Sapphire A Huntress no more (Sapphire Book 1)

Chapter 14

A few days past, the weather had worsened. Snow began to fall with little snowflakes which meant by this time tomorrow the land will be covered in a white blanket. The morning air cooled my skin as I walked around to see how the land lies. I did this every morning. Nire and I knew that Cole would first examine the enemy thoroughly before making any move. The fact that he had not attacked was proof of that. First rule before assailing an enemy: Study your opponent. You know who the opponent is but what you don’t know is their pattern, how they move, how they think. No one is the same, no one moves the same. The only positive thing is that they care for one another. The second rule and this is the key to success: In order to conquer over our foe, we need to strike where the damage will be critical. Werewolves live in packs just as regular wolves and just as any wolf, if not more, they have a weakness. A werewolf’s weak point is their mate. Kill the mate and you will have the upper hand in any confrontation. Cole’s rules were still imbedded inside my head, fresh and clear as the day he drilled them into me. By now he had all the information he needed of this outpost and he might already be on his way. He knew of our weakness but what about his? What is Cole’s weak point?

I stood on the hill, just outside the training grounds. Covered in snow, I was shivering from the cold. Miles away the grey smoke from the hunter outpost was thick and rising to the sky. They are still there then? A few rays of sunshine escaped from the grey almost black clouds above and a glint snatched my attention. It was a short gleam that came from across the river. Someone is watching. Of course, they are watching. They were far enough in order not to be noticed and if it were not for that ray of light no one would know.

‘How come every time we meet you have a frown on your face?’ Come to think about it, Cassidy had a point, I was always deep in thought whenever she came to see me.

’Well, sorry about that.′ She smiled at me before she asked.

‘Why are you frowning? Is there something wrong?’

‘We are being watched.’ I said gravely. She too straightened up and tried to smell the threat.

‘They are way over the hill. I saw them by chance.’

’The same place as the day before yesterday, not too brilliant...these men.′ She saw me raise an eyebrow in question an explained. ‘The scouts spotted them a few times. Is looks like they use the same spot to spy on us, fools.’

So, you knew.′

‘But that’s not all, is it?’ I don’t know her too well but one thing I learned about my cousin is that she is very, very intuitive.

No, no it is not. Remember we spoke about Saul’s mate at dinner a few days ago.′

‘I remember. Why is it you ask?’

’Cassidy, his mate is not dead.′ The shocked expression on her face made her look funny.

‘ do you know?’

Because I have found mine.′ I said.

‘You did? Really?’ She said as her face lit up with a smile. ’But wait, what does that have to do with Saul.′

‘He is my mate. That is how I know...’

‘...that his soulmate is not dead.’ Finished Cassidy.

I spent the remaining of my morning speaking with her about Saul and what me being his soulmate entailed. She was unstoppable, this cousin of mine. She spoke to me about the history of mates and the royal beta’s family tree. She stopped only when, by the insistence of my empty stomach, we went back inside where it was warm and cosy to have some lunch.

The emptiness had been torture. Looking back, I realise that all the steps I took were to ensure my King’s life will be protected. All I did was think of him and I regret nothing. What I do regret is the very heart-breaking fact that I gave up searching. To have had a mate and loose it is one thing, to never have a mate and be told you will never have one is another. Regret filled my heart as I watched her and Cassidy from the window. Regret that I gave up so soon, that I believed what that seer had said. The few days spent with her were like a dream and, afraid that she will disappear, I tried as much as possible to keep an eye on her. The key word tried, she somehow managed to slip away. Today at lunch all I did was look at her, even when the meal turned up to be just another meeting. Kuno Hughes was present as well. My wolf and I were not thrilled to have him in the same room with us. Cassidy mentioned that Erin was given a choice to stay or not. She also told me about Kuno’s proposition. I was not sure why he made the offer in the first place. Erin was a werewolf and the likelihood of her accepting to go with the hunter was slim.

‘What are you looking at?’ Charles was reading the maps for the fourth time. ’You know...she won’t stay put just because you watch her like a hawk.′ do you.... What?′

‘Saul my friend, I know you have found your mate.’

’How do you do it?′ He never chases to amaze me, this man.

’You are solemn and serious all the time and then you become the happiest man I saw with war knocking at the door. You have to be dumb not to notice your mood change.′

He came and sat beside me looking at the two women making their way back from the hill.

‘How long has she been here?’ I asked.

‘She arrived before you have left.’ If you had listened to me... We would have had her in our arms sooner, yes.

‘Wait...if she was here before I left then she is...’

‘...the hunter Alice and the others escorted here.’

What are the chances. It was rare for a werewolf to have a human mate, even more so for the royal wolves. But she was not a human, I felt her wolf when we touched and saw it in her eyes. Charles might have seen the lingering question into my eyes.

‘Her real name is Erin Sage Cunningham...’

’Cunningham? So, she is related to Cassidy?′

’She is yes. Somehow her wolf had been dormant until now and that was why Cole never had a clue. Saul, I know that she is your mate but...′

‘...she is also a pawn we have against Cole.’

I felt tingles all over my arm. They came from the tip of my fingers and moved to my elbow then, slowly up my arm until the tingles reached my shoulder and after slowly went up my neck and after they lingered there for a few moments they rested on my face. I opened my eyes and in the window reflection I saw a pair of forest green ones looking at me with an emotion foreign to me. The warmth of his body settled my anxious heart and was in contrast with the weather outside. The steam of our breath left marks on the cold window, outside everything was enveloped by darkness. Even though he gently caressed my skin his demeanour was rigid, almost cold. Charles spoke to him about us. I’m afraid he did. Do you think he will...No, no, no... nothing like that. He is just afraid that we’ll leave.

’He spoke with you about, did he not? Charles, I mean.′ I added after he rose an eyebrow at me.

‘Yes love. He spoke with me about’ Said Saul kissing my neck. ’He told me everything about how you came to be here and who you are as a werewolf. Now love, tell come you decided to stay?′

‘Do you want me to go then?’ I said hurt by his question. He spun me around so fast that I would have fallen if it weren’t for him holding me tightly.

’Never think that I do not want you. You have no idea how happy I am to have found you.′

‘Then...why ask me...’

Because I want to make sure you will stay.′ He kissed me then so passionately my legs turned to jelly.

I felt Nire rising to the surface, she wanted control over us and I gave her what she wanted. I never gave her control and I was a bit afraid of what would happen if I did. Saul’s wolf rose to the surface as well and what was before a gentle touch transformed slowly into a game of dominance. We kissed and touched all over, slowly moving to the bed. He slowly took my shirt off exposing my skin to the cold. He then let me take off his shirt and we repeated the same pattern until both of us were naked. He took his time exploring my body from the tip of my toes to the valley between my breasts and beyond. I too kissed him all over the place exploring every inch of his body.

‘Are you sure about this.’ He asked. His eyes told me he did not want to stop but he would if that was my wish.

‘I want this just as much as you do.’ I said, and I did want to. Soon or not I wanted him.

He took me slowly, afraid not to break me. He kissed my tears that escaped my eyes until I felt only pleasure. His warm hard hands caressed me with every thrust he made and when we were about to come we marked each other riding on the pleasure of our love making. All night long we made love and got to know each other both with our bodies and with our souls.

Morning came and with it a boom so powerful the building shook under our feet.

And then everything sank into chaos.

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