Sasha Swift 2 late to Die

Chapter 23


We're on our way to New Salem. It's a city for witches with no coven. It's a safe haven and the last place where Jewel would be. According to Lee the Dragon, Jewel's sister Arianna lives there. After Jewel stole her powers she escaped to New Salem. She was actually the one to start the town and provides protection for witches and warlocks looking for a new home.

The whole town is protected by a ward keeping anyone with bad intentions out. I have no plan to hurt the witches only to talk so I shouldn't have an issue getting in. I don't like or trust them but they're our only hope. If anyone can find Jewel it will be her sister. I never knew she had one so finding out was news to me.

Jonah has been particularly cranky since we left the dragons. We got what we wanted which is the information on Jewel yet he's still not happy. I'm pretty sure he's upset about Lee wanting me to become the vampire king. It's always been a sore topic between us. He's always wanted it but yet its always been mine. It's the main reason we stopped talking many years ago.

I still don't want to be king. It's never interested me. Being in charge of thousands of lives. Everyone looking to me for advice and guidance. I would be in charge of which vampires live and die. I would hold our kinds fate in my hands. I don't want that, at all. I like only having to worry about myself. Well, now Sasha and I and let's not forget little Theo.

I thought Jonah would have let the idea of being king go but with Dad being gone someone has to take his place. The vampire kingdom will be looking for someone to lead. They want someone they respect, who is considerate and selfless. My brother is none of these he's a selfish jackass who only thinks of himself.

I'm sure Lee was talking about Jonah when he mentioned someone else is trying to be king, it's obvious. But why hasn't he brought it up? Lee mentioned it and he could have volunteered himself to be king but instead kept quiet. Why? And why did Lee say he doesn't like or trust Jonah? Jonah claimed they were friends or was that all a lie?

The real question is what is my brother's endgame? He took Sasha but why? He's helping us find Jewel but I know it's not to his benefit. She's not after him and I know he doesn't care about me or Sasha's safety. He kidnapped her and killed my oldest friend. He's a monster and I've invited him into my inner circle not knowing his true intentions. I hope I haven't made a mistake.

The car comes to an abrupt stop and I'm pulled away from my thoughts. I open my car door and step out. We're a few feet from the ward. I can feel the intense magic from here. Whoever put the shield up is a strong witch.

"Do you think they know we're here?" Sasha asks looking over her car at me.

I nod. "If they don't they'll know the moment we step over the threshold."

Sasha walks away and pops open her trunk grabbing her backpack. Theo comes and stands beside me concern written all over his face. "Is this a good idea? Witches aren't really friendly." Theo brings up.

"Vampires aren't either, I'll stay here in case something happens." Jonah speaks up causing all of us to look at him. He's barely talked in days and all of a sudden he's volunteering to stay behind. Something is up with him.

Sasha closes her trunk and puts her oversized black sunglasses over her eyes. "Wierd you wanted to be the leader until now? Afraid you won't make it past the barrier? Maybe you'll burst into flames?" she asks in a threatening manner with an evil smirk on her face.

Jonah steps closer so their almost chest to chest. "I would like nothing more than to see you turn into fairy ash but sadly I have phone calls to make. If Arianna won't talk to us we have to find Jewel another way." he glares at her.

I growl making them both turn to me. "Enough. Jonah is staying here let's go." I walk past the angry couple grabbing Sasha's arm and dragging her with me. I don't have the time or the energy for their petty arguments. I can see her from the corner of my eye flipping off my brother. "Do you have to always fight with him?" I ask and release her arm.

She scoffs. "I don't trust him not sure why you haven't figured out he's playing us?" she says and we both look at Jonah and Theo talking to one another. They are oblivious to the deadly glare Sasha's sending their way.

I pull her closer and grab her neck placing my forehead on hers. "My concern is your safety, not him. So let's go play nice with the witches." I growl again and Sasha sighs and pouts her plump pink lips out.

