Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 76

Chapter Seventy-Six: Being taken by the alpha
I stepped into the shower. The warm water felt amazing against my skin as it rinsed away the grime of the day. Moving beneath
the water, it flowed over my hair. I turned around, lifting my arms above my head to look at Jason.
He had tossed the strip of towel up over the shower rod, giving it a sharp tug to make sure that it could handle what he was
about to do. He stepped into the shower. It wasn’t as big as the one at Jason’s, but it was bigger than the shower at my
Jason crowded close to me. His hands moved to my hips, Gripping me tightly before he pulled me closer to him, his lips pressed
against mine. I needed to touch him, but when I started to lower my hands, he growled against my lips. I kept them up even as
the muscles started to burn. His dps were not on mine his mouth demanding as he kissed me deeply with all of the pas sion that
he had been holding back. His thumbs stroked over the swell of my hips as he pressed his hardened length against my lower
The warm metal from his piercing pressed against my skin and I shook, remembering the feel of it against the opening of my
pussy as he fucked himself into me. How he had moaned and thrust himself deeper into my mouth when I scraped my teeth
against the skin around it. One of these days I was going to get to take my time playing with that piercing, seeing exactly how
good I could make him feel.
For now, I was happy to give myself to him. To let him take care of the heat that was slowly building in the pit of my stomach. I
needed him so much.
His tongue moved against mine and I moaned into the kiss, threading my fingers together to keep from touching him as my arms
started to shake. Jason stroked his thumbs over the curve of my hips and over my belly before skating his fingertips over my
I squirmed, trying not to pull away from him as his hands and he nipped at my lower lip. “Kit
Jason.” I whispered, trying to keep my voice low as he brought his hands up to cup my breasts in his palms. His thumbs stroking
over the hardened peaks of my nipples. He played with them, his lips moving against mine until I was willing to beg him to ease
the ache that he was causing
His hand moved up to the side of my neck, gripping it before he leaned back to look at me. “You are mine, Tillie.“

I nodded and he kissed me hard, his other hand tugging at my nipple hard before he moved his hand up to take both of my
“Jason, please.” I begged and he smiled against my lips, his cock jumping against my stom ach
“Tell me what you want, kitten.”
You, I want you Jason.” I whispered and his smile grew. He pulled his hand away from the side of my neck, walking me
backwards to pin my hands against the wall above my head. His
other hand moved down my body until his long fingers brushed against the outer lips of my pussy
“Here, is this where you want me?” He asked, teasing his fingertips through my folds.
I bit my lower lip, holding back the moan as I let out a little whine. “Yes.”
“You want me to fill you up with my cum, don’t you kitten?” He growled, working two fingers into my slick channel and I bit my lip
harder. “You want me to put a baby inside of you, don’t you?”
“Yes.” | gasped, his fingers working in and out of me. His thumb brushed against my clitoris and the back of my head hit the tiled
wall as I closed my eyes. It wasn’t that I wanted to have kids yet, but hearing him talk to me like that made me want him inside of
me now. “Jason, fuck me.”
He didn’t say anything, he pulled out his fingers before thrusting three of them in and out of my pussy. Stretching me out so that
when he fucked me, it would be so much better.
“You’re going to have my baby, Tillie.” His words were rough and his eyes had grown dark. His fingers worked faster and my legs
started to tremble, my hips jerking back and forth as he worked my body higher. I was so close, I just needed a little bit more.
“I’m going to come so deep inside of you that you won’t get out of here without a part of me growing inside of you.”
My pussy clamped down around his fingers and he groaned before leaning closer to kiss and nip at my lips as he pulled his
fingers from my body. I cried out, watching him step back. Reaching for the strip of towel, he grabbed it. Pulling it off of the
shower rod, he looped the fab ric over my wrists before securing them with a knot. With the end of the rope, he wrapped it
around the shower rod. Pulling it tight so that I was pinned down. It would have been uncomfort able, but right now I didn’t care.

I knew that Jason was about to lay a claim on me in a way that he hadn’t before. The man before me was all alpha and he was
going to take what was his.
“Fuck me, please.” I whispered and his hand moved to my thigh, lifting me up so that I was pinned between him and the wall. He
hooked my thigh over his hip before lining the head of his dick up with my entrance. I rocked my hips forward and he growled
before pressing his lips to mine to swallow my cries as he thrust his dick deep inside of me.

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