Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 50

**Song Suggestion: “Only You” by Julia Westlin**

I felt incredibly antsy as I waited for my Rose at the end of the aisle. Everything looked spectacular. The flowers in the garden were vibrant and beautiful. The cool September breeze carried in their floral scent. Mom held Abi in her arms, sitting in the front row before me. Abi’s strawberry blonde hair was almost hidden behind the large white bow she sported. The white dress almost swallowed her whole, but she looked so adorable.

My Rosebud has stolen my heart completely. She and I have late-night talks as I work and rock her back to sleep. She and her mother are everything to me. They are the sun I revolve around, the lights of my life. I am the luckiest man on the planet. I know this, and now I’m the luckiest man, waiting for his beautiful bride to emerge.

The music began to play, and everyone stood as Rose came into view. My heart stilled and raced all at the same time. My eyes misted as the moment took over me. She looked breathtaking; in fact, she took my breath away. Her hair was tucked into a beautiful low bun with a veil. Her dress was glorious and made just for her. She was a picture of perfection, and she was all mine. My wife.

She clutched onto Davis’ arm, trying to ease her steps. She was ready to run to me and it made me smile further, causing a tear to escape my misted eyes. I love this woman so much. I love her more than I ever knew could be possible. She’s changed me, my life, my world. I am forever grateful to her.

My heart swelled further with every step she took. I saw her dazzling smile as I stepped forward to take her hand from Davis. When asked who was giving her away, Davis replied he was. Rose stood before me, ready to tie our lives together for eternity in front of our friends and my family. Hailey took the bouquet from Rose with a significant smile. She winked at me, making me smirk. I liked Hailey, and I was glad Rose had her.

‘Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Olive and Lucas Porter. Their love is new, but has grown and flourished through the year, as witnessed by their child. Marriage is a venerated institution, and one deserving of deep reverence. Today we observe the union of Lucas and Olive in holy matrimony, a commitment they have chosen to undertake with all the sincerity it warrants.’ Our officiant started, but my eyes never left my Rose. She held my hands tightly between us as we faced one another.

‘While marriage is a sacred and serious tradition, it is also cause for tremendous joy. Married life is full of surprises, adventures, and memory-making–all made possible by the enduring power of love. When Lucas and Olive complete this union, they will begin a new life of partnership, one defined by shared hopes, dreams, and successes.’ I could feel the officiant’s eyes turn away from the crowd to us now.

‘Lucas and Olive, as you learn to live as one; you will encounter many challenges that can help you grow. Do the things that make life precious–cooperate with each other, always make time to laugh together, and never lose appreciation for the love you share. Remember, too, to adhere to the vows you will make today. Seek strength from each other, give hope to each other, and let your trials help you grow together. They say love can build bridges and climb mountains — and they’re right. You find that as it grows and matures over time, your love for one another will prove both fulfilling and empowering.’ I took his words to heart, fully ready to do whatever it took to keep our love and marriage strong.

‘Yes, there will be challenges in life, but the strength of your bond will offer you protection against life’s storms. Always make your relationship a priority and continue to nurture each other. Through a commitment to love, and with the power of faith, together you will navigate any obstacles that come your way.’

‘Lucas and Olive, I invite you to express your sacred vows to one another. Please face each other as you declare these vows before the presence of your family and friends. Lucas, you may start.’ I was suddenly nervous as hell, but ready to spill these words to her.

‘My Rose, my Olive. You are the light of my life, my savior from the dark. You’ve changed my life for the better in a single year. There is no one I love more than you and the daughter you have gifted me. I cannot tell you how much I love you because there is no way to measure it, no words to express it. It’s an overwhelming feeling that takes me over whenever I look at you—only shown by my affection, actions, and care. I promise to cherish you all the days of my life. I promise to help raise our daughter with you and take over when you feel overwhelmed. Abi and I will be by your side always. I promise to encourage and push you when needed. You will do great things in your career and as a mom. I promise to make you and Abi my priorities always. To care for you when you’re sick, to enjoy the good and bad moments together. I promise to give you all the happiness I can give you. I love you, Olive, more than words can express.’ My voice cracked ‌as my love manifested in a few tears. The emotion was thick and raw in my throat.

Her eyes shimmered as she tried not to cry along with me. She squeezed my hand before letting it go. She turned to Hailey, who handed her a piece of paper. I furrowed my brow in the slightest as she opened it. It was torn on the side, as if she had ripped it out of a book. It was the missing page of the journal she denied knowing about. I almost laughed, but contained it, ready to hear what she had written on it.

