Saving Kinsley

Chapter A Mind's Hell

Kinsley's P.O.V

I had no way of telling how long I had been out for, or where I even was. All I could register was the ache in my heart. The last thing I could recall was my brother being killed in front of me. Along with that, my soul felt empty and lost. I was missing something, and I needed to find it.

My paws grazed the leaves under me, each step I took, seemed more powerful with every stride. I continued to walk, eventually, I was running through the Forrest as my surroundings became familiar. I recognized the scent of the West Cove pack.

I came to a halt as my eyes surveyed the destruction before me. The earth was drenched in blood where burn marks hadn't been. Shifting back, I began to walk forward into the destruction. Bodies and shifted wolves lie unmoving as I passed. Tears began to blur my vision with each step forward, "What happened?"

Getting closer to the now burned building that held the Alpha summit, I paused to listen for anyone. "Hello?" With no response, I continued forward.

My ears picked up on sobbing, "Come on!" I recognized Madi's voice and called out to her immediately. "Madi! Where are you!"

"Over here." I could hear her voice break as she responded. Following her voice around the side of the building, I caught the faint scent of Kole and blood. Lots of blood.

"What hap-" My voice cut off as I spotted Madi on top of Kole, her hand and eyes glowing the brightest shade of gold I'd ever seen. One hand was on his throat, the second on his chest. The veins I could see along his arms and neck were blackened. I rushed forward, "Kole!" I placed his unmoving head in my lap as I looked at a sobbing Madi. I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face, "Why isn't he waking?"

Madi shook her head as she moved away, "I was too late." A sob left me as I gathered Kole closer, "No. Kole, wake up please." This can't be happening. Why would the Moon goddess allow this to happen? I clenched my eyes tighter as the pain in my soul was growing unbearable. "Please!" I screamed out, my voice thick with sorrow.

I strained to hear his heartbeat, and feel the warmth of him against my skin. But he was cold, and his heart was silent. "How did this happen?" I cried out.

"After you went missing, there had been a rogue attack. The summit was done, so the packs returned home. We stayed to find you, but with their numbers, we never stood a chance." Another sob left me as I fell apart with my dead Mate in my arms.

1 Month Later.

Kole was laid to rest not long ago, next to his Mother. Another pack had been brought to its knees, and ruthlessly slaughtered. West Cove pack now only existed in my memories. I no longer had a family or a Mate.

Kade and Madi made the decision to absorb the Dark Moon pack into theirs. They offered me a place in their pack, but I decided not to accept their offer.

With Madi now pregnant, it wasn't safe for her or the pack for her to continue to unravel what was happening with the rogues and the Hollow. I was determined to do it alone, I wouldn't let all those shifters die in vain. With my dangerous decision, Madi allowed me to drink from the chalice, after performing some kind of ritual. I now had the same abilities she did.

Clutching the pendant at my neck, "I can't bring you back, but I'll fight this fight for you until my last breath." The pendant, made from some of Kole's ashes, would be the only thing I take with me.

It seemed like all the Packs were losing hope. No one was leaving their territories. Tate offered to send help on my journey, but I refused. I wouldn't be responsible for the death of another pack on my hands because I took resources from an already small pack. Shifting, I began my journey at a sprint, Ember pushed out our howl that would always be weighed down with a sorrow drenched heavily in grief.

1 Week Later.

Raking my half-shifted claws over the chained link fence, "Kassandra, darling. There's really no use in running." I sweetly cooed out.

"I told you what I know already, you crazy bitch!" I could hear her whimper as she stumbled over something just outside of the abandoned warehouse she'd been hiding out in. A small laugh slipped out, "Mmm, you forget I'm only this way because you've taken everything away from me that tethered me to my sanity. Now I just want blood." The last part ended on a growl as Ember's raging voice seeped out. A small shiver went down my spine as I registered how feral I was beginning to sound. But my feelings weren't misplaced, all I had left was rage to cling to.

"I wasn't responsible for his death, I swear!" Kassandra cried out as I grabbed her by the throat. "But you were there, weren't you? You could've done something to change the outcome. Fortunately, you chose the wrong side." My claws extended again, sinking into her flesh. Her grip on my hand tightened, her claws shredding my flesh. I tightened my hold, ignoring the pain until her body went slack. "And then, there was one." As I stepped over her body, I released the flames from my hand onto her body, "Burn in hell, Kassandra."

Conrad was the last soul on my mental list, and this just may be my last stop, because I didn't know what I was up against. I might not survive this. I was at peace with that thought, my hands were already drenched in so much blood, enough to drive anyone to insanity. Maybe after this, I could join Kole in the afterlife.

This path I was on, wedged a wall between Ember and I. She was resigned. We no longer spoke, but we were in agreement with one thing: Revenge. I was alone, both in this world and in my thoughts. My wolf and Vesta only offered me strength, and I utilized this to avenge my dead Mate.

Memories of Kole haunted me through the nights. I wish so badly it was just happy memories that my mind reflected on, but no, I was tortured with images of his death. Each scenario would be more gruesome than the last. I soon found myself going into a remote mountain area. Days of torturing Kassandra and Dion led me here.

Night had fallen, the face of the moon would be the only witness to the inevitable blood bath soon to take place. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, I was eager to sink my fangs into Conrad's throat and shred him to pieces. Itching to disembowel the cruel bastard as he took his last breaths.

Nearing the top of the mountain, I released an angry- challenging howl. A menacing growl responded from the darkness that night provided, but I could see his heat signature. Smell the rot and decay on the breeze. Shifting, "Come out you coward!" I shouted as I clenched my shaking hands.

His baleful laugh danced on the breeze, "That mate of yours, I enjoyed killing, did you like how I opened up his throat as I did with Cassius?" He taunted as he stepped out from the trees, an evil smirk on his face. My claws extended into my clenched fists as I shook with rage, the scent of my blood contaminating the mountain air. "I'm going to kill you, and I'll do it with a fucking smile on my face you evil bastard!" I lunged forward, but he danced out of my way.

"A shame. I'd hoped that rage would drive you to my side. Maybe the third one will do." Suddenly I was flipped onto my back with his cold hands on my throat which began to tighten.

"Madi is her name, right? Should be easy enough to control a pregnant she-wolf. You know, since she can't shift." I struggled to pull in air as I clawed at his hands. "N-No!" Hot angry tears streamed down my face as I struggled against his hold. I felt his claws extend into my neck, the searing pain radiating through my body.

"Come on. Break that last wall for me."

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