Sanctuary II

Chapter Sanguine Eyes

Varla marched down the pavement toward the doors of Sanctuary Labs, with Bartholme in tow, carrying her chair. As she arrived at the doors, she looked around to find no one around, Bartholme placed the chair behind her, as she beat her fist on the energy shield, burning it.

"COME OUT ROISIN!" She yelled, as passers-by quickened in their steps, to get away from the area. Varla continued beating her fists on the doors for about five minutes, before she snapped and grabbed her chair, and smashed it against the energy shield. Bartholme backed away slightly.

Within a few minutes, Roisin slowly made her way to the door.

"Can I help you?" She casually asked as she scanned Varla, nothing the bloodstains on her clothes. "You broke your chair, by the way" She smiled.

"I will kill your Uncle, I will kill your brother, I will kill your twin and I will kill your little dumb dragon" Varla seethed with hatred.

"And how do you plan on doing so?" Roisin asked, as she sat down. Ruby the dragon flew into the entrance and perched on the seat beside Roisin.

Varla began pacing back and forth.

"Why did you come here, Varla?" Roisin asked, curiously.

"I found your ship, I planned to destroy it, but I found out you had it secured away, with that damned Demi Headmistress" Varla grunted.

"What can I say? We thought ahead. That being said, we thought the threat we would be facing was in the darkness, not you" Roisin shrugged.

"How very noble of you, leaving your citizens for the fiendish horde to murder" Varla grinned.

"We had a plan for them, which we were in the midst of enacting, before you showed" Roisin replied, as she fed Ruby a treat. "I ask you again, why did you come here?" She asked.

"I came to... confront you" Varla replied, slightly confused. "I though that was obvious" She shrugged.

"No, I mean HERE, as in Sanctuary?" Roisin asked, again.

"This land once belonged to the Empire, it is ours by right" Varla frowned.

"No, this was Hubun land, the Empire poisoned and decimated the land until nothing was left. They never even built anything here, not as if that would justify anything. This land belongs to the Hubun people, and the survivor of the Hubun tribe that called this land home... is the real leader of Sanctuary" Roisin explained.

"Nations fall, and are overtaken by conquerors, do you think that your Ishtall was always Ishtall?" Varla asked.

"No, I don't" Roisin shook her head. "You are correct in saying that nations do indeed fall. Aranei fell, the Empire died and its people live on in Sanctuary, in a new nation. You are not a nation. Your Empire is a ghost, and poor man's copy of what once existed, you will never have a legacy, your story will be a footnote in the history books. No one will even remember your name, Varla" Roisin stated, standing and walking to the door.

"You are nothing Varla" Roisin growled, as her eyes turned a deep red.

"My, my, so you do have a fiery side, like I have been told" Varla chuckled. "I will provoke you and your walls shall fall, then I will finally take this city as my own" She grinned.

"Then what? Your false sun may do for now, but it won't last forever, will you be able to save the world?" Roisin asked.

"I have no interest in saving this cursed place. Or in the afterlife. I live for war and bloodshed. If day never comes, then I shall turn this city red, as the apocalypse closes in, dear Roisin" Varla winked.

"How very... dull" Roisin sighed.

"Dull?" Varla asked, in an almost angry tone.

"Yeah, dull" Roisin shrugged. "Like, that is your great plan…? Wow." Roisin began laughing.

"You mock me?" Varla growled.

"Of course I mock you, I thought we had these grandiose chats because you had some intricate evil villian plan. But it turns out, basically, if the day ever comes, after killing me, it's 'Yay, Empire!' if not it's 'Yay! Slaughter!'" Roisin chuckled.

"I do not understand why that is funny?" Varla tried to look angry, but smiled slightly.

"It's just, Rychard had some crazy god complex, Treleva was some sort of weird magic man, Lumina was an insane ancient... but you're just some human, bloodthirsty, girl" Roisin erupted into laughter.

"I... guess that is actually, a little funny, yes" Varla chuckled slightly, as she calmed down. "Wait..." She pondered.

"Huh?" Roisin said as she turned to Varla, still wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

"How did you... do that?" Varla asked, noticing her sudden change of mood.

"Uh, do what?" Roisin asked.

"I... must leave at once" Varla said, before turning and walking away rapidly. Roisin shrugged and sighed, before turning to Ruby and kneeling down.

"The Empress sure is a weird lady, isn't she?" Roisin cooed as she fed Ruby another treat, and Ruby let out a small squeal of approval.

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