Kinsley." He smiled as he continued to walk, a content rumble coming from his chest. Far to soon we walking through a door and entering his room.

Kole set me on the bed that was completely drenched in his scent, God's I was in heaven. "I have to go for a bit. Stay here. When I return I promise I'll reach out to your pack. Just.. Just don't leave." The urgency was in his voice, but his eyes were begging. There was a story there. I just knew it.

I reached out, running my hand on the side of his face, the pad of my thumb lightly stroking his cheek causing his eyes to flutter shut, "I'll be here. I won't leave you Kole." I managed to get out slightly above a whisper.

A sigh left his parted lips, and then he was moving quickly from the room.

I could hear the rumble of Kole's voice outside of the door, "No one is to come in here. She needs rest."

"Yes, Alpha." A male voice floated to me.


Okay, that makes sense. So Kole was Alpha of the Dark Moon pack in North Dakota.

I must have passed out again, my inner clock was all out of sorts. I stood from Kole's bed and padded my way to the large bay window. Streams of light from the moon graced the scattered trees. A sudden itch to run through these woods took over me.

I rubbed at my face, contemplating if it was a good idea for me to go on a run. Kole was else where, and I wasn't familiar with his territory, or anyone here for that matter. What would happen if they mistake me for a Rogue? I wasn't from this pack.

I gnawed on my lip as I looked out the window, seeing all the ways this decision could horribly wrong. But if I didn't let my wolf out, I risked her clawing her way to the surface and forcing a shift.

I pushed open the window, allowing the cool evening breeze to grace my flesh, soaking in the soft glow of the moon as I moved over the window sill. I inhaled deeply the scent of nature, temporarily calming my racing mind as my bare toes dug into the cool earth.

Rolling my shoulders back, I shifted to my wolf. Just a quick run, I planned on being back before anyone even realized I had left.

I crept through the woods lightly on my paws, inhaling the new scents of my surroundings. In the distance I could smell other wolves, but with them so far away I wasn't worried about being mistaken for a Rogue.

All I needed was just a few quiet moments, with the silent moon above my head, to gather my thoughts.

I was worried about Noah. The last I saw of him- A cold shiver racked my body as my mind went over the memory. I couldn't allow myself to go down that dark path. I'd know by now if he wasn't living. I had to hang onto the hope that Tate found him in time.

Lost in my thoughts, I soon found myself standing feet away from a small lake. The moon cast a glow over the top of the calm water, creating an enchanting oasis. I shifted back, and placed my feet into the water. A deep sigh left me as the cool water grounded me from my thoughts, bringing me back to here and now. I was terrified of the unknown with Noah, and torn with the fact I now had a second chance at having a mate. That alone was huge. The Moon Goddess herself thought I was deserving of a second chance.

I wanted to stuff my past to the back of my mind, deny the creeping anxiety of being alone again from showing itself. I had to stay strong in case I wasn't what he saw in a mate. I had to brace myself with my hidden wounds, and ready for another rejection. If I had to face another rejection, I feared I'd lose my sanity, descend into the darkness that threatened to consume me. I had pieces of meek hope to cling to, and it could be my undoing.

I shook my head and stood up, "Enough. Just breathe, you can't control what's not meant to be in your control." I consoled my self as I exhaled a deep breath. Spinning around, I came to an abrupt stop as my heart pounded in my chest.

I could hear something moving through the woods. A rather large something. A wolf. I licked my lips as I wrung my hands at my sides. If I shifted now, they'd see my as a threat, or worse, a challenge.

I could see the pack house through the trees. I could make it without shifting. After one more quick glance through the woods, I took off. I pumped my legs and arms as hard as I could. Willing myself to run faster. Willow leant me a boost of her strength, increasing my steps by a few more paces.

Thundering paws sounded from behind me, and then it went silent. I frantically glanced behind me, confused, why aren't they chasing me?

Refocusing, I cursed as I was swept off my feet. I knew I shouldn't have looked back!

A string of curse words died on my lips as a large warm hand cradled my head, the touch sending sparks zapping down my spine. His body curled around me just as we made contact with the ground.