‘Dear future me, he’s the one. There’s no denying Lucas Porter is the love of my life. He’s more than I could have ever thought. My rescuer who’s saved me countless times and lifted me up when I’m down. He’s kind, protective, playful and all around fun. There’s no denying he knows me well, even in such a short amount of time. This feeling is overwhelming and all-consuming. I know it’s love. It’s love for him. So I will choose him. I will fight for him, keeping him in my life for as long as he’ll have me. He is my addiction, my air, my life. I can’t imagine not having him by my side. I hope he feels the same way. A hopeful Past You.’ She looked up at me, her voice small and cracking with tears. ‘It’s always been you. Since the day you opened up to me. Since the day I laid eyes on you. I love you, Lucas. I promise to stay by your side for as long as you will have me. To fight for us, for you, for Abi. I will claw my way up in this world and give you both everything I can. You’re my life, and seeing how you care for Abi has only further cemented my love for you. You’re a wonderful father, and I know you will be the best husband. I promise to fight off your darkness, and stay by your side always.’

Her vows were everything I wanted to hear and more. Her journal entry was perfect, and the fact she took it for this moment made me smile. I loved her antics, her spirit, and her love. This moment couldn’t be any better. I turned to Leo, grabbing my ring and placing it on her delicate fingers. Her hands shook before me, but I steadied them for her. She placed my ring on my finger and I swore I would never take this ring off for anything.

‘By the power vested in me, by the state of New York, I pronounce you, as husband and wife, lawfully wedded before your family and friends. You may now kiss the Bride.’ I didn’t hesitate to lean forward and kiss Rose with everything in me. I held her face in my hands and kissed her tenderly, pouring my love into her.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor I officially present to you Mr. and Mrs. Porter!’

Mrs. Porter, my wife.

The festivities continued as we took our pictures. Abi, of course, was included in most of them. She was the center of attention, and Rose didn’t mind at all. Abi was a wonderful baby. She barely fussed, and she slept well during the night. We were extremely blessed with her.

‘Ian!’ Rose waved him down. ‘It’s best friend pictures. Come on!’ She gestured for him to come over with her arms.

‘Sí, come on Ian, unless you’re ready to relinquish the title to its rightful owner,’ Hailey laughed.

Ian jogged over quickly, wrapping his arms around the two, smiling widely at the camera. I loved seeing her smile and being happy with her friends. It was a picture-perfect moment. One I’ll cherish forever. We entered the reception, greeted by the cheers of our friends and family as they presented us. Rachel whistled the loudest, pinching her lower lip. We headed to the dance floor for our first song. ‘The Story’ by Davis Naish began to play as I swayed us around the dance floor.

‘You look so beautiful, my Rose. My wife.’ I smiled down at her before kissing her forehead. She leaned in, pressing my lips further into hers.

‘You look dashing yourself.’

‘Thank you for today. I’m happy you hid the journal entry from me, you sneaky little devil,’ I laughed as she blushed.

‘I am glad you liked it. Now I have to figure out how to get it back in the journal. I’m not sure glue will work.’ We both laughed as we continued to dance.

‘You’re my world, Rose. You and Abi both.’

‘I know, you’re ours too.’ When the song ended, I kissed her lips tenderly again, earning oo’s from everyone.

‘Ow, get a room, you two!’ someone yelled from the crowd, making Rose turn that beautiful shade of crimson.

‘Thank you for my happy ending, Rose.’

Olive’s P.O.V.

**Song Suggestion: “To Build A Home” by Holly Henry**

“Can I open my eyes yet?” I asked Lucas, feeling so impatient. I wanted to know what this surprise was.

When we arrived home from our honeymoon, he said we had one stop before we would get Abi. I was ready to see my daughter, but he said this couldn’t wait. He tied a tie over my eyes. I’m sure it was the tie he wore at the end of the aisle as he waited for me. I will forever remember the moment when our eyes met, and the rest of the world faded away. My husband.

“Almost,” he said with his hands on my hips as he guided me. I could see cobble stone steps through the small slit left between my cheeks and the tie. Where are we?He finally stopped pushing me forward. I could feel him step around me and stand before me as he slid the tie off my face. My eyes squinted as they got reacquainted with the light.

