Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 34

Julius stood before me, dressed as Prince Charming. As if. I felt his eyes roam my body, and I hated the fact he knew what I looked like naked, hated that he knew what I felt like from the inside. I should have known he’d be here. He likes going to these kinds of parties.

‘Leave me alone, Julius.’

‘Come on, Liv. You’re all alone. Let me keep you company. I miss you.’ He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it away.

‘You wouldn’t have to miss me if you wouldn’t have cheated. How many times, and with how many people, did you cheat?’ I asked him the question plaguing my mind since I found him deep inside Clover.

‘Just once. One time,’ he lied with confidence.

‘You can tell me the truth, Julius. It’s not like I’ll ever take you back.’

‘It is the truth,’ he lied again, only making me angrier.

‘Go away, Julius,’ I sighed.

‘Come on, Liv. You shouldn’t be alone here.’

‘She’s not alone.’ Lucas reemerged behind him, making Julius take a step back and eye Lucas curiously. He was unsure of who he was or what his comment meant. Lucas met his eyes with apathy before looking at me. He had a soccer ball under his arm, making me smile. He wanted to show me his skills in exchange for me playing the guitar for him. I ignored Julius completely, smiling at Lucas widely.

‘Hello, my love.’ I greeted him, only trying to emphasize to Julius that I’m taken already. Lucas walked over to me, leaning down and kissing me so passionately, practically fucking my mouth with his tongue.

‘Want to see my ball skills?’ He asked in a lude way, making me laugh.

‘Very much so.’

Julius was still there, just watching. He didn’t say a word or make a move. He stood there, almost frozen in shock. I guess he never imagined I would move on so quickly. Maybe he assumed I would be pining over him for a while, waiting to take him back. He’s an idiot. One I cannot believe I wasted so much time with. Lucas turned, finally looking at Julius again.

‘You’re still here?’ He asked in a taunting way. ‘Come on then, love. I’ll show you my skills.’ Lucas held his hand out for me to take, and I didn’t waste a second grabbing it.

He led me away from Julius, saving me again. He found a spot further off from the festivities before turning to me with a smirk. I eyed him curiously as he threw the ball down on the ground. He kicked it up onto his foot skillfully. The ball was shot up, and somehow landed neatly on his bent knee. He shot it up, landing it on his other knee. I never realized how sexy soccer could be. I loved seeing him play with the ball so well, doing things I had only ever seen in movies.

‘Damn.’ I muttered, very impressed with him. ‘You’re so amazing.’ He winked at me, catching the ball with his hands, placing it back under his arm.

‘Your turn, Rose,’ he said, pointing to a stage with a guitar sat on it.

‘No way! I’m not doing it in front of everyone!’ I shook my head vigorously.

‘Come on, Rose. I know you’ll sound amazing. I’ll come up there with you. We can sing together or if you want I’ll sing, and you play.’ He was desperate to hear me play, and although it made me nervous, I couldn’t help but give in to those eyes.

‘What do you want me to play?’

‘Do you know “The Mortician’s Daughter” by Black Veil Brides?’

‘Yeah, but it’s been a while.’

‘Come on, Rose. Let’s go put on a show.’

He grabbed my hand excitedly, dragging me to the stage. It was a small stage only about 8 ft by 6 ft or something. The guitar was perched on a stand beside a bar stool. There was a mic stand, in front of it, standing tall, yet not tall enough for Lucas. He bent down, adjusting it to his height while I grabbed the guitar and strapped it around me.

I strummed the strings and adjusted the tune, gaining the attention of a lot more people than I would have liked. I was feeling nervous as hell, but when Lucas’ eyes landed on me, it all faded away. It was like it was just him and me up here with everyone else fading away. I’ve heard him sing in the car before, but hearing him sing into a mic with only the sound of my guitar playing was completely different. It was amazing. He had a nice voice, one that made my heart race. It was hard to explain, but his singing did things to my body I didn’t know a voice could do.

