Sasha Swift

Chapter 8 Back to Work


It's been a week since I've seen Sasha. It took all my strength to let her leave. Everything in my body told me to stop her. That I was making a huge mistake. That she wouldn't forgive me. But just one kiss was all it took for me to be addicted to her. I craved her.

She is everything I have ever wanted in a woman. Strong, fierce, independent. She doesn't take anyone's crap and can kill someone in a single blow. But one thing stops me, she is human. I know that means I need to let her go despite how I feel.

Our kind aren't meant to be together. Humans are nothing but free blood to us vampires. Not to mention I would outlive Sasha. She hates vampires I wouldn't ask her to turn. I can't watch her grow old and die leaving me to be alone again either. So I ended things before anything serious could start.

To keep myself from running to find her I've kept myself busy with work. I'm out getting my revenge on Aquarius. I'm taking out his enforcers one by one. Many of his warehouses storing weapons also were burned down along the way.

Aquarius isn't very smart they are easy to find. I had Dougie hack Aquarius's contract killer page. I would show up and kill the vampires before they could execute their victims. I had killed at least 20 of his men in the week.

Tonight I'm going after another. A vampire named Bruno is going after a werewolf named Dexter. Dexter is the next alpha of the Red Moon Pack. Normally I avoid werewolves, I don't particularly like them. They don't share their women and they stink. But this is my only opportunity to take down Bruno.

Standing on top of the building. I look around for Bruno. He should be getting ready to go after his target right now. I see Dexter walk out of the restaurant and I wait for Bruno to appear so I can jump down and surprise him but he never shows up. Dexter just gets into his car and drives away.

Hmm, that's weird.

I hear a loud breeze and thud and smell something oddly familiar. Turning around I see the last person I expected. "Aquarius, old friend. I was wondering when I would see you again." I tell him in the most sarcastic tone I can muster up.

"Still the comedian I see Zane."

He still looks the same. His hair still going gray, and his brown eyes and slim build. He has to be at least one hundred and fifty years old but looks like he is in his late thirties.

"So when did you find out it was me or did you just come because you miss my sexy face?" I fold my arms. I'm not intimidated by this asshole. He never gets his hands dirty. I'm not even sure he can fight.

"I got reports of my men going missing. I wondered who would take out my men. Who would have the motivation and the skills? So I set up this trap hoping whoever it was would show up and here you are."

"Well, are you surprised? I was your right-hand man and you tossed me away like I was rubbish!" I yell angrily causing my fangs to come out and my eyes to turn red.

"And I'm here to say I was wrong. You are the best and I want you back, Zane. Join me at my side again. Become my partner. Help me run my empire." He smiles and I scoff.

I don't want to join him. But I know this could make the plan to take his empire down easier. I might even be able to keep Swift safe. Her safety and well-being are everything to me. Even if I have to hurt her feelings to do it.

"I will join you but you must tell me something first." Aquarius nods. "I want to know why you had three vampires kill a couple of witches about ten years ago. They had a human child?"

Aquarius laughs not the reaction I was expecting at all. He smiles rubbing his hands together. He looks like an evil villain from a cartoon. "Oh, brother that's a great story. See it wasn't about the witches at all. It was about the child, she isn't human."

I laugh. There is no way Aquarius is telling the truth. I've been around Swift. She is definitely human. Of course, she is a tad stronger than most humans but with her line of work, it's expected. I stop laughing and see Aquarius looking at me strangely.

"I'm sorry Aquarius. You said not human. What was the child then? A witch?" I ask and he smirks.

"She is half Fae. Her mother got pregnant by a human. The Royal Council wants her. But if I find her first I'm keeping her for myself."

I'm stunned. A fairy? Fairies or fae for short are immortal beings. They have healing abilities and are even rumored to be able to bring back creatures from the dead. They haven't been seen in hundreds of years. They supposedly escaped to their own dimension for safety.

There is no way I can let Aquarius find Sasha. Fairy blood is rumored to be highly addictive. He will suck her dry. I won't let him. I have to keep her safe no matter what. The worst part is she doesn't even know how much danger she is in. Sasha thinks she's just a normal human. How am I going to tell her she's one of the most powerful supernatural creatures to ever exist?

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