Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 25

I couldn’t believe Lucas had taken me here. I had no idea he and Davis had stayed in touch since I last brought him here. The idea of him wanting to come and watch me fight filled me with joy. He was supporting me even before all this.

I feel stupid for not letting him in sooner than now. I can feel myself falling in love with him already, and it frightens me. I know the longer this goes on the more in love with him I’ll fall. This is different from what I felt for Julius. It already feels so much more intense. I am frightened of how badly Lucas will break me if anything were to happen.

‘What’d you do to her?’ Davis marched past me, right to Lucas, ready to strike. In my excitement, I hadn’t realized how it might look to come here with an already sweltering cheek. I raced after Davis, trying to save Lucas from the blunt force of one of his punches.

‘It wasn’t him. I swear!’ I yelled over the thundering music and yells of the enormous crowd.

‘Don’t defend the asshole, Twinkle Toes.’ Davis didn’t believe me.

‘You think I’d let him do this to me? Get serious, Davis.’ I placed my hands on my hips, giving him a stern look, even though his gaze stayed fixed on Lucas.

He pried his eyes away for a moment to look at me. His shoulders deflated as he took in my seriousness. He sighed, wiping his hand over his face and dragging it down, pulling on the skin in the process.

‘Explain.’ He pointed to my cheek.

He knew I would never get hit in a fight on the face. The only way for me to get hurt like this is unexpectedly. I let out a breath, staring into Davis’ caring eyes. The man was large, with muscles so thick you would think they’d burst the sleeves of all his shirts. His long dirty blonde hair was in its usual viking braid. He could instill fear in anyone, yet he cared the deepest of all the people I knew. Once Davis accepts you as family, you’ll forever be in his care. He’ll forever worry over you. Davis was the father I wished I had.

‘My dad’s in town.’

Davis’ eyes narrowed, and his teeth clenched at the news. I’d told Davis about my father before. Shared my whole life story with the man the night I won the championship. He’d heard it all, and accepted me into the fold. I’m forever grateful to Davis for giving me this place, for his confidence in me.

‘That motherfucker.’ Davis seemed intent on punching something with the anger boiling deep inside him. ‘Get up there, you’re up. We’ll talk about this more later.’

He gestured to the ring behind him where the last fight had ended. The crowd was still energized and it didn’t take long to hear them cheer, as my name was being announced. I turned to Lucas, who only gave me his playful smile as he gestured with his head for me to go. He held out a hair tie he had dug out of his pocket. I am not sure when he grabbed it, but I was grateful as I took it. I kissed his cheek before heading towards the ring, not wasting any time. My hands were taped and my mouth guard was in place. I was up against a larger man. He towered over me, forcing me to look up at him when he was near.

He had larger muscles than I, but I knew his larger body would make it easier for me. I’d found the larger they were, the more blind spots they had. Like their muscles made it hard to reach there. I looked outside the ring to find Lucas and Davis deep in conversation. I wondered, for a moment, what they were speaking about before reminding myself to focus on the fight. I shook out my feet, arms, and hands as I jumped between my feet.

I heard the announcer start the fight in not so many words, seeing the muscles flex in the man’s calves as he stepped forward to kick me. I knew it would hurt to even block, so I fell to my knees, leaning back, letting his leg fly over me, narrowly missing my nose. I felt the wind, from the force of his kick, brush past my skin. I spun on my knee, swiftly standing back up behind him now. I was never one for attacking people from behind so I waited for him to turn, before I double tapped his side.

It hurt him, but he didn’t slow down. He brought his fist into my stomach with a great force, causing me to almost hurl immediately. I caught my breath, spinning around him on the balls of my feet as he tried to swing at me again. I hooked my ankle around his own, pulling so he was forced to take a step out, or risk falling. He did as I assumed and moved his leg out. I used that moment, when his muscles relaxed, to pull his leg all the way out, causing him to fall forward.

He didn’t stay down long, jumping back up like a springboard. He aimed for my face, but those punches are always the easiest for me to read. This guy was tough, but nothing I couldn’t beat with a little effort. I twisted and spun all around him, easily avoiding his punches, while simultaneously making him dizzy. My opponents never realized the way I dodged is meant to inebriate them in a way. They lose focus when they track me as I block, making me this big spinning blur around them.

When I saw him sway on his feet without meaning to, I knew it was time to end it. I fell to the floor, sweeping his leg out from under him. When he fell to the ground, I jumped on him, pummeling him as he lay under me. I knew my punches were too aggressive, but I kept thinking of my dad and everything he’d done.

