Sasha Swift

Chapter 34 Vlad Udmire

Vlad Pov

I’m surrounded by idiots. How hard can it be to capture one fairy? The rest have hidden away in their own dimension. There is only one left and she is half-human. This should make trapping her easier. But no, again everyone is dead except the right person. I even broke my own rules and attacked a council member.

My office door slams open and in comes Isabella limping. For a powerful witch, she is useless. The old hag Greta almost killed her when we broke in looking for the girl. If it wasn’t for me showing up when I did she wouldn’t be here. Greta had put up a good fight injuring Malachi and then going head-to-head with a fellow witch.

But still, if I don’t see any progress on catching the little fae I will have to use drastic measures and I really don’t want to. The consequences don’t outweigh the outcome.

Isabella smiles at me. She is still as beautiful as ever. Her cute button nose and small pink lips. Sadly she won’t leave me alone. Her affection was nice at first but now it's just annoying. But at least she is good to look at. She stands in front of my desk and I wave my hand at her telling her to speak.

“We haven’t found her yet. The house is hidden again. I can’t get past the ward. When we killed the witch it must have triggered a more complex spell. I can try again if you want or we can catch her when she leaves. Wait in the forest to strike.”

I shift in my seat uncomfortably. Waiting outside for her isn’t what I want. She would be at an advantage being home. Plus I want her isolated, and afraid. I want her to beg me to end her life. Then I will suck her dry like I did her mother.

“No. New plan. She will come to us. We have already killed off her family. She has no one left. We wait for her.”

Isabella is about to interrupt when a young vampire by the name of Tyler comes in. He is one of my scouts. A red-haired teenager with all muscle and no brain. Still, every leader needs loyal followers.

“Sorry to interrupt master. But I have news. I saw Mr. Foster talking to Zane! They were seen at a bar together.” He tells me sounding way too excited.

I rub my hands together in anticipation. “Bring the leprechaun to me. I want to hear what he has to say.”

I know Mr. Foster has a soft spot for Zane. He was his teacher for all of his youth. Even when he had to discipline him he looked guilty for it. When I decided to compel Zane he tried to argue with me. He said we should give him another chance. Zane might change his mind and want to come back. But there is no coming back. He wanted to adventure out on his own and I let him. He can stay alone forever now.

A few minutes later Foster comes in. He glances at Isabella and I see her give him a sad look. Their affections for each other are obvious. I only slept with her to see if he would challenge me. I wanted him to challenge me. To fight for his woman. But he was a coward. Still is, unfortunately.

Foster stands in front of my desk. Close but not close enough for me to touch him. He has on the same red plaid shirt and tan khakis as always. I look at him disgusted waiting for him to explain himself.

“What do I owe the pleasure, sir? I was about to retire to my sleeping quarters for the evening.”

Isabelle shakes her head in disapproval. Even she knows he is guilty. It’s so strong you can taste it in the air. But why lie? Does he think I won’t approve of him talking to Zane? Their conversing can give me leverage. See what all he knows and if his little fairy is willing to give up.

“I know you met with him.” I refuse to say his name out loud. Sadly his betrayal still hurts. “So tell me. What did you two discuss? And don’t lie to me. You’re a terrible liar always have been.”

Foster clears his throat. “He asked about you. He wants to know where the palace is. The compulsion must still be working. He doesn’t remember where we are.”

I laugh. I know the compulsion won’t wear off. Not unless I’m dead. I’m the oldest vampire alive. The first of our kind. I’m stronger, better, and faster than everyone else. Only one person can come close to matching me and he doesn’t even realize it.

“Did you tell him where we are?” I ask while standing up. The fastest way to the truth is intimidation.

Foster is shaking he is so nervous. “Yes, sir I did. He is coming. But he marked the girl so I’m sure she won’t be far behind him.”

I smile. The first genuine smile in a long time. “Good. Let them in the gates. don't let anyone harm them. I want to kill them both slowly. Her first. I want to see the look on his face as I drink every ounce of his beloved.”

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