It was the clapping, when we finished, that brought me back to reality. I blushed deeply, feeling so self-conscious at the moment. My blush only deepened when Lucas leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss.

‘Thank you, Rose!’ He smiled widely at me, only washing away my insecurities again.

I am not sure how he manages it, but he always makes me feel better…stronger. One look from him and all my troubles are pushed back, only to surface again when he’s gone. Being in his presence is like feeling the warm rays of the sun against my skin. He brings me a warmth and happiness I didn’t know was possible.

I woke up to my head pounding. I drank too much playing with Lucas, Leo and Rachel. It was our own fault for coming up with a game to get Leo and Rachel to confess their feelings to one another. Our plan didn’t work, ultimately resulting in a hangover from hell for no reason. I groaned, squinting my eyes at the bright light leaking in from between the curtains.

‘Ugh, too bright!’ I complained.

‘I told you, you’d regret that last whiskey.’ Lucas’ scruff voice made me smile, like always. He kissed my forehead sweetly before getting up and closing the curtain more for me. ‘Better?’

‘So much better!’ I nodded. He crawled back in bed with me, pulling me into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me, so he was embracing me tightly against him. I smiled at him happily.

‘Want to stay in bed all day?’ he asked me with a smirk.

‘Yes! A thousand times, yes.’ I said, with my eyes closed again. Staying in bed sounded good, staying in bed with Lucas all day sounded perfect. He chuckled at my response, squeezing me tightly against them again.

‘Okay, stay in bed we shall.’

Lucas spun us in one fell swoop, so I was lying on my back with him propped on his elbows over me. He smiled mischievously at me before bending down and kissing me hungrily. I knew exactly what he had in mind now, and although my head was throbbing, I loved the feeling of him against me. I won’t mind this one bit. His lips left my own, trailing down my neck, over my collarbone and down to the top of my exposed chest.

‘I’m hungry, Rose, and I don’t mean for food.’ His voice made my heart flutter with excitement.

‘What are you hungry for, my Knight?’

You,’ he whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps to develop down my arms.

Mmm, then feel free to have me however you like.’

Lucas’ intense brown eyes stared down at me happily. He loved whenever I let him do what he liked. Hell, I loved it more. He knows so much more than I do, surprising me with things I didn’t know I would like. Our experiences are different, but we both still enjoy each other in a carnal way.

‘Are you sure, Rose?’

Very,’ I assured him.

His hungry eyes grew as he grabbed my flimsy pajama shirt and tore it open. I couldn’t believe he had done it, but the action was damn hot. I had never had clothes torn off me before. He hadn’t struggled to do it either, so it wasn’t awkward fumbling. It was powerful and needy, and dammit if it didn’t have me getting wet already.

His lips kissed the tall hills of my braless breasts as he worked his way down. He kissed my stomach, continuing to trail his lips against my skin as he pulled my shorts and underwear off together. He stood, taking his own clothes off while I watched, never breaking eye contact. His hands snaked around my thigh, pulling it towards his hip. I felt the tip of his hard shaft brush against my entrance teasingly. With his hand still gripping my thigh tightly, he thrust himself inside me so deep he hit my cervix. He stayed there a moment, unmoving, only watching my eyes with his own.

He started his movements slow, working me up more until he quickened them to the point I was screaming. His movements would die back down and then he would slowly build me back up again. It drove me mad with want and desire. The pleasure deep inside me felt ready to burst for him. He enjoyed the fact I was moaning and begging for him to go faster.

‘Not yet, my Rose,’ he’d whisper any time I wanted more, more speed, more force, more of him deep inside me.

It was absolutely pleasurable, yet torturous. After so much teasing, Lucas finally let me reach my climax, causing a yell of pleasure so loud it reverberated through the walls. He didn’t stop there either, flipping me over onto my stomach. With my face pressed against the mattress and my ass high in the air, Lucas penetrated me again. His hips slapped against my ass while his balls hit my clit with every forceful thrust. I found myself coming undone so quickly. It was like all the teasing had made it 100 times easier for me to orgasm.

