Satan's Hunger

Chapter 9

Just as Kaitlyn expected, it was a long drive. They were driving fast, faster than they ought to be. And yet they didn’t attract attention. They weren’t pulled over. And Kaitlyn began to ruminate over Father Randolph’s words: The Church is powerful.

They kept her comfortable, allowing her to eat and relieve herself along the way. The two men were quiet. Jacob was quieter still, content to let Kaitlyn voice her questions, though she was careful not to ask where they were heading. After what she’d done to Satan—had she actually pushed him?—she couldn’t know what to expect in her dreams tonight.

‘Did you know Father Bartholomew?’

‘Not personally,’ the priest replied.

Kaitlyn waited but he said nothing more. ‘How much do you know about me?’

There was a pause. Behind her blindfold, she imagined Father Randolph’s grey eyes peering at her through the rearview mirror. ‘Word has spread. People are whispering. You are Satan’s vessel, destined to bring him forth to the Earth where he will wreak evil upon humanity—unless we stop him.’ His voice was surprisingly steady.

‘And how might you do that?’ Jacob asked doubtfully.

Kaitlyn heard the priest shift in his seat, as though he was turning to look at Jacob over his shoulder. ‘The same way you are—by protecting the girl and keeping her hidden until such time she is no longer useful to him.’

‘So you are willing to suffer me for years? Maybe even decades?’ she said in disbelief.

‘Yes. We have the resources. We have the manpower. What point is The Church if we cannot save people’s souls?’

Kaitlyn leaned back in her seat. She had many more questions to ask but the long drives always made her tired. Her right shoulder was pressed up against Jacob’s, her left against David’s. There was almost no room to move and her body was aching. With a yawn, she leaned her head against Jacob’s shoulder before finally capitulating; unbuckling herself, she lowered her head into Jacob’s lap and spread her legs across David’s.

It was a perfectly normal and innocent thing for Kaitlyn to do—she’d done it many times before—but she wondered what the two priests were thinking. And Kaitlyn realised that if the nuns had spoken to them, then they were probably aware of Kaitlyn and Jacob’s unusual relationship. Or was it forbidden?

It’s not done for an angel and human to be together.

It was starting to get cold by the time they pulled to a stop. Kaitlyn was dozing so heavily it was several moments before Jacob’s voice registered.

‘It’s time to get up.’ He laid his hand upon her shoulder.

Kaitlyn jerked up. Her back was aching; her neck was sore. Her legs were so stiff. It took her several moments to remember where she was and why she couldn’t see. She’d almost ripped off her blindfold before she realised.

‘Is it safe?’

‘You’re safe with me,’ Jacob answered.

The car doors opened. She heard footsteps. Shivering, she bunched up close to Jacob. What she wouldn’t do right now to feel the warm softness of his wings. ‘It’s night time, isn’t it?’ she said.


Taking her hand, Jacob helped her out of the car. The slippers the nuns had given Kaitlyn slapped against a footpath. She could hear the whoosh of distant highway traffic. There was the roar of an engine as a car sped past. Something scuttled across the ground, maybe a squirrel. She heard it disappear into what sounded like bushes to her right. The air smelled of flowers.

She kept close to Jacob, his hand warm around hers. Crickets were chirping, an owl was hooting. On her other side was David. She could hear his familiar footsteps. She could feel his warmth. Behind her she heard more people following. Perhaps Samuel.

‘Welcome,’ Father Randolph said from up ahead.

Jacob took her arm as he helped her up some stairs. Then Kaitlyn sensed she was inside. A door thudded shut behind her. She heard the catch of a lock.

‘You can take off your blindfold,’ the priest said.

She pulled it off and blinked against the sharpness of the light. Blearily she saw that they’d entered an anteroom. Already she knew that this place, whatever it was, was rich. The floor was polished stone. To her right was a large and expensive-looking tapestry depicting a man praying, a halo around his head. Above was a small chandelier and beyond that was a ceiling with intricate crown moulding. As for the doors ahead … they were polished timber, tall and heavy-looking, with glass panels decorated with twisting vines of gold leaf.

Where the hell was she?

The man dressed in casual clothes opened one of the panelled doors and stood by to let them pass. Kaitlyn’s jaw dropped as she went inside, her slippers squeaking against the floor. The room was huge. Several tall marble pillars held aloft an arched roof crisscrossed with massive beams. Kaitlyn craned back her head to see a dome of stained-glass windows high above, brightly lit by an enormous chandelier at its centre, which gleamed against the windows’ intricate artwork of saints and bible scenes.

It was the same with the rest of the building—there were religious images everywhere. Tapestries. Paintings. Statues. Even the walls themselves were painted with highly detailed and elaborate scenes. Directly ahead was a gigantic crucifix sitting high up on the wall beneath the dome of artwork. It, too, gleamed against the light of the chandelier.

It was all so … intimidating. She could almost believe she’d just stepped into a historical building in Italy.

