Sanctuary II

Chapter Behind Bars

The hum of the Dreadnought's engines vibrated softly through the ship. Atlas was in a clean white cell, in the brig. One wall of the cell was open, providing a clear view of the whole brig, but an energy field kept him imprisoned.

Ariel sat at a nearby desk, she was tired, and kept closing her eyes. The ticking of the clock on the wall was echoing through the room. The two cells at either side of Atlas were empty. Atlas sighed and stared at the wall.

"How are you holding up in there?" Ariel asked.

"I'm cold, tired, uncomfortable. But other than that, not too bad" Atlas replied, in a teasing manner.

"I got a message through from Roisin last night, she says Amanda is showing signs of recovery" Ariel smiled.

"You two need to be careful with those communications, if your cover gets blown... well, we all know what happened to Helios" Atlas said, sitting up. He looked at Ariel and frowned. "I can't lose you too. You, Ashe, and Dex... you're like family to me" Atlas sighed.

"We take all necessary precautions, don't worry, Atlas" Ariel smiled softly. "And thank you... for saying that" She nodded. "To be quite honest, you're the best father figure I've had" Ariel said, as she thought back to memories of her father.

"You've never mentioned your father much, what was he like?" Atlas asked.

"Absent, is a good word to use" Ariel shrugged. "Him and Mum were always too busy climbing the political ladder to ever give me or Rory the time of day. It's honestly a mercy that I didn't end up as crazed as him" She continued.

"Yeah, I gotta say, you're the sanest out of the Ferras clan" Atlas chuckled.

"They were all too focused on power, and forgot the little people, for me, it was the opposite" Ariel explained.

"I was... mistrusting of you for quite a while, after Roisin told me about you posing as that Victoria girl" Atlas admitted.

"Yeah, those weren't my proudest hours" Ariel frowned. "I should have told my mother 'No' but I was too weak, and my weakness meant that poor girl had to live in a dungeon" She sighed deeply.

"I hope she got out eventually, and lives on" Atlas smiled.

"Yeah, me too" Ariel feigned a smile.

"If it helps, I was imprisoned in the dungeons in Aranei for a while, and I was the only one there... aside from your mother, of course" Atlas revealed.

"Then she must have escaped!" Ariel smiled.

"That would be the most likely outcome, yeah" Atlas nodded. The door slid open, and Varla walked in, Ariel went silent and resumed doing paperwork. Varla looked in her direction and grinned, before walking over to Atlas' cell.

"You're Atlas Luna" Varla smirked.

"No, I'm Dick Turner" Atlas shrugged.

"No, you are Atlas" Varla frowned as she stepped closer to the cell.

"If you say so, your majesty" Atlas shrugged.

"Even if I didn't know your name, I know that smug, confident, petulant attitude anywhere" Varla chuckled. "I have become quite acquainted with your niece" She added.

"My niece? Now you lost me" Atlas shrugged once more.

"You know, it is funny" Varla laughed. "She's down there with that failed mess of an Emperor, Amanda" She continued.

"How's that funny?" Atlas asked, as he poked at the wall.

"Ah" Varla winked, before turning to face Ariel. "Well you are up here with Ariel Ferras" Varla grinned from ear to ear, as Ariel looked up in horror. Atlas ran to the energy field and pressed his fist against it.

"Leave her alone, you evil bitch!" Atlas yelled as he banged his fists on the field, burning his hands. Varla laughed as she turned off the energy field, sending Atlas falling face-first into the floor.

"Atlas!" Ariel gasped standing up, as she did, Varla slapped her, knocking her down to the floor. Atlas struggled to his feet, and summoned his Celestial Weapon. Varla raised her hand, in a 'stop' motion.

"You can go, Luna" Varla motioned to the door.

"I'm not going without Ariel" Atlas panted.

"You would give your life for the daughter of the Empress that killed your sister?" Varla shrugged.

"As far as I am concerned, Ariel is more my daughter than hers. I'd give my life for her" Atlas replied.

"So be it" Varla shrugged, as she summoned a Celestial Shotgun, and pointed it at Altas.

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