Sapphire A Huntress no more (Sapphire Book 1)

Chapter 3

The rain kept pouring heavier by each minute. The road which was already sloppy, become a pool of mud making our journey slow and hard. It was difficult to walk on this kind of weather but it was even harder for me to go on as I still had an injured leg. The night did not help either as we could not see a thing in front of us. The only thing we relied on was our strength and intuition.

‘There is a pack house a few miles away, we will rest there.’

‘Good idea. I had enough of this dull weather. Did you mind link the Alpha to ask for permission to come?’

‘Of course from the moment we crossed the border.’

‘We can’t, we have to keep going.’

‘Are you insane? You of all people should want to rest and not go on.’ Matt said. Even though he was angry his eyes showed concern for me as I was barely standing anymore.

‘I know right? But remember what I said about spies and all that mambo jumbo?’

‘Yes we do, but what does that have to do with this? We need shelter from the rain, we might be ageless and almost immortal but we do get sick if went too far.’ Lucy said whining. She was cute when she did that like a little girl who could not have what she desired.

‘It is important Lucy because as you saw for yourself, Joshua helped take my tracker out.’

‘Please don’t remind me…ugh…you had to put that image back into my head didn’t you?’

‘Sorry about that, how was I supposed to know a big bad wolf like you was afraid of pain. Anyway, Cole is surely looking for me and if I am right and the spy thingy is true, then we cannot risk it by going to the pack house.’

‘Then what are we going to do? I already said we will go there.’

‘We should mind link the Alpha or Beta and say we cannot come.’

‘Leave it. If what she said is true then is better for them to believe we would show up.’

We did go on for miles and back into no man’s land. According to the map we were far from reaching our destination. According to them, we had to cross an underground tunnel to reach a train station that will take us directly into the heart of Scotland, where – they said – the head of werewolves resided. We found shelter at an abandoned train station. A very old building which barely stood up, with cracked windows and walls covered in ivy from the ground up.

The weather was still bad but the cold wind seemed to take a break. Rain drops invaded the abandoned train station through the small cracks in the wall. Lucy took cover in the arms of her mate who gladly took her in his arms. Their friend kept watch as I was slowly falling asleep. My injuries were healing at a fast rate. Werewolf healing they told me. As I stood thinking about the new found powers I had, it was impossible not to think about the werewolf race.

‘If we have such fine healing power, why could the hunters kill your royal line?’ The question got out of my month before I realized it.

‘We may be ageless, and live long, longer than many, but we are not immortal. We can be killed, as you very well know.’ Lucy said with a sadness that I understood. It was not by chance that I found them in the woods near hunter territory. Throughout our journey they seemed more knowledgeable about the territory and never objected too much when change was made regarding our destination.

‘If you three are the best spies of your race, then I feel sorry for you already.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Said X looking at me with an apparent surprised expression.

‘Did you really think I will buy the – we were lost in those woods – story? I figured you were there to spy or infiltrate the Hunter base. No foolish werewolf or any other supernatural would set foot on those land willingly.’

‘How did you figure it out? We made sure not to reveal our true intentions.’

‘There are a lot of reasons, one being you not killing me when you had the chance. But what gave you away was how knowledgeable you were regarding all the places we went through, especially the hunter territory. For how long were you gathering information on us?’

‘As of yesterday we would have made four months.’

‘Lucy…what in the world are you doing?’ Joshua said a look of panic crossing his face.

‘She already knows Joshua, there is no point in denying anything at this point.’

‘She is right. I figured you out a long time ago. I stayed silent just to make sure I can trust you in some way or another.’

‘And do you…trust us?’

‘Are you that naive as to think we have nothing planed for you?’ Matt said, preventing me to give an answer to Lucy’s question.

‘Matt, I know you are taking me to your current leader, I knew this from the very beginning.’

‘How is that possible? There was no sign of you knowing about…about anything really.’

‘It is a pretty simple thing actually, I would have done the same as you if the roles were reversed.’

There was nothing more to say after that and I was too week from lack of sleep to care. The three of them were good soldiers, but they still lacked experience in the face of the unknown – a thing that could cost them dearly.

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