Sahara Ashdell: Threat to Malorsty (Book 1)

Chapter 8: Settling for Now

They arrive in a strange village and Sahara tries to tame her queasy stomach. “The aran is waiting for you Cundu.” Verdiwild steps to the side and holds his arm out toward a beautiful grey stoned castle. Brystol briefly looks over toward Sahara before he begins his journey toward the door of the castle while Verdiwild speaks to Sahara, “Come with me Aranel.” Sahara follows Verdiwild into the castle in silence as she looks around the quiet courtyard. She wonders why it is not active like it was at Kinderton when she first arrived. “This is the kingdom of Holestroy.” Verdiwild explains, “You are to curtsy to the Aran and Tari when you enter the throne room. If Brystol is in there, also curtsy to him. It is the custom and shows respect. Be honest and speak only when spoken to. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Sahara says with a swallow, wondering if she even knows how to curtsy properly.

“The binding ceremony must take place before midnight. Though you obviously protest, you will attend the ceremony and make no complaint.”

An older elleth is standing next to the door they are approaching and Verdiwild calls over to her, “Ah. Guilda,” He motions toward Sahara, “This is Aranel Sahara.”

Guilda curtsies toward Sahara and Sahara tries to take note of how she curtsies so she can replicate the motions later. “Thank you for your sacrifice your royal highness.”

“Guilda will prepare you for the ceremony and I will see you in the throne room, Aranel.” Verdiwild bows toward Sahara before he turns to leave them.

“Please follow me this way, Aranel.” Guilda opens the door for Sahara to enter before leading her toward a room filled with gowns that line the walls. Sahara has never seen so many dresses in all her life and she cannot believe how beautiful they each are. “We do not have time for a proper fitting but, I think we have some gowns that will fit.” Guilda moves over toward the hanging gowns and begins to shuffle through them.

“Hello!” Sahara is startled by the bubbly young elleth that suddenly hugs her waist.

“Hi.” She replies wondering who the friendly child is.

“I am Trylla.” The elleth pulls her head away from the tight hug to look up at Sahara. “We are to be sisters.”

“Oh.” Sahara didn’t realize Brystol had a little sister.

“Aranel Trylla!” A scolding elleth yells across the room moving towards them. “We will be late.” The elleth looks startled as she notices Sahara and quickly curtsies. “Your royal highness, I am sorry I did not see you.”

“It is alright.” Sahara says kindly.

“Excuse us. Come along.” The elleth pulls on Trylla’s hand.

“Yes. Magda.” Trylla moans with an eye roll.

“Here we are.” Guilda holds up a handful of gowns. “These should fit.”

It does not seem to take long for Guilda to ready Sahara for the ceremony. Sahara feels her nerves in her trembling hand as she stands outside the throne room twisting her fingers together. “The Aran and Tari want to meet with you before the ceremony.” Guilda says before she opens a door to a room. Sahara peeks around the door noticing Verdiwild standing inside staring at her. She slowly moves around the door and enters the room, noticing an ellon that looks like Brystol sitting in a chair wearing a crown and next to him sits a beautiful elleth dressed in a golden gown smiling at her.

She stops and curtsies toward the Aran and Tari, before the Tari speaks, “We are excited to have you finally here and safe Aranel Sahara. We welcome you with open arms.”

“Thank you.” She knows she should use a formal title or something, but she is not sure what to use so she just keeps her words simple.

“I am Aran, what you know as king, Rayterbay Treegan and this is my wife, Tari, or queen, Nathila Treegan.” The Aran introduces themselves to Sahara.

“We know the circumstances are far from ideal or familiar to you. And for that we apologize.” The Tari sounds sincere in her words, and it comforts Sahara. Sahara glances over to the Aran, who looks less friendly. The Tari continues, “You have been through so much and it is a great regret we could not bring you sooner or protect you in the human world.”

“Verdiwild tells us you have questions.” The aran finally speaks, and Sahara quickly glances over toward Verdiwild nervously as the aran continues. “Which is expected. With time you will understand more of our world, but for the time being, we are pressed for time on completing the priminal binding. So, do ask your questions.”

“I just.” She looks down at the floor feeling overwhelmed. “I do not understand why I have to marry Brystol.”

“We were made aware of the way he has treated you since your arrival, and for that we are sorry, and he has been scolded.” The tari says.

