Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 27


I know he doesn't want to do it but we have to make this believable. Jonah and everyone else have to think I'm dead. Nobody can know what I'm doing.

"Do it." I grit my teeth together. "Just stab me right here." I point at my stomach close to my belly button.

The young vampire named Keith frowns. His face is pale and he looks like he might throw up. He's never been in a fight until today. But his maker a vampire named Blythe thought it would be a good experience for him. She's an evil bitch but an ally so I can't do anything about it.

"Please don't make me," he whispers and I see Jonah watching from the corner of his eyes.

"Just close your eyes. I promise you I'll be fine. I'll wake up and be completely healed. I trust you, Keith."

He hesitantly nods and shoves the knife into my stomach. It hurts so I don't even fake the pain. I fall to my knees and my eyes start to flutter closed. I can sense Zane's worry as I take a final breath and fall down.

My body jolts and my eyes slowly open. I groan in pain and sit up. My hand flies to my stomach and I see I'm healed like I thought I would be.

"Sasha, what happened? Did the black witch hurt you?" Genevieve asks and she almost sounds sincere. But I know it's all fake.

I stand up and look around the large room we're in. The walls and floors are bright white. Elder Geniveve is wearing a long brown sundress. Her arms are folded as she stares at me waiting for an answer. Zephyr is beside her acting unbothered as always.

"Don't worry your friend Jewel didn't do this, a vampire did."

Elder Genevieve scoffs. "Please I don't know Jewel. If I did I would stop her myself."

I take a menacing step towards her and she glances at Zephyr than me. "You might not know her but I know for a fact you wouldn't go after her yourself. You wanted me weak when I found her hoping we kill each other. That's why you kept me from Zane. You know being around your soulmate makes you stronger. Just like you heard my mother found hers and left with him. She was stronger than you and you hated it."

"You're mother was a traitor. Even when she knew we were in danger she still hung around that human. Faires can't trust anyone but other faires."

I step closer and again they back away. They know how strong I am. I pulled out Zephyr's hair last time I was here. This time I plan on doing worse.

"Tell me do the other fairies know the evil scum they have around them? I know you two sent my mother to Vlad. You probably only did it to save yourself. But you didn't know I existed until recently." I step closer so we're almost chest-to-chest. "I've been reading. I found out fairies are given their gifts at birth. You didn't give me mine nor can you take it away."

Zephyrs's eyes glow gold. "You better back up halfling! We could kill you and nobody would notice!" she growls and I throw my head back laughing.

"No, you can't. I'm not sure exactly where we are but I know you can't hurt someone in the fae dimension. That's why you're both coming with me!" I grab both their arms and the room we're in starts to shake. A bright light surrounds us making me close my eyes.

When my eyes adjust I see we're back by the destroyed royal palace. I'm still surrounded by vampires. I let go of the two disgusting faires by me. They cling to each other as they see themselves surrounded by bloodthirsty vampires.

"I brought you guys a treat. Keith gets first dibs." I smile at the young teenager. He looks relieved to see me. The other vampires growl happy for a free meal.

I take a step back as the vampires tear apart Elder Genevieve and Zephyr. They're ripped apart so fast they don't even have time to fight back. The vampires are like hungry dogs and I can't help but smile. If I find out the other faires helped they will meet the same fate. I'll kill anyone who helped destroy my family.

"Sasha!" Zane yells and runs over and engulfs me in a hug. He holds my face with both hands as we stare lovingly into each other's eyes. "Jonah's gone. Are you ready to end this?" He asks.

The sky starts to darken and rain pelts down. Standing on top of the hill is Jewel. Her black hair flows down and she's smiling at me. I know what she wants and I'll die before I let her have it.

I smile at Zane. "Jewel dies today. Keep the sword safe. I don't need it." My hands start to glow and I glare at the evil black witch with determination set. I'm ending this for good this time.

"You need to explain how you can do that." Zane kisses my cheek. "Be careful love," he tells me.

"I'm always careful. She's just another asshole I'm about to send to Hell."

"Good riddance?" Zane asks knowing I always say that when I'm on a hunt.

"Good Riddance." I agree with him and run towards the last evil thing blocking me from a peaceful life with my beloved.

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