It made her nervous, like she shouldn’t be here. Like she didn’t deserve to be here. Jacob must have sensed her unease, because he gave a comforting squeeze of her hand. Unlike Kaitlyn, he didn’t seem particularly impressed. In fact, he was frowning as he swept his eyes around the room. She couldn’t guess what David and Samuel were thinking, their faces hidden behind their hoods. The two men in the accompanying car had not joined them.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Kaitlyn admitted. ‘We-we actually get to stay here?’

The priest nodded. He was stooped over a little, looking tired, though he seemed pleased by her reaction. ‘You will have your every comfort met. And it’s guarded,’ he added for the angels’ sakes. ‘You might not know it but there are eyes everywhere keeping watch for enemies. After discovering your location, we’ve doubled our defences in the anticipation that you would accept our invitation.’ He smiled at Kaitlyn. ‘You have never been more safe, my dear. So safe, you may not even need your angels.’

‘We’ll see about that,’ Jacob said.

They all turned at the sound of footsteps.

‘Ah yes,’ Father Randolph said with a clap of his hands. ‘Sister Beatrice.’

The nun smiled and gave a little nod. She wore a habit, though a white one. Blue eyes gleamed out of a very pale face. Unlike the majority of the nuns at the abbey, she was middle-aged, with lines around her mouth and eyes, though she was quite pretty, and when she looked at them all, she met their eyes bravely. Did she know the truth? Did she know what she was dealing with?

Then her gaze fell on Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn felt strangely compelled to drop her eyes to the floor.

‘Sister Beatrice is one of our most senior nuns,’ Father Randolph explained as the woman joined them. ‘Faithful, devoted, trustworthy. She will help Kaitlyn navigate our halls.’

‘Hello, Kaitlyn,’ the woman said.

Kaitlyn met her blue eyes uncertainly. ‘Hello.’

‘I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. Are you hungry? You must be tired.’ She held out her hand. ‘Come. I can take you to your room, if you like.’

Jacob tightened his grip on Kaitlyn’s hand. ‘Wherever Kaitlyn goes, I go.’

The nun didn’t seem surprised by his sharp tone, bobbing her head. ‘As you wish.’

Father Randolph cleared his throat. ‘I had hoped we could speak while Kaitlyn makes herself ready for bed.’

‘You can speak with my companions,’ Jacob said. He nodded at the two angels. ‘This is David and Samuel.’ The two angels stepped forward and removed their hoods. Father Randolph’s eyes widened. Sister Beatrice didn’t react at all. ‘But I stay with Kaitlyn.’

‘Whatever makes you feel more comfortable,’ Sister Beatrice said. ‘We are here to serve you.’

‘Can I have a shower?’ Kaitlyn said.

‘Of course.’ The nun gestured her to follow. ‘This way.’

Jacob and Kaitlyn followed the nun while Samuel, David and the priest stayed behind.

‘What do you think?’ Kaitlyn whispered in Jacob’s ear.

‘I’m not sure,’ Jacob whispered back. ‘But I do know I do not trust them.’

Walking down a long hall, Kaitlyn looked around, impressed. Large arched windows on her left looked out onto a private courtyard. Trees and hedges were softly lit by a light illuminating a small fountain depicting an angel gushing water from his trumpet. On the other side of the hall were more of those remarkable religious paintings. Some of them were so realistic Kaitlyn swore she could feel eyes following her.

They turned a corner and entered a doorway into a square room. There was a massive rug on the floor. A huge fireplace with a crackling fire. Tapestries had replaced the paintings. A large polished wooden table dominated the room. Along one wall was a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf filled with fat books, some of which looked really old. They made her heart lift. At least she would have something to do.

‘Here you are,’ the nun said, stopping by a second door.

The nun opened it with a creak. Walking in, she switched on the lights. Kaitlyn whistled in appreciation as she followed. It was enormous and beautifully decorated. It looked like it came right out of a storybook: large four-poster bed with exquisite pale pink drapes; a gorgeous thick rug stretched across the floor; a fire danced in a fireplace. Above was another chandelier that gleamed against the walls and polished stone floor.

A sweet two-seater table with two elegant chairs sat by a pretty little arched window that looked out onto the darkened garden.

‘Is this really all for us?’ Kaitlyn asked.

‘All yours,’ the nun said. ‘We’ve set it up especially for you. If you’re going to be here a long time, then we want you to be comfortable.’

‘But-but we cannot stay here for long,’ Kaitlyn said. ‘Can we, Jacob? We must keep moving or they’ll find us.’

‘That’s right,’ he told the nun.

‘We can protect you. Like Father Randolph said, we have power.’

Jacobs shook his head. ‘You don’t understand. Satan’s forces are strong. Soon, they will see through your defences and discover us. As wondrous and fortified as this place is, it is no match for The Fallen.’

Kaitlyn watched Sister Beatrice closely. The nun wasn’t surprised by what she heard.

