Sanctuary II

Chapter De Morte Deus

A flash blinded Roisin before she hit the rocky forest floor.

"Argh, shit" She groaned, as she stood up, she recognized where she was instantly. The thick fog, the swampy surroundings. "The Underworld... but how?" Roisin said, as she rubbed her back.

"Long time no see" A familiar voice sighed, Roisin looked to where the voice came from, Rory was stood, wearing a regal looking robe.

"You?" Roisin grunted, as she tried to summon a Celestial Sword.

"Hey! Take it easy!" Rory said, backing away.

"Take it easy?! What did you do?" Roisin growled.

"I... grabbed you out of the ether, after you teleported" Rory admitted.

"Why?!" Roisin snarled.

"It wasn't my decision, I apologise. We will return you, but... you need to see this. Before you embark on your final journey" Rory motioned Roisin to follow him.

"My... final journey?" Roisin asked, as she reluctantly followed him. Rory didn't reply, the two walked a small distance, to where a haggard looking 9ft tall human-looking man stood.

"My lord, Roisin is here, as you requested" Rory knelt before the man.

"Thank you, Rory. You are now free from servitude, and forgiven in the eyes of the judges" The man spoke softly.

"Of course" Rory bowed, as he headed over to a nearby campfire. The tall man looked at Roisin and smiled.

"Hello, little one" He said, with pain in his eyes. "I am sorry for all you have endured. I wish I could say the worst was behind you... I truly do" He added, as he sat down.

"Who... are you?" Roisin asked.

"My name is Nalfaniastias" The man introduced himself "But... call me Nalf" He chuckled, before coughing and wheezing.

"Sounds very similar to Nalfias, the God of Death" Roisin said, as she sat on the cold ground.

"Very astute, though I would expect nothing less of you" Nalf nodded.

"Wait... you're the god that Dex mentioned?" Roisin asked.

"I am, little one, and regretfully, this is the day of my death" He said, mournfully.

"I hadn't thought Gods could get ill..." Roisin pondered.

"Heh, heh, we are not gods, in the true sense" Nalf smiled.

"Not Gods?" Roisin asked.

"Back in the era before the era that you modern day dwellers call 'The Timeless Era', there was another race on Christallia, the Tolmen, or, the giants, as we were nicknamed" Nalf explained.

"Era before the era without time?" Roisin looked lost.

"Hah, yes, it is quite... a long story, perhaps for another day" Nalf nodded. "You see, the Tolmen were weavers of fantastical magicks known as 'Crystalla' and these magicks kept the world in balance, and wove the fabric of reality. However, a tear one day appeared across the sky, with... something beyond the void, they threatened to destroy our whole reality. The Tolmen could not bear to see life end, and so the majority of our race gave their lives in payment to forstall the end. Those of us who lived decided that we needed a long term plan, and forged our own realm, the heavens" Nalf continued.

"So... you're mortals, like us?" Roisin asked.

"More than you know, Roisin" Nalf smiled gently. "When however were not perfect, our plan was to gift the remaining races our power of Crystalla, and the Celestial Harbingers were tasked with helping the world stay that course. But we misjudged one of those we gifted the Crystalla to, and gave him the power of Fate. This was a mistake, and the Harbingers in furious rage returned to the realm of the Gods and slaughtered us, alas, not realising the plan we had" Nalf mourned.

"The Harbingers, Abyssia and Lumina... they are... hmm, dangerous" Roisin nodded.

"Indeed, we gave them free will, when perhaps we should not. But that is more of a philosophical question. We were lucky however, I escaped with my life, fleeing to the furthest corner of the Underworld, and another Tolman, had blessed Aran the Kind, an ancestor of yours, with the power of the hidden Crystalla, Life" Nalf explained.

"The rift you mentioned, the same one that has returned?" Roisin asked.

"Yes, they have come back for payment and will not be forestalled any longer" Nalf sighed heavily. "They use dark matter to erase all life... we spent our exile in the heavens to create the opposite... Light Matter" Nalf said, as he held out a small blank white rock. "This is our gift to you, child" He frowned.

Roisin nodded and took the stone.

"Only a Luna may use it, and that Luna... will die" Nalf said, mournfully. Roisin gave a knowing nod. "I'm sorry child, it is the way it has to be, though, it does not need to be you" He added.

"I cannot ask that price of anyone else" Roisin said, with bravery in her voice. Nalf nodded, he was getting weaker.

"It was good... to see you once more, Roliess" Nalf murmured, as he closed his eyes, passing away into an endless slumber.

Roisin stood alone, looking at the Light Matter.

"Chose someone else, Roisin" Rory said, as he approached.

"You know I can't, that's not me" She shook her head.

"Be selfish, for once" Rory said softly.

"No" Roisin frowned as she turned to Rory. "Send me back" She added.

"Take me as a Crystalla, Roisin" Rory asked.

"I'm sorry, but no" Roisin shook her head once more.

"Isn't my love enough?" Rory frowned.

"You don't love me, Rory" Roisin grunted.

"I do! I gave my second life for you" He added.

"No, you gave it for the idea of me. Send me back" Roisin said, getting angrier. Rory clenched his fist, but sighed deeply.

"Fine" He shrugged, and clicked his fingers.

A flash of light blinded Roisin, as she rematerialised in Ishtall, to the shock of Atlas who was in the middle of shouting at a technician.

"Roisin? Are you okay?" Lotte asked.

Roisin put on a smile.

"I'm fine" She nodded, as she slid the light matter into her pocket, and ran to hug Atlas...

Back in the misty forest, Rory stood alone.

"You won't die on my watch, Roisin" He said to himself, as he walked off into the thick fog.

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