Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 25


I watch Sasha walk away. I know she's upset probably more scared than angry at the moment. She almost lost me. I was dying all because of my selfishness in finding Jewel. But the black witch needs to die. Lucky for me I know where she's going to be in a few days.

Theo walks over to me sighing. "She's pretty mad. Maybe we should have told her how dangerous it was?"

"No. She would have volunteered then and I won't let anything happen to her."

He shakes his head smiling. "You two are both so stubborn. Should we go after her?"

"No. This place is safe. We should let her cool off."

Theo looks around the room and then back at me. "So was it worth it? Did you find out where Jewel is?"

I nod. "Yes. We're going to kill her and then things will finally go back to normal." Walking away I head outside and pull my phone out of my pocket. I start calling in every favor I have. Something tells me taking down Jewel is going to take an army. Just like when we took down Aquarius.

After my phone calls, I head back towards the tent the witches have prepared for us to sleep in. We're going to stay for a few days then they will create a portal for us to use. The quicker we can get to Jewel and end this the better.

Sasha still isn't back. It's been a few hours and I'm starting to worry. I thought she would be back and yelling at me by now. My phone rings and hoping it's her I answer without looking. "When are you coming back?" I ask.

"We should meet." he states and I roll my eyes. First, he wants to stay behind and now he wants me to come see him on his time.

"Why? I'm about to go to bed. It's late Jonah."

"It's important. Come alone to the old southwest bar in Ookalah." he tells me then hangs up.

Sighing I look at the time. It's around three in the morning and Jonah wants me to meet him two hours away at an old bar. We went there once right after we were turned. Jonah only wanted to party and after we became vampires it became worse. He would drink more and he got into lots of fights.

Why the hell does he want to meet there?

I use my vamp speed to head to Ookalah. I haven't told anyone where I'm going. I'm positive Jonah is up to something and I need to figure out what. Sasha already wants to kill him and I need all the information I can get before his life ends. I don't want to see my brother's life come to an but if it comes down to a choice between him and Sasha is obvious, her.

When I enter the bar it's empty. The windows are boarded up and everything is covered in dust. It looks like this place closed down years ago.

"Why am I here?" I sit beside him.

He sucks in a breath before speaking. "Lee was right. Someone does want to be vampire king." he states and I scoff.

"Obviously I knew it was you. Why didn't you speak up before? Is that why you took Sasha?" I need answers. No more bullshit between us.

His angry brown eyes meet mine. "Because nobody wants me to be king. They all know you're the rightful heir. But I've been gaining more followers. Still, I need your help. Denounce your right to the throne. Tell Lee and everyone else you made a mistake. That you want me to be king, not you." He stands up and so do I. His fists are balled up at his side like he wants to hit me.

I shake my head. "You know I can't do that. I made promises and I won't go back on my word."

Chuckling he backs away. I watch his every move as he snaps his fingers and more vampires appear. Twenty vampires stand behind Jonah growling and ready to fight. Fighting dirty like always, I'm not surprised. This is why I came alone.

"Always so noble Zane. I was really hoping you would see it my way. Unfortunately, you've backed me into a corner. See I made promises too. One is your precious beloved. After I take the throne I'm coming back for her." He growls and my fangs release.

"Touch her and die!"

"You first." he says and backs away.

The vampires around him lunge for me but they're too slow. I take out several before they even touch me. As I rip out their hearts I see Jonah standing in the back corner with his arms crossed watching the whole thing amused.

"Jonah!" I shout. After I kill his friends I'm going to end his life. Sasha was right he couldn't be trusted.

As if hearing my thoughts the back door beside Jonah opens up. Sasha walks in. We make eye contact and I open my mouth to speak when Jonah lunges from the shadows at her.

Jonah has Sasha in a chokehold from behind. He tries to bite her neck but she breaks free and elbows him in the ribs. Then he grabs a handful of her hair. She twists and stabs him in the neck with a wooden knife. He grunts and backs away. Sasha throws a wooden stake at him and it barely misses. As she reaches for another he uses it as an advantage to get away and runs out of the back door.

I yank out the heart of the vampire next to me and run over to Sasha. I hug her and sniff her neck. My hand runs through her long blonde hair and I kiss the top of her head.

"Are you okay love?"

She glares at me. "I told you he couldn't be trusted. We need to kill him. End his miserable life for once."

"I know. You were right I'm sorry."

She sighs and lays her head on my chest. "I was worried about you."

I chuckle and cup her chin so I can see her beautiful green eyes. "So worried you left the bar to find me?"

"Hey I was worried and alcohol is my other love."

"I better be the first now let's get out of here. We need to talk to Theo and discuss our plan."

Sasha presses her body closer to mine and trails a finger down my chest. "How about we stay a little longer the place is empty."

I look around at the empty bar and then back to her. I smirk. "You little sex minx." I chuckle and use my vamp speed to lay her down on the bar. Her legs wrap around me as our lips connect and the real fun begins.

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