Sapphire A Huntress no more (Sapphire Book 1)

Chapter 18

I never thought I will ever do something like this.

Tomorrow was the word choice whenever something of importance had to be discussed. Yet, tomorrow came and there was no sign of any movement toward a serious face to face talk about our plans, about the hunters or about the enemy in our house. When she arrived here the first thing I wanted to do was imprison her. But our king had other plans. He saw something in her, something other than the huntress she was. I for one did not trust her. How can I trust a hunter? A hunter will always be a hunter no matter what. But just as the seasons change so do people. By the order of my king I watched over her every minute of every day. He had accepted her but this, made me think he too did not trust her fully. As I watched over her, I saw she was in conflict with herself about what we turned up to be, about what she had become and maybe about what she had been. Conversation between us was not necessary for me to see she had second thoughts about anything and everything in regard to our existence, and hers as well. Erin’s struggle to understand us and herself was evident in her demeanour. Seeing her like that made me trust that she will not harm us. Or will she? As days flew by, I was amazed by her combat knowledge. Her life as a hunter had its benefits. She taught us a lot about how hunters think and how they work, about their preferred strategy in combat and many other things. Which turned out to be very helpful tips.

To this very day I thought I will never consider a hunter to be my friend. Maybe Erin truly was different, maybe she was another kind of hunter, one that had a mind of its own.

The hunters attacked and my task changed from watching Erin to protecting her. To my surprise I did not oppose the order and as I fought alongside Erin, I remembered what Charles’s mother once told me.

‘An enemy has many forms.’ The former Queen used to say.

’How come? An enemy is an enemy and that is that.’ I said.

Indeed, an enemy is and enemy.’

‘Then what forms are you speaking off?’

’Stephen, the enemy can be a hunter, a rogue wolf or even our inner self. This is what I mean when I say that an enemy has many forms. Things change, people change. For example, some of us think that witches are one of our enemies.’

Yes, I know. They are one foe that we have.’ I said curious about where this talk was going.

‘For you they may be a foe but I consider them friends.’

‘Does our king know?’

Haha yes, he knows. He does not like it, but he knows. Anyway, what I want you to remember is that you must remember not to judge a book by its cover. Not all witches are bad so, in theory, not all hunters are evil, nor are werewolves nothing but humane.’

‘That is hard to believe.’

’It might be as you say but keep in mind that change is everywhere. Like the seasons change so do we, no matter our race. It will come a time when you will be faced with the power of change, like I was in regards to witches. Embrace it when you have the chance. Otherwise, for one you might lose something important just because the person or thing in front of you has a bad reputation. And secondly, if you remain stubborn, the enemy will turn up to be you all along.’

I wonder if she knew I would face this problem. But if I learned something in all my life, it would be the fact that change touches everyone.

Ever since the hunters bombed the fortress, I had a feeling of uncertainty. I fought my way through hunter troops alongside Cassidy in order to reach Erin, who went against Saul’s wishes and joined us on the battlefield. Fighting side by side with an Elder gave me strength. Cassidy and I did not speak much. We know each other by name and rank, but all in all we are total strangers. What we had in common now was Erin. The latter being Cassidy’s cousin.

Stephen, I don’t see her.’

‘She is over there, near the witches.’ Cassidy looked where I pointed at, but she did not see Erin. ‘She is the one with the bow.’

’Thank the Moon Goddess.’

We reached Erin in no time. I took position behind her while Cassidy changed into her wolf and stood guard in front of Erin.

Erin had told us about her relationship with Cole. He was the one who had found her in the woods when she was an infant and raised her as his own. It was hard to picture him caring for a child. As the three of us faced Cole, the expression on his face was all but kind and warm, a look you give to a child you took care of. Rage and disappointment were the emotions I saw on him. He was livid, realizing that his prised possession had become the very creature he loathed. I tensed and gave both Erin and Cassidy a be careful look. Stephen, please be careful as well. Cole is stronger than most. How do you do that? It is one of my many talents. You should be on your guard as well. Don’t worry about me, I know how to handle Cole. That might be true, but pay attention.

If she did not listen to Saul, what were the chances that she would listen to me? A thankless wretch was all I heard. With an inhuman speed Cole threw his silver dagger with the intent to kill Erin and I found myself between the devil and the deep blue sea. Instinct won, and I threw myself in front of Erin with such speed, that time itself seemed to have stopped for a moment. Maybe it did. Erin’s astonished face told me everything I needed to know, then and there. I wonder why.

‘STEPHEN...’ Erin and Cassidy shouted my name at the same time.

I felt nothing. No pain, no burn nothing. Their faces full of tears told me otherwise.

‘Why are you crying? I feel nothing.’ I was telling the truth. But just as those words escaped from my mouth an intense pain shot through my body. Its origin...somewhere near my heart.

‘ it hurts.’ I said throwing up blood.

’Why do such a thing? Why protect me?’ Erin said crying heavily.

‘How could I not?’ I said. By now I was on the cold ground, the silver dagger in Erin’s and.

‘I thought you hated me?’

‘I did...hate you.’

You are a stupid werewolf. Did you know that?’ Erin said with a hint of a smile between the tears.

’How low of you to insult a dying man.’ I said trying my best not to laugh.

‘You won’t die. I won’t let you.’ Charles said. I felt him lay next to me before I heard him speak.

‘I’ve done the right thing.’

‘Yes, you did.’

If, a few months ago, you would have told me that I was going to die by saving a hunter, I would have thought you were mad.

Most people say that when you die, a light will appear to guide you where you need to go. Others say that our soul leaves our bodies and floats away for a time before moving on.

For me there was no light at the end of the tunnel. I just found myself in a white place with nothing in it. I moved around to see if there was anything else there but I discovered nothing. So, being dead feels this lonely?

‘You are not dead yet Stephen.’ The voice was female, but there was no one else in this place.

‘If I am not dead, where am I?’ The voice laughed at me and after it stopped the surroundings changed and a woman appeared. Dressed in a golden long dress with red leaves all over it. She had long golden hair and deep brown eyes, her gentle smile making me less on edge.

’You are in your own mind. After being injured while protecting Erin, you went into a coma.’

‘I am alive then?’

’Yes, you are. Rest assured, you will not die. But you will not wake up soon either.’

’How do you know all this? Who are you?’

’You already know the answer to these questions Stephen.’ She said smiling.

‘How can that be?’ I came to me that she might be the Moon Goddess. But no one ever met her.

‘I came to you in order to put your mind at rest. You did the right thing saving Erin. Now rest, I will tell you more at a later time.’

‘Am I going to remember all of this?’ Her only answer was a smile before she vanished.

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