Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 3


As I speed down the road running red lights and stop signs I punch my steering wheel over and over. I feel like a complete idiot. Of course, Zane moved on. He didn’t care about me at all. Was I even really his soulmate or was it all a lie to get into my pants? And with her of all people. Indeed, you can never trust a man to just be friends with a female.

I drive straight to my favorite hole-in-the-wall O’Dells and find a seat at the bar. Kandy smiles at me but when she sees how angry I am she doesn’t speak, just pours me three shots of vodka and slides them over to me.

“Thanks keep them coming.” I throw the shots back and slide the glasses over waiting for a refill.

Kandy pours more shots but doesn’t slide them over to me. “I’m sure you don’t want to talk about it but I’m here if you need me.” She says sincerely. I’m sure she is concerned. It's daytime and I’m about to be blackout drunk.

Kandy passes me my shots finally which I take back to back. My throat burns but I am used to the pain. It is nothing compared to the pain of seeing another girl on his arm. I thought I had more time, that maybe he would wait for me. I was wrong. I've lost him.

I run my hand threw my long blonde hair and sigh. “It’s Zane. He has another girlfriend.” I decide to tell her.

Kandy looks surprised at my words and hands me a glass of some brown liquor. I assume it is whiskey but I don’t care at the moment I just start drinking it.

“I can’t believe he would do that. When you guys come in together you always seemed so happy together. He looked at you like nothing else mattered.”

When Zane and I aren’t working a case we come into O’Dells and drink. Since Kandy practically runs the place she is always here. The three of us always spend the evening drinking and catching up. We even play pool after the place closes for the night. But now that seems a lifetime ago.

I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, apparently it was all bullshit. Which is why I don’t want to think about it.”

Kandy reaches over and holds my hand. I can’t even look at her anymore I just look down at my drink. “You will get through this Swift. You’re strong. You are the strongest person I know.”

“Thanks, Kandy, you’re a great friend.”

“Are you sure it’s not because I give you free drinks?” She laughs and I can’t help but laugh along with her.

Hours later I've lost count of how many drinks I've consumed but my vision is blurry so I know I need to stop. Currently, Kandy has two twin sisters and I don’t need to hear any of them gripe at me. I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I think it has to do with being half-fae. But today I've truly pushed my limits on how much alcohol I can consume.

I slowly stand up from the bar stool but I’m so dizzy I almost fall. Luckily with my quick reflexes, I grab onto the counter. “Oh my haha. I feel great. I can’t even remember why I was so upset.”

I look over at Kandy and her sisters and they are all three glaring at me with their hands on their hips. “I think you should sit back down. I will call you a cab.” Kandy or one of her sisters suggests but I just shake my head and pull my keys out of my pocket.

“No way I’m fine. Wait why is the room spinning?” Before I can answer myself the lights in the room blink on and off and I feel myself drifting away as I listen to Kandy and her sisters screaming my name.



I slowly open my eyes but instead of darkness, I am in a white room. The room has gold dust sparkles floating around. I roll my eyes because I know exactly where I am. A place that has been haunting my dreams for the last year, the land of Fae. Also known as the land of the presumptuous.

A female voice calls out behind me. “Sasha you’re wasting time. The black witch-.”

I turn around fast glaring at the woman behind me. Like always she is wearing a green dress that reaches her feet. Her long brown hair seems to glow and her eyes are a bright blue.

“I know! Jewel is my priority, nothing else. Because you and Elder Genevieve want me to go after the black witch alone. You convinced me its all my fault and to push away the two people I care about most-”

Zephyr rolls her eyes at me. “They are beasts, I would hardly call them people. Technically your little vampire lover is already dead and the weird little elf is just that, an elf!” She huffs and folds her arms.

I’m so angry I’m shaking. How dare she talk about them that way! Theo and Zane have done more for me than the fae ever has. They couldn’t even keep my mother safe but they expect me a human-fairy hybrid to take on the most dangerous witch alone. “Taking on Jewel is a suicide mission.” I argue.

Zephyr’s puny lips curl up. “Regardless it’s up to you. The rest of us can not leave due to safety reasons. Thank your mother for that-”

This time I cut off Zephyr. “Speaking of my mother when will I learn what happened to her? I know she is dead but how? Is my father dead too? Why won’t you answer my questions? And where is elder Genevieve?”

Zephyr floats over to me in a hurry. She’s above me so I have to look up. She grabs my face with both hands squeezing. “You will get your answers when you kill the witch. Until then speak of this to no one. Our fate is in your hands.”

I open my mouth to speak but a bright yellow light takes up the room. I close my eyes to shield them and when I open them I’m back home in my comfy bed. I sit up quickly. “What the hell! How did I get here?”

“Well hello to you also Swift.”

I turn my head towards the masculine voice. “Theo?”

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