"Fine, you're the boss."

I wink. "You like it when I boss you around love."

Sasha giggles and grabs my hand. Together we walk through the magic barrier. I can feel the tingle on my skin as we walk through and make it safely into New Salem. Theo hurriedly follows behind us having no issue crossing either.

As we walk down the empty desolate road leading into town I glance over my shoulder at Jonah. He's leaning against Sasha's car watching me. He doesn't seem concerned at all or maybe he knows more than I do about the situation we're walking into.


Once we're downtown we come upon a small cafe. So far our long walk into town we haven't been approached. The witches just stare and whisper to each other. If you were human you would think it was an ordinary town.

The town looks like any other filled with shops, kids riding bicycles, and couples walking down the sidewalk. I even saw an ice cream truck drive by earlier.

"I'm hungry let's stop here." Sasha points out a small cafe called Burgers and Brews.

"Hmm not suspicious at all." I smirk at Sasha who grabs my hand and pulls me inside. A witch would own a restaurant with the word brew in it.

Sasha, Theo, and I sit in a corner booth. Sasha is beside me and I stretch out my arms and put one behind her. She smirks at me and my not-so-smooth moves. Sasha knows how clingy I can be. I just want her close to me at all times.

"What should we get?" Theo asks holding up a menu he's reading over.

"You can get your food to go." A witch says as she walks up with two others flanking beside her. "Arianna wants to see you." she adds and looks around the table at us. Her eyes stop on my beloved, and she smiles at her. "Welcome back Sasha."

Sasha arches her eyebrow confused. "Welcome back? I've never been here before and how did you know my name?" she asks defensively placing her hand on her gun in her waistband.

The witch holds up her hands in surrender. "No need to be defensive all will be explained soon. So please order then meet us outside." She nods and walks away with the other witches.

I watch them go outside then turn to my woman beside me. "Are you okay?" I ask gently squeezing her thigh.

Sasha nods. 'Yeah, it's just weird. I'm positive I've never been here. Why would she say that?"

I shrug and we all continue to look over our menus. We order our food and eat. Sasha says the witches can wait and Theo reluctantly agrees even though I catch him several times glancing out the window at the waiting witches. He's wary of them and so am I.

After eating we meet the witches outside. They open a portal and we follow them inside. It transports us to a campground in the forest. There are hundreds of witches around, a large bonfire, and several large tents for sleeping.

"What is all this?" Sasha asks as we walk hand in hand following the witches.

The only whose spoken so far named Raven smiles over her shoulder at us. "It's almost time for the blood moon. Our strength will be doubled and we'll be able to perform spells we have never done before. It's going to be magical."

"It's also the perfect time to try and steal your powers because you're at your most vulnerable state." I mutter under my breath and Raven stops walking making us almost bump into her.

"This is true which is why we're hoping you three have killed Jewel by now. She's a danger to us all. Only you can stop her."

"No pressure." Sasha folds her arms across her chest and we all continue walking until we reach a large tent.

Inside the tent is a bed, a large cauldron, and a woman with long silver hair with her back to us. She turns and the first thing I notice is her white eyes. Sasha squeezes my hand and Theo tenses up beside me.

"I've been waiting for you. I'm Arianna it's nice to see you again Sasha." She smiles.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Sasha asks looking around the room at all the witches. Raven and the others exit leaving us alone with Arianna who points to some pillows on the ground.

"Sit and I'll explain."

Theo sits first on one side of Arianna while Sasha slowly takes a seat on the other side of her. I sit right beside Sasha keeping one hand on her thigh.

Arianna smirks at me. "No need to be overprotective of your beloved. Sasha is safe here. We are her family."

I growl. "Why don't you just tell us about Jewel? I had no idea she had a sister. Why are you still alive?"

"Tsk tsk Zane. All questions will be answered soon. First off I am only alive because after my sister left for me dead I was found by a fairy, Aurora Sasha's mom actually. She healed me and later when she was in danger I offered her a place to stay. Aurora and her mate Bryan stayed here for months before they left."

