Saving Kinsley

Chapter Clashing

Kinsley's P.O.V

My stomach flipped as I turned to face the carnage between Vesta and the Hollow- or Vex. If this didn't work, I could just die for nothing. I had to admit, I was terrified. With an exhalation of a shaky breath, I sprinted toward the chaos. Jumping just feet away from Vesta and Vex, landing on top of the two.

My body registered the scorching, fiery pain as I clenched my teeth through it, wrapping my legs quickly around Vex, I hurled myself backward, all my training over the years gave me the ability to do this. The move took both of us off of Vesta, the second I touched earth I rolled and climbed on top of Vex, daring to gaze into its empty dark eyes, "This ends now."

As Vex snarled, I said the words that removed Vesta from my soul, praying behind my closed eyes it would work in reverse too.

I peeked my eyes open as Vex snarled, throwing me into the air, and sending me crashing into Vesta who looked at me with shocked eyes "Why- Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

Opening my mouth to reply, the words died on my tongue as my breath was stolen from me from the prickling sensation that turned into bone-shattering pain. A scream ripped through the air, but it wasn't mine I realized, as I curled into myself to try to relieve the pain. It was Vex. It had worked. A moment of relief washed over me as I lay there, but in the blink of an eye, Vex turned into its corporeal form.

Blues and blacks whirled and whipped in my direction. Vesta grabbed hold of my face, "It shouldn't have come to this but if anyone is meant to survive this, it's you, Kinsley." In turn, I gripped her arm and looked into her red orbs, "You'll have to be the one to do it.. Kill me. They aren't strong enough, it has to be you." I spoke quickly, searching her face for an answer. Her face fell but gave me a sharp nod in response. Kole appeared behind Vesta just as the full force of what I'd done hit me. As my world blackened, green haunted eyes were the last thing I saw.

Koles P.O.V

It was all for nothing, I thought as I collapsed behind Vesta. Kinsley was dead. Vesta had ripped her heart out in front of me before I could reach her. Everything good inside of me died the moment I watched the life leave Kinsley's eyes.

I growled as Madi slid to a stop next to Kinsley, "What are you doing?" I snapped as my skin rippled. I didn't want anyone touching her. They'd killed her. I had killed her. Every last one of us was to blame for this.

Madi snarled in return, "Saving her life, shut up and let me work." She shoved Vesta and I out of the way as she reached into Kinsley's open chest, shoving her beatless heart back into its home. I growled again. "Her heart was ripped out, you can't bring back the dead Madi." Ignoring me, she shut her eyes as her hand remained inside of my dead mate. I had to fight back my wolf as he snarled inside, fighting to get out and just be next to her before her body went cold.

"It was a half-assed plan. I told her the chances of me saving her were slim to none, but I would try anyways." Madi gritted out.

My blood ran cold, Rage flooding my veins, "You knew she was going to do this? Why didn't you stop her?!" I shouted

"Nothing would've stopped her, her mind was made up the second she released Vesta. And out of all of us, she had the best surviving chance." Her eyes slid to Vesta. Vesta nodded, "She is right, only a descendant of us would survive entwining their soul with a sentinel.

"We need the pack I can't lock Vex in her alone." Madi rushed out. "Her birth pack." She added. Vesta nodded, cocking her head as she looked at us. "I recommend closing your eyes, my kind of transportation can be jarring to your kind." Before I could open my mouth, flames engulfed us and I could feel my bones turn to jello. The second my feet hit the ground I collapsed gasping for air, trying not to lose my last meal. Madi had begun shouting commands as members of the pack circled around us. "I need the elders, and any members with a pure bloodline to this pack, now!"

People began to move, in the blink of an eye several elders stood behind Madi, and more of the pack moved closer. Very few lingered towards the outside. "Everyone needs to listen closely, Kinsleys life is at stake, but so is ours if I can't contain what is inside of her so I need everyone to follow my instructions without hesitation." She paused for a breath, "Elders, I need you to establish a link with me, two of you can place a hand on each of my shoulders, and everyone else links to the elders. Whatever you see, hear, or feel, I can not stress this enough- Don't. Let. Go." As that sank in, Madi turned to me, "Kole I need you next to me. You are her lifeline so hand at the top of her head and one on me." Her stern eyes looked into mine, "Whatever happens-"

"Don't let go." I stole the words from her. I trusted her, so whatever the plan was, if it could save Kinsley, I'd do anything.

Madi's eyes closed and I could feel a connection open up as dozens of whispers flooded my head, "We're ready Kade." It must have been a private link between the two, because I couldn't hear my brother, but as Madi began chanting, and pausing, and repeating, I quickly figured out Kade was instructing her. My wolf began to grow agitated and started pushing to the surface. Everything inside of me screamed what was happening wasn't natural.

A blinding white light seared behind my eyes. I could hear the wails from Vex, and as quickly as it began everything fell silent. I opened my eyes as Madi removed her hands from Kinsley. On a shaky breath she spoke, "If this worked, her wolf will heal her."

I nodded, not daring to breathe a word. My eyes honed in on her open chest, minutes passed by and nothing was happening, just as my grief threatened to consume me, Madi let out a sob beside me, "It worked, it actually worked."

My eyes fell to the wound, it was beginning to close, and then her chest rose with her first breath. I softly cradled her head in my lap as tears filled my eyes, "I'll never let you out of my sight again little one." I placed a gentle kiss on her head and turned to Madi, "How is this even possible?"

Madi wiped her tears, "Books. That library your father had made for your mother was loaded with information. It took a while to piece it all together, but Kade and I finally found the third being in the prophecy. Turns out the two keys were me and the hybrid Vex killed. She wasn't just any hybrid either, she was a soul witch with shifter genes. Since the three of us were in that prophecy we had to be connected in some way, right? We weren't sure on that part, but this plan would've only worked if our souls were linked in some way. And, obviously, we are, I was able to open a connection to her magic and use a let's say form of jail, to trap vex inside of a small piece of Kinsley's soul. Vex has no chance of escaping even if, hopefully, a really really long time from now she dies."

Proccessing what she had just dumped on me she spoke softly, "We should probably get her inside, I'm not sure how long it's going to be until she wakes up."

I placed a kiss on Kinsley's head, thankful to feel the warmth of her skin against me, and lifted her from the ground. Finding a room inside, this would be our home until she woke up.

Minutes turned into hours.

Hours turned into days.

Days turned into weeks.

I was losing faith that Kinsley was going to return to me.

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