The morning continued this way until I had reached my peak too many times to count. My body felt light, almost numb by the time we stopped. Yet there was a part of me that still wanted more. A part that didn’t want to let him out of me. He came so deep inside me barely any of it leaked out when he pulled out. He licked my neck like an animal when we were done, making me shiver happily.

‘I love you, Olive Brewer.’ He whispered to me, as he held me close.

‘I love you, Lucas Porter.’

‘Move in with me?’ He asked, making my heart stop and my mind race.

The question hung in the air for several minutes. I knew I needed to say something, but all coherent thoughts escaped me. I love him, and he loves me. We laid ourselves bare for one another after his accident, but we’ve only been together about a month. Is it too short of a time to move in together? Yet, all I wanted to do was blurt out yes. I mean, we stay together every night, anyway. What’s the difference?

‘No,’ I started, and the hurt on his face killed me. ‘Move in with me instead. I don’t want to lose my mom’s flat.’

The joy that rekindled in his eyes made my heart swell. He propped himself on his elbows over me again, kissing me so deeply he stole my breath away. He smiled down at me, a smile I had yet to see before. The happiness radiated off of us in waves. I know everyone will say it’s way too early, but it feels right. We love each other and we’re practically with one another every day and night. We pretty much live together already, but between two places.

‘Thank you, Rose!’ He squeezed me tightly against him, almost knocking the air out of my lungs. ‘You’ve made me the happiest man.’ He kissed my neck multiple times, making me shiver with goosebumps.

We laid naked on the bed for a while, cuddled into each other with our legs intertwined. We were happy and content to lay there silently with one another. His soft breaths tickled my neck, sending waves of happiness through me. I loved being here with him at this moment. I didn’t want to let him go, to let this moment pass.


‘Yes, my dear Rose?’

‘Let’s go pack.’ I was excited to have him move in with me already.

‘But…bed,’ he groaned.

‘One more hour,’ I said.

‘One more hour,’ he confirmed with a smile.

‘What is this?’ I asked Lucas, holding up some random black straps that looked almost like a harness.

‘Hmm, I can show you later.’ He winked, making me throw it right at his face with a blush.

‘I think I’ll let you finish packing up this area,’ I said, moving away from what I realized were actually a lot of sex toys.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to see all the things I’ll use on you in the future?’ He gave me a playful smirk. I shook my head at him as I moved on to another area. Lucas actually didn’t have much. He said all the furniture could stay, it’s his dad’s apartment. We packed his clothes, his toys, his office, and some small personal items he had. We were done within three hours.

‘I’m starving! What about you?’

‘Famished!’ I rubbed my stomach.

‘Let’s go. I know the perfect place.’ He grabbed both my hands, pulling me off the ground. ‘I’ll have someone bring the boxes to your flat. Let’s go enjoy ourselves.’

‘What do you have in mind?’

‘Trust me Rose.’ He smiled at me like a small child. And you know what? I did trust him. I trusted him completely.

‘Okay.’ I nodded.

He pulled me out of the apartment, rushing me to the car. He was so excited, which only made me wonder where he was taking me. He played a song with no words but a happy melodic tune. The sun felt so nice with the convertible top down. A happy feeling deep inside me, seeping into my bones. Lucas pulled into the parking lot of a small building. I eyed him curiously as he parked. When he turned to look at me, he had a mischievous grin on his face.

‘Time to play,’ he said, hopping out of the car and running to my side.