"Bryan? Is that my dad?" Sasha interrupts and Arianna nods.

"He is. He was a simple human but she loved him anyway. You were just a newborn baby when we saw you last Sasha. Your mom claimed she was in danger and left you with Julia and Mike. They had become great friends of your parents along with Greta and many others."

"Who was she in danger from? Who killed my parents?" Sasha begs on the verge of tears. She's gripping my hand so hard trying to control her frustration and sadness.

Arianna sighs. "She never said. Aurora only asked us to help keep you safe. Mike and Julia lived here for years until they left for Greenwolf. If I knew the royal council found out about you I would have tried harder to get them to stay." She says swallowing hard and faking a smile.

Sasha's shoulders slump and she looks like she's thinking hard. I wrap my arm around her and she lays her head on my chest. I don't like her being upset. Sasha tends to always feel guilty for other's choices blaming herself.

"Can you help us find Jewel or not?" I ask wanting to hurry and get this over with. I need to comfort my mate.

Arianna nods. "I can but you're not going to like it."

She's right I don't like it. Arianna has created a potion for me to drink. It's supposed to send me to Spirit World. When I'm at my most vulnerable Raven and a few others witches are going to do a tracking spell which should show me where Jewel is. Due to the black magic Jewel is using it could be extremely painful. I might not survive it which is why I volunteered.

Sasha doesn't know how dangerous it is. If she did I know she would want to do it instead. We both hate to see the other hurt but I have to do this even if it kills me. I can't let Sasha get hurt. I won't lose her, ever.

"Are we ready?" Arianna asks as she looks around the room.

It's almost midnight now. We're all in Arianna's tent and I'm laying on a blanket. There are candles lit, witches chanting and the wind has suddenly picked up as I wait to go into the spirit world. Sasha half smiles at me. She's worried about me but I'm more worried about her.

"I love you." She whispers and my body jolts like I've been electrocuted and my eyes fall shut.



You have to save her!

My eyes pop open and I'm standing on that same desolate street from my nightmare. Everything starts spinning around me and I hear a familiar voice again.

"Save Sasha, save your beloved." Robin repeats before everything goes dark.

Memories of my life flash before me. Vlad kidnapping me as a baby as my mom cries, my first time meeting Jonah, and later when Vlad tells me I'm meant to be vampire king. Back then I was young and impressionable. I wanted nothing more than to be accepted by more peers.

Again everything starts to shake around me. I'm surrounded by darkness once until the room appears and I'm standing in Sasha's home. I'm in the kitchen and a woman with black hair has her back turned to me.

She turns around and smiles at me. "Hello Zane, I'm Greta."

"Greta?" I ask and she points at the stools telling me to sit. I do but I'm so confused. "Is it really you?"

"Yes and we don't have much time, you're dying. Sasha wants to heal you as we speak." She turns towards the wall and it's like I'm watching television. I see Sasha being held back by Theo and a few other witches as they chant around my body. She's screaming for them to stop as blood is coming out of my eyes, mouth, and nose.

"I can't die. Sasha needs me." I shake my head and look at the woman before me.

"And you need her. Together you're going to save the supernatural world. That's why I've come to warn you. Your enemies are closer than you think. Death is coming for you and Sasha. You must save each other to save the world."

"Do you know where Jewel is?" I growl and stand up. I'm tired of these witches and their vague messages. I won't let anyone hurt my beloved.

An image shows up on the wall. It's the royal palace or at least what's left of it. It's all in ruins.

"Thank you."

She nods. "You're welcome. Watch over my girls for me." She smiles and the room starts to shake and I feel something warm on my face. I touch my nose and it's bloody. "You've been away from your body too long, good bye Zane."

The room starts to fade and I can't breathe. I'm choking and my body feels like it's on fire. I'm dying. I'll never get to see Sasha again. Our story is ending already.

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