I hadn’t noticed I had been announced the winner, or the fight had ended, until a large arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me out of the ring. My opponent laid on the ring floor, bruised and beaten as I fought against the arm holding me. I kicked the air like a mad woman, until a pair of familiar hands found me. Lucas stood before, eyes wide and concerned. He held my face, pulling all my attention to him. His thumb rubbed my uninjured cheek, while his other hand ever so lightly grazed where my father had struck me.

‘It’s okay, Rose. We got you.’ Lucas assured me.

I let all the tears pour out of me as Davis let me go, allowing me into the passionate embrace of Lucas. Lucas lifted me up, carrying me bridal style as he followed Davis to the back, past some double doors. This corridor only held a few wanderers from the crowd around the rings. Davis continued to lead us until we were in a small room away from others. I felt some catharsis as the tears dried. I’d poured all my anger out and then all my pent-up emotions. I felt like a blank slate. A dingy, almost broken slate, but a blank one all the same. I will no longer carry my father on my slate.

‘I want the full story, Twinkle Toes.’ Davis crossed his arms as he leaned against the tattered large desk of the room–I’m convinced–used to be an office at one point or another.

‘There’s not much to say. He showed up, we argued, he slapped me, and then I kicked him out of my flat. He told me he was staying at a nearby motel and he wouldn’t be leaving until we spoke again,’ I quickly explained with a nasally voice because of the stuffy nose I’d given myself from crying.

‘He’ll be leaving alright.’ Davis uttered through his teeth. ‘Here’s your money, fireball. I’ll leave you two alone to talk. Don’t forget, championships are coming up soon. You need to win at least 2 more fights to enter. You interested?’

‘Extremely,’ I answered with an excited grin.

‘I’ll tell you when and where.’ Davis left after uttering those words, leaving Lucas and me alone in this dusty old office. My heart hammered against my chest as I stared into those intense brown eyes. He looked at me so tenderly I felt I could melt.

This man has a hold over my heart and my body like no other.

‘What are you doing?’ I asked Lucas as his fingers slid into the waistband of my pants as he drove.

‘Pleasuring my Rose,’ he answered matter-of-factly, like this was completely normal.

The thrill I was getting from this was higher than I thought it would be. His hand slipped further down my pants as he continued to drive, never once taking his eyes off the road. We were headed back to my flat after having a heavy make-out session in the dingy old office. I knew I was still pretty wet from it, but Lucas didn’t know until now. I saw his lips turn into his sexy arrogant smirk.

‘My dear Rose, I didn’t realize you’d be so wet for me already.’ His smirk widen at his comment.

His finger slid inside me as Change by Deftones began to play in the background. My heart raced and my legs parted for him of their own accord. His finger began to slide in and out of me, at times just rubbing against the walls of my core. I couldn’t hold back the moan from ripping through me, to his delight. He continued to toy with me until he got what he wanted. My heart hammered and the walls of my core clenched around his fingers as I came. I’d never been fingered in a car with someone who was driving. It was thrilling knowing anyone could have seen any time we stopped at a red light.

We couldn’t get to the flat any faster, and once there, Lucas practically tore the door down to get me inside. We discarded our clothes all along the floor as we kissed. Only breaking apart to pull our shirts off. I kept walking backwards, unsure of my destination. I felt the cold leather of my couch arm against my bare thighs. Lucas pushed me back, having me fall fully onto the couch from the side. He didn’t climb over me as I thought he would. No, instead he lifted my ass and placed it on the arm of the couch. He slapped his dick against my clit, making me gasp.

He teased me with the tip, rubbing it all along the outside of my center. He eventually inserted the tip of his dick inside me, only to pull it out and do it over again. The teasing had me begging for more. It wasn’t until Lucas was satisfied with my pleas that he decided to fully enter me, gracing me with the immense pleasure only his enormous shaft brought me. So began our hours of pleasure.

‘Shit, don’t stop!’ I yelled as Lucas slammed into me faster.

I pressed my face against the cold wood of my table as he had bent me over and inserted himself deep inside me. His hand played with my clit as he hammered into me. The sound of our skin slapping against each other echoed around the loft. Lucas held my bun in his other hand, lightly tugging it back so I lifted my head and exposed my neck. I moaned loudly, as the action only caused me to feel more pleasure.

‘Cum again for me, Rose. Yell my name,’ he commanded, pressing harder against the bundle of nerves between my legs.

