Sasha Swift

Chapter 3 Meeting Him


After killing that vampire Clyde I need a strong drink. I drive back home to Greenwolf. It's a small town of about five thousand people. Greta and I live in a small two-story cottage right on the outskirts of the woods. To anyone around it looks like an empty field but if you know how to get past an invisibility-cloaking spell you would see our home.

I'm drinking in my favorite bar. The town only has two and the other is a strip club. I don't feel like getting a lap dance from some naked girl who just wants my money so I drink here at O'Dells.

My favorite bartender and possibly only friend Kandy is working tonight. She is a beautiful chocolate-skinned girl with bright brown eyes and curly purple hair. She's feisty like me and takes no one's crap. She isn't afraid to jump into the middle of a bar fight to put an end to it.

I'm two drinks in when the hottest guy walks in. He's six feet tall and has wavy brown hair. He has a strong jawline and a slight beard coming in. His eyes stick out the most their gray and are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I'm practically drooling now as I continue to stare at him. It's like I'm in a trance and can't look away.

He walks to the south end of the bar and Kandy walks over to him with a cheerful smile on. The guy smirks and I can already tell he is the type of man to get what he wants, hopefully, it's me in his bed tonight. I haven't gotten laid in months and I've never wanted anyone as much as I want him.

"Bourbon neat." He orders and Kandy hurriedly pours him a glass and makes her way back over to me.

"He is so hot, we don't get guys like him often." She whispers and I hum back in response and keep my attention on the guy. I probably look like a creep but at this point, I don't care.

I want him

It's like a magnetic force is pulling me towards him. I can't help but be intrigued by this mystery man. Who are you and why are my thighs clenching together at the thought of us together?

Wanting my attention Kandy rubs my hand breaking my concentration. "So girl you said you had something to ask me?" she says and I turn my attention to my friend.

I nod. "I did. I wanted to know if you heard anything about a guy named Aquarius?" I whisper and look around making sure no one is listening, but everyone seems too preoccupied with their own lives.

Kandy knows about the supernatural world after I saved her from a rogue werewolf one night after closing. The bastard had waited for her to get off work and then tried to attack her in the parking lot. Luckily I was in my car half asleep and wasted. Still, I was able to kick his ass without any injuries.

Ever since Kandy gives me the inside scoop of anything she hears around the bar and she hears a lot. Especially once the drinks start rolling out. Not to mention our small town is in the middle of two large cities. We get lots of drifters human and supernatural.

Kandy leans down towards the counter. She looks left and then right. A big smirk spreads across her face. "Sorry girl haven't heard anything, but if I do I'll let you know." I sigh and take another drink of my bourbon.

"You're a tease, Kandy," I smirk. She giggles and then walks away to serve another customer.

I look over to my mystery man and see he's already gone. I didn't even notice he left. Knowing no other guy will get my attention tonight I decide to call it and head home. I leave a tip for Kandy before I exit the bar.

Like always I parked a few blocks from the bar in case I was followed. Walking down the sidewalk towards my car I start to feel like I'm being watched. I look around but don't see anyone. Still, I know my instincts are always right.

I take a sharp turn down a dark alley. When I reach the end I pull out one of my pocket knives and get into a fighting stance. Whoever it is has no idea who they are messing with.

"Whoever you are I know you're out there! Might as well show yourself!" I shout and a gust of wind flies past me and in front of me stands my mystery man from the bar.

"You're a pretty clever human most would be dead by now, but you're not most humans are you?" He raises his eyebrow and I roll my eyes and grip my knife tighter. I wasn't looking for a fight tonight but I would sure as hell finish one.

"What do you want? I kill your girlfriend or something?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No girlfriend love. But I wouldn't be rude enough to decline your offer if you wanted to find a hotel or something."

"You're disgusting!" I yell and throw my knife at his shoulder. He dodges it and looks at me like I am crazy.

"Blood hell mate what was that for?"

I pull another knife out of my pocket. This one with a wooden blade. "Don't flirt with me, you're disgusting! Freaking vampire!" I'm fuming. I can't believe I was attracted to someone of his kind. A vampire? that's ridiculous!

He places his hands behind his back and takes a step closer to me. His cologne is musky and alluring. It smells wonderful.

I hate it.

"I heard you talking. You're looking for Aquarius. I know him. I can help you find him."

I laugh. Does this vampire really think I trust him? All vampires are filthy liars and murderers. They never do anything helpful or kind. This one is no different.

"I don't need or want your help. I'll find Aquarius myself and kill him."

He waves a finger in front of my face. I resist the urge to break it off and shove it somewhere. "Tsk tsk human. You won't get close to him without my help. He's at the top of the vampire chain. He has armies of vampires at his disposal ready to kill at a moment's notice. You won't even get close."

Scoffing I fold my arms and look down at the ground. I don't trust this vampire and I definitely don't want his help. But I have to find Aquarius. I have to kill him and find out why he did it. Why did he kill my parents? Suddenly Greta's message about meeting someone repeats in my head.

"Be careful my child, you will meet a stranger tonight. Your futures depend on each other, trust him.

I glance back up. The vampire is smirking at me now. He's devilishly handsome and that's an issue. But I need his help. If Aquarius is as how powerful as he says then an inside source might be the only way to take him down.

"Fine, you can help me, but I'm in charge vampire."

The vampire nods. "I'll help you kill him and we're going to destroy his entire empire as we do it." His gray eyes flash red and puts out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Zane Wilder it's going to be a pleasure doing business with you."

I reluctantly shake his hand. Sparks shoot up my arm surprising me but I ignore it. "Just the guy I was looking for. I'm Swift, vampire hunter."

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