Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 99

Chapter Ninety-Nine: Morning run
My claws sank into the damp soil of the first floor. Ja son and Aaron ran ahead of me, letting out playful yips and growls. Their
footfalls were muffled by the damp leaves, but I could still hear them even as they darted around the trees in a strange game of
hide and go seek mixed with tag.
I wanted to play like they were, to have that bonding moment with my alpha and my packmate. But I couldn’t.
Running was helping to take my mind off of the worry and shock that was hitting me in waves through the bond that I shared with
Tillie. It was a strange feeling and one that I wasn’t used to.
I was trying not to worry about her, but the stress that I could feel coming from her. It made me want to go to her, to take her in
my arms and protect her from whatever was making her feel like this. I was anxious that it was Travis, Ja son, and I that were
making her feel like this.
Things had been nonstop since we had met her and I knew that she was only human. Even if she wasn’t being mated to three
shifters was a lot for one person. She need
ed time to take that all in and there was so much that we needed to talk about but we didn’t have the time just yet.
We would later. I just hoped that when we did, it wasn’t too late.
I needed to relax and just run. My mate was with her best friend. She needed that time; she needed to learn the truth about
Charity. I just hoped that she took it better than she had last night with us. Travis was still upset that she would think that he
would drug her.
Another wave of some strange emotion hit me again and I staggered. Regaining my footing, I looked at Jason, his wolf was a
deep dark gray. His eyes were darkened with worry. He had felt it too. He must have with the way that he stopped running. How
he turned to look back at me, his head tilted to the side.
He hadn’t said anything about her leaving, but I knew that he was worried that she would run too.
We would hunt her down if she did. That was a given. I knew Travis was almost hoping that she would run. Out of the three of
us, I knew my brat liked the chase. He was into the whole primal play thing and there were no secrets about it between us.

He had mentioned it to me before, but I hadn’t tried to think about it too much. Now that I had met Tillie, I couldn’t
seem to stop thinking about it.
Everything was new between us, but I knew how close to his wolf he was. More so than Jason or I were. I could feel it now, the
struggle that he was having understanding why our mate was so upset this morning.
For us, it was just one of those things that we accepted and understood. This was something that she probably wasn’t used to.
That was okay. With time, she would come to love us just as we were going to love her.
| ran forward and my beast gave way to the chase, pushing my legs faster to catch up with Aaron. The beast was excited about
the idea of hunting our mate. He longed for the chase and that was something I hadn’t realized that he wanted
Hunting Tillie would test my control, it would test my limits. She was mine, mine to care for. Mine to protect.
I could just imagine what it would be like when I caught her, how I would show her what she meant to me. How | would punish
her. I wanted to show her what would happen if she ran from me.
To make her walk that line between pain and pleasure. To see her body writhe on the forest floor as she cried out daddy.
Begging me to fuck her, to take care of her.
Which I would, again and again. Until she cried out for me and my name was the only thing that she could think about or say. I
wanted to take her to that sweet spot where she would babble for me. Where she would cry out, her pretty, pink pussy clutching
at my cock, my fingers, my tongue. Anything. It didn’t matter as long as she came for me after a good spanking.
I wanted her to crave the sweet relief and care that I could give her. Afterwards, I would take her inside and bathe her. Soothe
her sore body with a warm bubble bath and a massage.
Listening to the sweet sounds that she would make, those soft sighs and moans of pleasure.
I wanted that. To show her that she was mine after a good hunt. I wanted to see what would happen when Travis caught her.
If he would be able to control himself or would he taste our mate before burying himself deep inside of her? Crying out her name
as he thrust deep inside of her from behind. His hand wrapped around her throat, forcing her to watch me as he took at a rough
pace that had her keening for him.

A growl slipped past my lips and my heart thudded in my chest as I thought about how she would look when Ja son caught her.
Her glossy hair shimmering darkly in the
moonlight as he forced her to ride him, making her take her pleasure from him. Her hands bound behind her back in soft leather
cuffs that were clasped together.
Goddess, the things that I wanted to do to my little mate. The things that I wanted to see done to her. I couldn’t help but wonder if
Jason and Travis were having the same thoughts as I was?
. 1 darted past my alpha and he let out a howl before tearing off after me. Nipping at my heels. I was getting closer to Aaron. His
smaller form moved closer to the tree line and I let out a howl.
An answering howl sounded from up ahead and I knew that it was Travis. I could feel it. His nearness excited me. I let it push me
forward, driving me to the lead with Jason hot on my heels. We passed Aaron, making our way past the treeline and up to the
pack house.

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