Sanctum: A Dark Bratva Arranged Marriage Romance (Wicked Vows)

Sanctum: Chapter 24


I look into the mirror to see Aleks holding Ivy, his eyes shining at me.

“Well done, Princess. You even managed to convince your daughter you’re a princess.”

“That’s because I am,” I tell him, tossing my head. It might have to do with the endless books about princesses and the tiaras we wear when playing, but I’ll go with it.

He shakes his head. “Mama’s not a princess, Ivy. Mama’s a queen.”

My cheeks heat when I look in the mirror and finish putting my earring in. I slide the elegant pearl into place and fasten it, then turn to the side to admire the full effect.

I’ve opted for a look of timeless elegance, something sophisticated but seductive – yet perfectly designed for the plans I have tonight: a sleeveless floor-length gown with velvety accents. The bodice flares out from the waist into a gently sweeping skirt, but this outfit is a custom dress, borrowed from someone Polina knows. While it appears traditional, it’s ingeniously tailored with a modern touch. The bodice is reinforced with seams that allow for maximum movement without sacrificing style, the high slit also facilitating movement. But most importantly, the design completely disguises the holster I have strapped to my inner thigh.

My long hair, usually down and wavy, is swept into an elegant up-do, a few curlicues around my face to make the look a bit more casual. My makeup consists of warm, earthy tones that accentuate my high cheekbones, brown eyes, and full lips. Even wearing low heels, though, Aleks still stands a head taller.

“You look gorgeous,” he whispers in my ear. “And I know what you have underneath all that fabric.”

I stick my tongue out at him, and he shakes his head.

“Are you two ready to go?” Polina stands in the doorway. Aleks has arranged for one of Polina’s friends to babysit Ivy tonight because all of the Romanov family will need to attend the gala. Ekaterina and Polina have been hard at work, and in the past week, I’ve been helping them with the finishing touches as well.

“Ready!” I say, squaring my shoulders. Aleks puts Ivy down and takes her by the hand.

“Let’s get you situated. Mama even said if you eat your dinner, you can have ice cream.”

Ivy pouts, probably because she knows Aleks and I are going out. “Ice cream for dinner.”

“No, Ivy,” Aleks says with that blend of stern patience and love that makes my heart thump every time I hear it. “You’ll do what Mama says and eat your regular food first. Go, now.”

He sends Ivy out to Polina, and they walk down the hall.

“Don’t listen to him,” Polina says in a stage whisper. “Auntie Polina will give you ice cream for dinner.”

“Polina!” he booms.

I shake my head. I’m pretty sure she only said that to needle him a little.

We’re silent on the drive to the gala, the two of us lost in a world all our own.

“Let’s go over this one more time,” he says, clenching the wheel so tightly his knuckles whiten. I’m glad he said that because I’m honestly very much in the mood to go over this one more time.

“There are two potential guests tonight that could be the one who assaulted me. They’ve been invited to the gala as private guests of yours. Among the guests, the Romanov family has stacked allies. I’ll be under surveillance, since I’ll be used as bait because we’re assuming that whoever assaulted me will at least want another look.” I shiver because it makes me want to vomit.

If I could look into his ice-blue eyes right now, I’d bet my life they’re murderous.


“You’ll draw them out,” he begins. “Then step aside to let me handle it from there.”

I snort. “Nice try. We’ve been over this, Aleksandr.”

We have, over, and over, and over again.

‘I know that you would avenge me, but it doesn’t mean that I’m alright with you taking that away from me. This is my revenge.”

‘You’ve never killed anyone,’ he says. ‘You don’t know what it’s like taking the life of another person. And yes, while vengeance definitely is behind this, and I wanted you to learn to shoot so that you could get your own revenge? I still don’t want you to have the weight of the responsibility of knowing that you ended somebody’s life, no matter how much they deserved it.’

I look out the window. ‘And maybe that’s how I want to learn. Maybe this is how I want to have that first kill, knowing it’s justified. If I’m skilled at shooting, what’s even the point of it all?”

I don’t believe the words even as I’m saying them, but I don’t want my autonomy stripped from me.

‘Harper,’ he says in a harsh whisper. ‘You’re so fucking stubborn.’

‘So are you!’

He clenches his jaw. ‘I swear to God, if we weren’t on a timeline, I would pull this car over and put you over my knee just to remind you who the fuck I am.’