We walked hand in hand inside the small building. The doors opened to reveal some arcade games on the front right. Towards the back left were a ton of pool tables, where most people were right now. To the right of us was a large circular desk with vests and guns behind them. Finally, in the back, there were bowling lanes, with a concession and prize counter as well. Lucas led me towards the right. It seems we would be playing laser tag together, and I felt so excited to beat his ass. I’ve only ever played a few times, and each time was with Ian. I had come out victorious every time, so my confidence in winning was high. We weren’t the only ones playing, of course, but we made sure to be on different teams.

‘I love you, Rose, but you’re going down,’ he whispered in my ear as we separated, entering the battlegrounds of sorts from different sides.

‘If I were you, I’d start to worry about being beaten by a rose,’ I said as I sauntered away confidently.

Our game started, and I stayed hidden amongst the shadows. I made my way through the arena, looking for Lucas. I shot a few kids along the way, always catching them off guard. I was behind a column, hiding away as the enemy passed me by. My vest flashed before me, letting me know I had been shot. I looked around, finding Lucas’ smug smirk above me. He got me.

I ran off, trying to hide again. Everywhere I went, Lucas would somehow find me before I even spotted him. It was beginning to annoy me at how easily he was winning. I hadn’t shot him once, yet he’d shot me 5 times already. I’ll get him at least once. I hid well, waiting for him to find him. I saw him pass me by, not noticing me for once. I was able to shoot him, making me jump out and do a little victory dance, only resulting in me being shot by someone else. I slapped my forehead in response, making Lucas laugh.

‘I think I may win this one, Rose.’ He winked at me before running off. I gave chase, and the game continued this way until Lucas’ team came out victorious.

‘You’re cute when you pout,’ Lucas teased me, kissing my cheek. I shoved his chest lightly in protest.

‘Am not.’

‘Extremely cute.’

We headed towards the delicious smell of food, beckoning me forward. I ordered a pretzel, a hot dog, and a red cherry Icee. Lucas ordered a couple pizza slices, a pretzel, and a blue Icee. I played with his feet under the table as we ate. I was having fun, feeling like a kid again. Lucas always had a way of making my troubles fade.

‘Want to play pool next, or go bowling?’ he asked me when we finished eating.


He nodded, taking my trash for me and then returning to collect me. He grabbed my hand and found us a table to play, setting the balls up for us as I grabbed our sticks. Lucas went first, showing me he was a master at pool. He’d almost gotten all his balls in before it was even my turn. I’d gotten a few balls in, but was having trouble finding the right shot to take with one of my balls. I felt Lucas’ arms snake around me as he leaned over me.

‘Try this,’ he said, adjusting my arms, shoulders, and hips. He then guided me into hitting the cue ball, having me shoot my solid red into the pocket. I smiled widely, happy to have gotten it.

‘Thank you,’ I said, turning to kiss those lips of his.

We placed our sticks back once our game was over. Lucas had won again. It seemed he was not the kind of guy to let someone beat them because they were a girl. I would be mad if I won with him not giving me his all. He seemed to understand that about me, not taking it easy on me at all. We bowled next, laughing at the amount of gutter balls I was getting. Lucas would show me how to do it, and I loved it when he did. I had honestly never been bowling before.

‘It’s like you’ve never been bowling before,’ Lucas teased me.

‘I haven’t,’ I said, making him freeze beside me.

‘I’m sorry, Rose. I was only teasing you. I didn’t think this was actually your first time.’ He had a somber tone as he apologized.

‘Don’t worry about it. I’m glad it’s my first time with you.’ I kissed his cheek before taking my shot. It hit 2 pins, and I celebrated a little too loudly. ‘I actually hit some pins!” I smiled at him happily.

‘You’re too much.’ He shook his head with a smirk.

The day was amazing and filled with so much fun and excitement. I was happy Lucas thought to take me here. Although I lost at absolutely everything we did, I still enjoyed it. It was the first time I was happy to lose. Best part about losing is someone else gets to win. And in this case, that someone else is Lucas.

‘Ready to go home?’ He asked me, making me smile. Home, our home now.

‘Ready.’ I nodded at him, following him out to the car.

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