Sasha Swift

Chapter 20 My Beloved


“Sasha I think you’re my beloved.” I've been nervous as hell to tell her. But I couldn’t hold it any longer she needed to know. Sasha just stares at me. Her emerald eyes look like they are still trying to process what I said. I’m so nervous about her reaction. I hope she doesn’t reject me. Honestly, I wouldn’t let her. I will follow her to the ends of the earth trying to convince her to accept me.

I gently caress her face. “Answer me please love, what are you thinking? I know it’s sudden but this would explain why we both had such a quick connection. Of course, I would love you anyway.” She gulps loudly at my confession.

I instantly bite my tongue. Did I just tell her I loved her? First I tell her she is my beloved then I tell her I love her. Wow, already I’m screwing this up. I wouldn’t blame her if she changed her name and ran away to the other side of the country from me.

I sit up and run my hand through my hair. I need some air. “I’m going to get a drink.” I stand up and take a step.

“I love you too Zane.” Her sweet voice stops me in my tracks. I rush back over to her and we are back in my favorite position. Me on top between her legs. I stroke her face.“Do you mean it? You actually love me?”

She nods. “I do Zane. I know it’s soon. But I can’t stop thinking about you. I want you. I need you.” I smash my lips onto hers. She deepens the kiss and our tongues collide.

I rip her clothes off leaving her in just her bra and panties. She watches me with desire in her eyes as I undress and enter her. She moans my name and we make love numerous times until she falls asleep in my arms.

I’m awakened by the sun peering through the blue curtains. I hate my new sleeping schedule. Vampires are nocturnal. We sleep during the day and party at night. The sun is supposed to weaken us. But it doesn’t bother me.

Drinking Sasha’s blood is helping also I can feel myself getting stronger. I really need to tell her what I know. But I know it will break her heart. Also when she finds out I've been drinking her blood and it makes me stronger. It will just piss her off. She actually might kill me for that one. I don't want her to think I'm using her. I love her. Sasha is the one insistent on me drinking her blood instead of feeding on a stranger. Still, she won't like the news at all.

I look around and I don’t see Sasha. I hear the shower running and figure she will be out soon. I lay back down my arms folded behind my head. “Ahh, more sleep for me.” I close my eyes and smell something familiar. The door to my hotel room opens.

“Good morning my favorite Vampire. Did you share the good news with Swift yet?” Theo enters the room in a surprisingly good mood. He has donuts and coffee in his hands.

Sitting the donut box down Theo gives me an odd look. I look down and realize I’m naked. I get up and use my vamp speed to put on some boxers and jeans. Theo still smiles at me.

“Well did you tell her or not? The sooner she finds out she is part Fae the better?” I slap my hand over his mouth.

“No, I didn’t tell her, and don’t go around speaking about it. Anybody could be listening. I will tell her when the time is right.” I slowly remove my hand Theo nods.

“So you plan on telling her never?”

“Tell me what?” Sasha stands in the bathroom doorway. She is wearing jeans. A white tank top and a pink sweater. I lick my lips.

“About you being my beloved. Theo has been suspicious the whole time.” I answer as I walk up to her and grab her hips. I start kissing her neck. “You look scrumptious Sasha.”

“Sasha?” Theo pretty much shouts behind me and Sasha pushes me off giggling.

“Yes, my real name is Sasha. Swift is just a nickname. But you guys are only allowed to call me Swift when we’re working, okay? It’s safer.”

My phone rings and I grab it off the nightstand and answer. It’s Dougie. “Hey, what did you find?”

Dougie laughs. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were looking for an elf. I found her but you not going to like it.”

I groan. “Just tell me damn it.”

“She is at the Great Falls. Some humans reported seeing a female version of Bigfoot. I hacked a drone and took a look. Sure as shit she is out there.”

“Thanks, man.” I hang up and I know Theo heard the whole conversation. Sasha looks at me waiting for an explanation.

“We found her. We’re going to The Great Falls.” Theo claps his hands in joy and Sasha looks confused.

“What the hell is the Great Falls?”

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