“I had this made for us when I found out you were pregnant. I used what I knew from your journals, and from the Daniels’ house as a sort of guide.”

Lucas was so excited as he spoke, flashing his beautiful smile at me. Those intense brown eyes held my gaze lovingly for a moment before he stepped out of the way, allowing me to see the most spectacular view. Amongst a planted garden, with a lot of the same flowers from the botanic garden we were married in, stood a tall stone house. Weathered stone covered the exterior of the house, along with various large windows. Elegant white shutters framed each window, which added a touch of sophistication to the overall design.

The beautiful garden surrounding the house is an oasis of colorful flowers, verdant trees, and well-manicured bushes. A winding cobblestone path led up to the house through a white archway covered in vines. It connects to a small wooden fence which encircles the entire property, constructed from rich, aged wood. They adorned the fence with intricate carvings and patterns, making it even more beautiful. It was absolutely perfect and all I could do was tear up as I stared at its marvelous beauty.

“Is this really ours?” I asked in utter disbelief.

“It is, do you like it?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder the way he loves to.

“I love it!” I cried. My joy flowed out of me through the tears slipping down my cheek.

“Let’s go get our Abi and bring her home. I’ve had all things moved in already, so you don’t have to worry about packing or unpacking. That’s the beauty of having too much money.”

“For once, I don’t mind this.” I laughed. We headed out to Sarah’s house to collect our beautiful baby girl. My world lit up again when I looked at her round face. A week without her felt like an eternity. Her head looked even smaller with the large flower on her headband. Sarah had dressed in an adorable white dress with pink flowers which swallowed her whole.

“My baby!” I cooed as I picked her up and nuzzled my head against hers. I sniffed the beautiful baby smell I had missed so much.

“Did you show her yet?” Sarah asked Lucas with an excited smile. She knew of the house.

“Yeah, I did.”

“I love it,” I added.

We spoke about the honeymoon and Sarah filled us in on what she and Abi had been up to while we were gone. I was happy to have Sarah in her life. She will teach Abi things I cannot, things you learn to grow up with money. I want her to be successful in any situation she may be put in. We left her house with our baby in tow and smiles all around.

“Ready to see the inside?” Lucas asked as he opened the red front door.

What he had accomplished was my lifelong dream. He had given me a house which gave me a warm and inviting feel. He adorned the cream-colored walls with various pictures ranging from our wedding to Abi’s newborn pictures. It felt surreal to see myself in these loving pictures, to be surrounded by a family. The hardwood floors were stressed with plush area rugs, each adding a layer of comfort to the space. To the left was the living room with a plush sofa and several armchairs ranged around a fireplace. There was a built-in bookshelf filled with books, more family photos, and various mementos, including the framed journal entry I read at our wedding.

To the right was the dining room, which beckoned to be used for large family dinners. There was a large wooden table surrounded by comfortable chairs. A sparkling chandelier hung above, adding a touch of elegance to the room. The kitchen, which was beyond the dining room, was large, begging to be used to make enormous meals. It was spacious, with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, plus plenty of storage space.

Once I felt satisfied exploring the first floor, we all headed up the stairs to discover the second floor of our new home. The first room I ventured into was Abi’s. Lucas had her walls painted a soft shade of pink with shelves hung against them. Stuffed animals share space on the shelves with books and toys. A comfortable rocking chair sat near the crib, perfect for late-night feedings and quiet moments with my Abi girl.

Our room was down the hall from Abi’s, but unlike hers, we had double doors opening to our room. In the center sat our sizable king-sized bed, as if on center stage, illuminated by the sunlight casting in from the large window. The window took up nearly an entire wall to the left. The sunlight bounced off the light-colored walls, giving it a warm and inviting feel.

To the left were two separate walk-in closets, one for him and one for me. Although mine held more clothes than I owned before we left for our honeymoon. Between the walk-in closets was the door to the en-suite bathroom, which split into two sections. One side featured a large soaking tub for two and the other a spacious glass-walled shower. The vanity has two sinks, providing ample space for us both to have our own area.

This room, Abi’s nursery, the whole first floor, the entire house, was absolutely perfect. Lucas had made us a house in which we could build a home in. The thing I most longed for, he had given to me without me having to say a word. He built my dream house from my journal entries and visiting the house I most envied.

“Thank you, my husband. Thank you so much.” I cried as he kissed my forehead tenderly.

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