‘And then I would seduce you, lying down out there and giving you a blowjob, then swallowing every fucking drop so that you know who I am.’

My heart is beating at crazy tempo, but I’m not angry. Not at all. Neither is he, if the tent in his pants is an indication. He’s fucking turned on. Because…this is who we are. We spar with each other, but in the end, we come back together. Because the two of us together are fire and neither of us ever wants to douse the other.

‘Honestly, I have to say right now that I think it’s good we don’t have a specific plan. These are messy situations, and I’ve seen how it happens. We could have a perfectly orchestrated plan, but if we don’t have a backup…”

‘I’m going to let you have this, Harper. Because it isn’t mine to take. And I want you to know that the only reason why I want to is because I love you. You’re so fucking badass and a fucking genius with a gun. You’ve put up with so much. And I admire you for that, don’t you know that?’

I widen my eyes. I will not cry. I will not cry. My eye makeup is fucking killer!

I swallow the lump in my throat and reach for his hand. His big, thick, warm hand in mine makes me feel reassured.

“That means a lot to me. Because you’re fierce, too.’

He snorts. ‘Of course I am. I could never handle a wallflower. Someone passive. I need someone to fight me.’ He gives me a sidelong glance, and the way his lips curl tells me he’s thinking of doing wicked things to me. ‘I need someone who’s gonna make me chase them.”

‘Of course,’ I say seductively. ‘Where’s the fun with someone that just rolls over?’

I do a quick mental tally of what I have for shoes in the car.

Goddamn heels. I won’t run for the hell of it, but a girl needs to be prepared.

There’s time.

When we arrive, I’m a little stunned. The stars in the night sky twinkle, but they seem muted compared to the absolute glimmering elegance in front of us. Just because I helped Polina and Ekaterina put details down on paper doesn’t mean that I would actually know what it would be like to see it all unfold. White fairy lights around every window and fixture. Staff dressed in crisp, white uniforms, standing at attention like soldiers. The cars that pull up are some of the most majestic luxury vehicles I’ve ever seen in my life. They glide, as if transported there by magic. And the dresses, it’s like these guests stepped right off a runway.

Ten-year-old me would be in her utter glory right now — the click of heels, the swish of dresses, the deep voices mingling with higher-pitched ones, the diamonds and pearls. It’s luxury and its finest on full display. As well it should be. Because I happen to know for a fact that this gala tonight is actually getting everyone together to spend money on some expensive artwork.

‘Mikhail was the ostensible host of the last one,’ Aleks says, turning to me and lifting my fingers. He kisses the top of my hand. ‘And we are the hosts of this one, my lady.’

My stomach plummets. ‘Is that right? So you take turns then? Why did nobody tell me this before?’

He shrugs and winks at me. ‘I was afraid if you knew there was this much pressure on you, you’d run. ‘

‘Okay so, wait a minute…”


‘Do you mean to tell me that I’m supposed to hunt down the person that assaulted me and one of us is going to – to end – on the night that we’re actually hosting this thing?’

“Yes. Isn’t it perfect? This is exactly how things should be. You, by my side. Mikhail and Aria have a baby now, and he’s the pakhan, but with the three of us in our own nuclear family, do you know what that means?”

I lick my lips. ‘It means together, we rule.’

‘That’s exactly right.”

“And then it means that you’re going to try to knock me up,” I say in a whisper.

“Mhm. Preferably with twins.”

I square my shoulders. “But that’s for another place and time.”

“Not too far off. But let’s focus, Harper. Let’s remember why we’re here. Something was taken from you that never should’ve been. Someone stole from you. Assaulted you. It was an act of violence. And you have that beautiful girl as a result, our daughter. Our. Daughter. But that’s only because of who you are – strong, selfless. You survived in spite of what they did to you. All of them. You are a survivor, and I’m honored to be by your side. ‘

Oh, God.

‘Do not make me cry. I have the most beautiful damn makeup on I’ve ever had in my life.” But of course my voice wobbles, and I blink back tears. I nod. ‘Let’s do this.’

We walk in hand in hand, amidst murmured greetings and appraising smiles, but I know even now there isn’t an ounce of friendliness from any of these people.

The first part of the night, Ekaterina and Polina are brilliant. They introduce me to their friends, and I remember nobody’s names. I don’t want to. I’m content just being part of this family. I don’t need any more than that.

I check in with the babysitter multiple times, because of course I’m afraid for Ivy. But she’s fine and the sitter even sends me little videos of Ivy being adorable and precious.