‘And the demons,’ Kaitlyn added.

‘There are ways that we can overcome your dilemma,’ the nun said without reaction to Kaitlyn’s comment. ‘But I shall allow Father Randolph to speak with you about that.’

Jacob’s mouth thinned. ‘How do you even know about our dilemma? Who exactly did you talk to? It was my understanding that the nuns knew almost nothing.’

‘I’m not privy to that information.’ She bowed her head. ‘I’m sorry. But please,’ she turned to Kaitlyn, ‘you asked about a shower?’

Thirty minutes later and Kaitlyn was standing with her hands braced against the shower wall as hot, hard water rained down upon her back. ‘You know, I never really appreciated how nice a hot shower was until I met you,’ Kaitlyn said loudly as the water beat against the floor and echoed around their huge private bathroom.

Their private bathroom! There was shampoo, liquid soap, plenty of soft, fluffy towels and even a dressing gown. Though the abbey had been great—this was luxury!

’Not since I began this … adventure with you,’ she continued, ‘and I came to know what it was to be dirty and cold all the time.’

‘Dirty and cold?’ Jacob said. ‘Surely we’ve taken better care of you than that.’

Kaitlyn looked over her shoulder with a smile, not believing for a moment the hurt in his voice. He was standing against the wall with his arms folded. His chest was bare and he was wearing his usual thin pair of pants. His beautiful white wings were spread out against the wall, finally able to breathe after being stuck for so long under his heavy cloak.

She studied the muscles in his abdomen. ‘Why don’t you come and join me? It’ll be an experience for you. Something much nicer than the onion soup you had.’

‘I’m sure it would be,’ Jacob said as he, too, raked his eyes up her body. ‘But I can’t get my feathers wet.’

‘Why not?’

‘Soaked birds don’t fly, Kaitlyn.’

‘Right.’ Switching off the water, she turned to face him and began towelling herself off in front of him. ‘You don’t have to stay, you know. You can leave. I’m perfectly safe.’ Dropping her towel, she stepped towards him and grabbed his hips.

‘Now why would I want to leave? You don’t give me much incentive.’ He wrapped his hands around her waist with a smile.

Standing on her tiptoes, Kaitlyn raised her face to his. ‘Kiss me.’

She closed her eyes as he did.

Gently, Kaitlyn pulled away, looking back into his hazel eyes. The light was bright against the white tiles. It gleamed against his dark skin. It blazed against his feathers. She could almost see him as the powerful angel he’d sacrificed. Kaitlyn bit her lip. ‘Still no regrets?’

‘Not a single one.’ Kissing her again, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

Minutes later they were in bed together. Kaitlyn hadn’t bothered dressing and was still a little damp from the shower. Slowly, Kaitlyn moved her hands up his smooth, bare back as he lay on top of her.

‘I love you so much,’ Jacob said, hazel eyes smiling.

‘I love you too.’

He nuzzled her neck. Kaitlyn widened her thighs. His shaft searched for a moment before finding her lips. Gently, he pushed into her.

He kissed her softly on the mouth as he rocked. He was taking it slow, so slow that Kaitlyn’s pelvis ached. They’d turned the lights off but moonlight was glowing through the window, gleaming brightly against his feathers. His wings were wide and open, draping over the mattress on either side. As she was used to doing now, she grabbed onto their stems. They always seemed to sit a little higher while they made love, as though the sexual tension in his body tightened the muscles in his wings too.

Kaitlyn ran her fingers through his feathers. She arched her neck as he pressed his lips to her throat. He shuddered quietly into her. Closing her eyes, Kaitlyn gave a small cry.

They continued to rock slowly until the last of their pleasure faded away and all they were left with was the warmth of each other and their beating hearts. Jacob kissed her cheek, then her other cheek, before bracing his forehead against hers.

Kaitlyn smiled. ‘Mmm … I love the feel of you inside me.’

‘I love the feel of being inside you.’ He kissed her on the lips. ‘It makes me feel connected with you in a way I haven’t felt with anyone, including my angel brothers. A powerful thing.’

‘It’s not always like this. We’re lucky.’ She brushed her fingers through his feathers. They felt smoother than usual, almost oily. She felt the tension leave his wings as they slumped over her, just as she could feel the tension in the rest of his body draining away. Jacob’s hair was damp with sweat. The fireplace was making the room hot.

Between her legs, Jacob slipped out of her and she felt the familiar warm trickle. They probably should have used a towel. She could only imagine what someone like Sister Beatrice would think.

Jacob rolled onto his side. Kaitlyn snuggled her head beneath his chin as she smoothed her hand over his big shoulder, over his muscular arm, his hip, his round arse. His penis was resting stickily against her thigh. Gently, she massaged him.

Jacob smiled as he smoothed his own hand around her backside and gently squeezed her with one of his big, warm hands. Kaitlyn yawned and rubbed at her eyes.

She shut them.

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