My eyes flew to his bright green ones, my chest heaving from the run. His body was completely flush against mine, I could feel his erratic heart beat against my chest. I glanced down, and my entire body was ignited in warmth. Neither of us had clothes on. Naked as the day we were born.

Kole let out a low growl as he shook his head and slammed his eyes shut, "Sorry. You ran and we chased. Don't do it again, please." He struggled to get out. I let out a shaky breath, "Sorry I didn't know it was you." I wasn't scared, I was just surprised. It was then that a thought passed through my head, his lips were so close. If I titled my head just ever so slightly-

Kole cleared his throat and moved off of me, "I'm really sorry. Wait here, I'll bring you a shirt." I shook my head, was it crazy for me to want to know what his lips would feel like against mine?

Kole now was wearing black shorts, shorts that highlighted every single powerful muscle in his legs. My gaze crept upwards, no shirt. I could see every divot of an ab ending and beginning. But what had me tearing my gaze away was the dusting of hair that led a path into his shorts. And his outstretched hand.

I grabbed the shirt and quickly pulled it over my self, trying to distract myself from the insanely attractive male in front of me. I stood up and Kole let out a groan, "Goddess."

"What?" I asked as I cocked my head to the side.

"That shirt barely covers anything. Nope." After he gestured, I quickly looked down to see the material just barely hitting my thighs. A gasp left me as Kole threw me over his shoulder, and yanked the shirt over the back of my thighs. "Sorry again little one, I can't let you walk in there like that." He grumbled.

I cracked a smile at his back, he was being over protective. It was a daily occurrence to see nothing but skin as a shifter, but I did see how flustering it could be when one of those shifters was your mate.

"Can't say I'm disappointed with this view." I whispered, and quickly slapped my hand to my mouth. Kole let out a chuckle, "Likewise." I could hear the grin in his words. Heat crawled up my neck, embarrassed I had even said that out loud.

Kole made good on his word, I didn't take a single step until he set me down in front of the door to his room. Kole reluctantly released me as we came to the room. Clearing his throat as he rubbed at the back of his neck, "I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed." My cheeks warmed, I completely forgot this was his room. My heart raced at the thought of him sleeping in the same room. Breathe. It's just sleeping, nothing more.

I opened my mouth to suggest I could sleep else where but quickly closed it as Kole was already moving for a spot on the floor. I crawled my way onto the bed, snuggling into the warm blankets that held his scent. "Goodnight." I whispered.

"Goodnight, Kinsley." His deep voice was already groggy as he whispered back. Sleep took hold of me easily moments later.

I woke to the sound of soft whimpers, I could hear movement near me. My eyes flew open, alarm shooting through me. For a moment my eyes frantically searched my unrecognizable surroundings, and then it hit me. I was in Kole's room. The whimpering sound broke through my thoughts again, I peeked over the bed and noticed it was coming from Kole.

"No, don't do this." He whispered, his face was a mask of pain. He continued to chant no. I found myself crawling off the bed towards him, "Kole?" I whispered.

He continued to move around and was saying words that weren't making any sense. An urge came over me to go to him, and I did. My hand was inches away from his face, with intentions of softly waking him from whatever nightmare that was terrorizing him.

The air left me as I was slammed to my back on the floor, my eyes grew large, "Kole?" I was now pinned beneath him. He cursed as his eyes scanned my face, "Shit sorry, I-" My mind had instantly went to earlier in the night, the first time I was beneath him. The warmth that coursed through my body, and of course the sparks didn't help matter any. All I could feel was him.

I gently reached my hand towards his face, entirely distracted by the lips right in front of my eyes. I looked up, and watched his eyes grow darker, this time I was going to follow through. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his. Kole's groan vibrated throughout me, encouraging me to open my mouth. His tongue swept in, dancing with mine as my body lit up.

We were both left panting as he pressed his head to mine, "Goddess, I need to stop now. I can't lose control with you." His voice was deep and that sent shockwaves of heat throughout my body. Goddess save me.

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