Nikko meets me at the bar, buys me a drink, and hands it to me.

I frown and shake my head.


“I want to be alert.”

He leans in and whispers in my ear, “It’s lime and soda water.”

I smile. “Bottoms up.”

Nikko smiles back and says in a low voice only meant for my ears, “We have twenty men surrounding you, in every corner of this room. Trained. Nobody’s gonna hurt you, Harper.’

I take another sip and when I look up, he’s gone, blending into the crowd. Camouflaged.

Viktor, however, is a lot harder to camouflage with his huge, hulking frame. He joins me at the bar. ‘You want a drink?’

‘I’m fine, thank you. How are you?”

‘Fantastic,’ he says, and for some reason, his eyes are trained in the corner of the room on someone I can’t see.

I look over to see Nikko talking to a young woman who looks pretty out of place here. She wears glasses and has kind of wild light-brown hair. She’s slender, her outfit appearing as if she’s wearing her sister’s dress-up clothes and shoes. She looks as if a brisk gust of wind would knock her over. As I watch, he bends toward her and says something in her ear. She stiffens her spine and marches away from him. I snort to myself. I know what that’s like.

Aleks appears by my side, the warmth of his hand at my back.

‘They’ve arrived. But I have news, Princess. ‘


‘Your brother came with them.’

Jesus. ‘They were his friends, weren’t they?’

‘They were.’

‘At least that should make it easier, shouldn’t it?’

‘Yes, now we can narrow it down. I’ll walk away now, so we can actually use you as bait.” His voice is hoarse. This is killing him. He bends down and kisses my cheek. ‘You have no idea how hard it is to walk away from you,’ he whispers in my ear. ‘I love you, Harper. Don’t forget that.’ He stands tall and blows out a breath. “I’m sorry I got called away. I’ll see you later on.” This was part of my plan, but it still feels terrible hearing him say that.

He kisses my cheek and vanishes.

And I’m alone, in a crowd of people. This is a feeling I am quite familiar with.

When my brother walks in, I hold my head up high. The two men by his side look vaguely familiar.

I know them. They were his friends. I’ve seen both of their faces a hundred times as they came back to my family home over the years.

The man who assaulted me, who ruined me wasn’t hiding at all; he was under my nose the entire time.

I had no idea.

I don’t even know which one it was.

Maybe they were both complicit.

I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Nikko is about an arm’s length away. I give him a quiet little gesture, even as my brother and his friends head over to me.

“You alright?”

“I know them.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “You still don’t want a drink?”

I shake my head. “Would love to change my mind, but no. I’m good.”

“I can stay⁠—”

“Go,” I hiss. Draw in a deep breath and square my shoulders.

When Nikko heads to a side table holding some canapes, my brother reaches me. ‘There you are.”

His two friends give me the once-over and nod. Marco Vittori has a shaved head and a ragged scar running down the right side of his face, along with coal-black eyes. His buddy Leonardo is not quite as tall and much leaner. He looks away when I look at him.

I give my brother a tight-lipped smile and nod. “Saul. How are you?”

“Oh cut the shit, Harper,” he says in a low voice, as he scans the room. “You can dress up all you want, but I know who the fuck you are.”

My smile broadens because I know who the fuck I am, too. “Where did you all go? Aleksandr went to pay you a visit and found the home vacant.”

He can’t hide the look of panic in his eyes. Yeah, that’s right, asshole, my scary-as-fuck husband came looking for you. Better be on the lookout.

He covers up his fear with a shrug.

‘I have no idea. I haven’t been home in a month. I had shit to do. Think I want to hang around with Mommy and Daddy?’ One of his buddies laughs, and a chill skates down my spine. I know that laugh. I know that fucking laugh. And when I look again at Leonardo, and he looks back at me… I see my daughter’s eyes.

My blood runs cold. Against everything in me, I reach out a hand and lean in, lowering my voice. “Leonardo, isn’t it? So glad you could come. Gentlemen, please excuse me.”

I turn away and tamp down the nausea in my belly.

I text Aleksandr.

‘It’s the one in the navy suit with a red tie to my brother’s left. You don’t have to test anything. I know it’s him.”

I don’t think anybody else in that room would feel the difference in temperature. But I do.

Aleks’s response is immediate and chilling.

“Bait him. Isolate him. I’ll do the rest.”

No he fucking will not, but I’ll let him have his fun.

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