‘Oh, fuck—Lucas!’ I yelled out as I came, gripping my hands into tight fists. Lucas thrusted into me faster until I felt the spurt of his seed shoot deep inside me. I moaned as I felt it. Lucas didn’t pull out immediately, either. He kept himself inside me, growing flaccid by the minute. We were both out of breath at this point.

Lucas never disappointed me in anything he did. Every touch, lick, and suck brought me to new heights. Lucas kissed my exposed shoulder lovingly, causing my heart to squeeze. I hadn’t realized it, but I actually enjoyed being kissed there. It felt so tender and sweet, filling my heart with joy.

‘You’re so beautiful, Rose,’ he whispered into my ear before kissing my neck.

‘Mmm, don’t start or I’ll be getting you hard again.’ I bit my lip, somehow feeling like I could take on more of him. No matter how many orgasms he brought me, it was never enough. I felt like I wasn’t living until we were wrapped in one another. He was like this other piece of me, making me feel whole when we were together. I can’t get enough of him physically, sexually, or emotionally. I’m so fucked.

‘Lucas?’ I called his name.

‘Yes, my Rose?’

‘Don’t hurt me,’ I whispered, feeling all kinds of vulnerability.

‘Never,’ he swore. I stood up, causing him to have to step back, finally releasing himself from me. I turned to look into those brown eyes, determined to voice how I was truly feeling. I can’t keep holding back if I am serious about him being solely mine.

‘I mean it, Lucas, because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Especially not this quickly. You’ll crush what little of a heart I have left.’ Lucas pressed me flush against his chest, letting our bare skin touch again. He held my chin, keeping my eyes on his.

‘I promise you, Rose. I will never intentionally hurt you. You’re all I want.’

With those words I’ve been longing to hear, he kissed me so passionately it was like we were the only ones on the planet. This was our moment, one I would never relinquish. When Lucas’ mouth finally left my own, his gaze melted me further. His eyes held such love I felt I could crumble beneath the weight of it.

‘You’re all I want too,’ I admitted. I know Leo told me not to tell Lucas I had chosen him already, but how could I not? ‘I choose you, Lucas.’ The smile he graced me with was unlike any other. He squeezed me tightly, holding me closer to him, if that was even possible. His lips captured my own again in another tender and loving kiss. Yes, I’m still scared, but I won’t let it keep me from living.

‘You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, Rose. Let’s get you washed off and in bed now,’ he said. ‘You’ve had a long day.’

Lucas joined me in the shower, washing my hair and my body for me. He kissed me from time to time, on my shoulder, on my thigh, on my stomach, and even on my knee. Every kiss was gentle and caring. This man had my heart so wrapped in him, and I don’t think he even realizes it. He dried me, dressed me, and carried me to bed. I didn’t miss the fact he grabbed one of my  journals earlier and placed it on the nightstand. He laid me down, crawling in under the covers with me. He was sitting up, leaning back against the headboard as he rubbed my back with his left hand. His right hand held my journal open as he read it. I closed my eyes, feeling myself lull to sleep with every aimless rub. His fingers were like magic against my skin.

‘Goodnight, my Rose.’ I heard him whisper.

‘Goodnight, my Knight.’ I whispered back.

Lucas was my Knight and shining armor. I felt like he was constantly saving me. He’s always at my side when I need him. He knows exactly what to say to me to make me feel better, even knowing how to cheer me up. The stunts he has pulled and the comments he has made are things that have shown me how much he knows me, how much he understands me. Lucas is everything I didn’t know I needed and more.

I need to start fighting for him, too. This isn’t a one-way thing. I’ve decided he is the one I wish to be with, so I’ll fight to make him mine. I’ll fight to keep him here with me, to make him fall in love with me, too. A relationship is a two-way street and I feel I’ve been sorely lacking. I’m determined to do better, and I plan to.

‘Your Knight?’ I heard the smile in his voice. I kept my eyes closed, feeling too tired to open them again. My body was so relaxed and ready for sleep every unfiltered thought I had, felt ready to leave my mouth.

‘Yes, my Knight. You’ve saved me a lot, Lucas, so you’re my Knight in shining armor.’ It grew silent for a moment, but his rubbing never stopped.

‘I think I like that,’ he said, kissing my head sweetly. ‘I’ll be your Knight whenever you need me to be. You should know, you’ve saved me too, Rose.’

His comment surprised me, because I felt all I’ve done was make him wait too long for me. I feel I’ve brought my own family drama into his life. He’s even fallen behind on work because of me. I don’t see how I could have saved him, but I didn’t ask. Sleep took hold of me, not willing to relinquish me from its grasp.

I felt myself drift off into a strange dream.

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