Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 62

Chapter Sixty-Two: Our mating should be special
Travis and Jason shifted back to their human form, moving to join Gideon and me as we kneeled beside Ryan. I had been
shocked to see Jason and Travis kill that wolf, but that fear had been quickly replaced by fear at seeing the black wolf lying on
the forest floor. His dark fur was coated with a thick layer of blood and was dirty. I had been afraid to touch him, afraid that if I did,
it would somehow hurt him worse. Even though Gideon had told him that my touch would soothe him.
Tear prickled at my eyes and I bowed my head close to his. “You’ve got to be okay, Ryan. I need you. I need you so much.”
Travis crouched down beside Ryan’s head, running a hand over his dark fur. “He will be, sweets. Jamison just knocked him out.”
“So he’ll be okay.” I asked, leaning back slightly as I brought my hand up to stroke my fingers through his fur. His fur was so
coarse that it didn’t feel like Mira’s fur. No, even touching his fur like this, I knew it was him.
“He will be before you know it. He’ll be all back to his hot daddy self. He just needs to rest. I don’t think there is a part of the
forest that he didn’t run.” Travis’ words were spoken so tenderly as his fingers traced over the sleeping wolf’s snout.
“When we get him to the house, we’ll clean him up and rest with him.” Jason said and I looked over at him and Travis. They were
naked just like Gideon was, but where he was covered and scratches and bruises, they looked perfect like they hadn’t just gone
after a wolf and snapped his neck.
“So, the hunt is over?” I asked, biting my lower lip. Jason’s gaze flicked to Gideon, and slowly he shook his head.
“It was called off by the alpha, but it doesn’t end until a claim is made.” He looked back at me.
“Are there any more wolves out there?” I looked over at the woods that surrounded us and he sucked his lower lip between his
teeth. His shoulders tensed for just a moment before Gideon spoke for him.
“Yes, but I don’t want to claim you out here like this.”
I frowned, looking over at him. Why would he say that? Claiming me had seemed like such an important thing to Travis, Ryan,
and Jason. Was it not as big of deal to Gideon?
“Why? If it ends the hunt, then claim me.” I said, reaching up and bringing my hands to the hem of my shirt to pull it off. Gideon
brought his hands to mine, stopping the movement.

“It isn’t that I don’t want to claim you, Tillie.” His thumb stroked over the back of my hand and he tilted his head to the side. “I
want it more than anything, but I won’t claim you like this. It should be special, not rushed and in fear.”
“We can do special and romantic later,” ’said, gripping his hands with mine. “I would rather you be safe.”
“If another claims him, it will end the hunt,” Jason said, breaking the moment. “Gideon will also get to give you the mating you
both deserve later.”
“Jason.” | swallowed hard. Could I handle one of my mates being with Gideon? I wanted him, yes, but having all of us safe was
so much more important to me. Gideon was right that our mating would be something that was special, just like it was for me
with all of my mates. I wanted that with him, but I didn’t know how to say it.
“I’ll claim him.” Jason said, looking over at Gideon, “That is, if it is okay with both of you.”
“Yes,” Gideon said, the wind ruffling his copper-colored hair in a gentle breeze. The sweet scent of vanilla grew stronger and I felt
my body tighten in response to the thought of watching him and Jason together. “Claim me and then I’ll claim Tillie.”
Would he submit to Jason, calling him sir just like Travis had? Or would Jason tie him down and pull the orgasms like he had
from me from the gentle man beside me?
I let out a shuddering breath, my mouth going dry as both men turned to look at me with eyes that were slowly growing dark.
Travis let out a low whistle. “Can I watch?”
“Travis.” I said, closing my eyes and he let out a chuckle.
“What can I say, Tillie? It’s been a very exciting day and just from the smell of you, I’m damn well ready.” His words were said
with a deep growl and my shoulders shook.
“You are too much.” I said, shaking my head.
Travis smirked at me. “I think I’m more than enough.”
“You have let me down before.” I teased back, biting back a smile.
“Sweet girl, I’m going to get you for that.” He growled, tucking his tongue behind his teeth before he nodded towards Travis and
Gideon. “What do you say?”

| sat back on to my heels, straightening my back before nodding. I looked around the clearing, searching for Gabe. I didn’t know
how he would feel about this, but I doubted that he wanted to watch his brother be claimed. A part of me wanted to know how
this made him feel and it was strange. He wasn’t one of my mates, but I still wanted him near.
“Kitten, I don’t have to claim him if you don’t want me to.”
“No, it’s not.” I started to say but shook my head. “I want you to claim him, but where is Gabe?”
Travis looked around the clearing and Gideon pointed over towards a path that was hidden among the trees. “He took off that
way, towards the pack house.”
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