“Your father was one of my greatest friends.” The Aran sounds sincere as he speaks. “I treasured him and our friendship. When we heard of an uprising to overthrow our kingdoms, he and I developed the betrothal plan and hoped you would be an elleth because no other royals were due to have children at the time of the uprising. Your parents made the alliance with us upon your birth to conjoin the tri-kingdoms by the marriage. This alliance over the past fifteen years has protected our world and will protect elves for generations to come. Your marriage to the next aran of Holestroy must be completed for the tri-kingdoms to be safe. Your powers are unique to our world and your children must be of pure royal blood so that the next generations with similar power will rule. Your parents were two of the most powerful elves to live and when you were born, it was well known that you would be a result of both of their powers, making you more powerful than any previous generation. Brystol was the only ellon of royal blood in close age to you when you were born. And our kingdoms are connected, so this alliance is a strategy to protect your kingdoms, as well as our own and ensure your powers are kept within royal blood. If your powers were to be passed among the common elves, it would be easily accessible to the evil elves in this world. Then all would be lost.”

“Who has been ruling Kinderton in my absence?” Sahara looks shyly towards the floor.

“Upon your parent’s death and because of the betrothal contract, Kinderton and Fremerton conjoined with our Kingdom of Holestroy, now known as the tri-kingdoms.” The Aran explains, “Kinderton was your mother’s Kingdom and Fremerton was your father’s Kingdom. Your parents prepared this path for you because they thought it was what was best for you and their kingdoms.”

Sahara knows they know more about her powers and their world than she ever will. She tries to rationalize in her head that if this was what her parents wanted, she should at least consider it. “Why was I not allowed in this world until I was fifteen?”

“You needed to have your powers to protect you and we needed time to set up protections for you.” The Aran says remorsefully. “I know the Craig’s were not as good to you as we had hoped. It was a rushed situation when we had to place you in the human world. There were not many options at that moment in time on what child we could switch you with, it was not an easy task to conduct. And once you were placed, we could not risk any other elves learning of your human identity so we could not move you or have anything to do with you. You were mistreated, which we are sorry for, but you know humility and compassion. Something our own son obviously knows nothing of from his conduct toward you, but perhaps you could teach him.”

The Tari stands and moves closer to her as her soft tone gives Sahara comfort. “Your fears are reasonable, and we are not mad at you for wanting answers. The priminal binding is conducted the year when both the betrothed powers manifest. It is the two elves recognizing that they are aware of the betrothal, nothing more.” The Tari takes Sahara by the hand, and it causes Sahara to look up into the Tari’s loving eyes. “You will have time to process and learn before the marriage.” Sahara sees the tari’s lips curve into a sweet smile. “You look just like your mother.” She hugs Sahara and it causes her to relax slightly. The tari releases her from the hug.

“Would you be willing to do the priminal binding now?” The aran asks.

Sahara nods her head in silence knowing she really has no choice.

“Thank you.” The Tari says with a smile. “We would love for you to consider us your family. Because that is what the betrothal makes us, family.”

The Aran sounds relieved as he speaks to Verdiwild, “Inform Brystol to come in.”

“Of course, your majesty.” Verdiwild responds with a bow.

“This gives us the opportunity to introduce you properly to the kingdom.” The Aran says toward Sahara, “The elves of Holestroy are gathered in the throne room to witness the binding ceremony.”

Sahara feels nervous at the thought of so many elves watching her. She hated being the center of attention. “No need to be nervous my dear.” The Tari raises Sahara’s chin up from looking at the ground. “You look stunning.” Her words calm Sahara’s heart for a moment until the door opening catches her attention and Brystol enters. All she can think is how she dislikes him more than she has ever disliked anyone.

“Sahara has agreed to complete the binding.” The Aran announces to Brystol as he stands from his chair and moves toward the door. “Escort her to the entrance of the throne room.” He holds his hand out toward the Tari. “Your mother and I will be awaiting your entry.” The Tari takes the Aran by the hand, and they move toward a door on the other side of the room and exit.

Sahara sighs as she looks over toward Brystol who is looking at her with an odd smile. “What?”

Brystol looks down at her red dress before looking back up at her with a smirk. “I didn’t say anything.”

Sahara looks down at her dress wondering if she has something on her. “What is wrong with my dress?”

“A red dress with the red hair? You just look extra red today.” He says teasingly and it causes Sahara’s blood to boil. She feels the fire in her cheeks as Brystol continues, “And just when I thought you couldn’t look any redder you prove me wrong with those cheeks.”

“I hate you.” She says as she grits her teeth and fights the urge to lunge toward him. He steps back from her as his smile fades, but he remains silent and looks as though he is ready to defend himself from something. The silence angers her more, until she sees him relax.

“I guess they are right.” Brystol says with a surprised scuff. “You don’t need Basic Emotional Magic. Your emotions do not affect your powers.”

“Are you teasing me to test me?” Sahara asks feeling confused as to if he just paid her a compliment or not.

Brystol shrugs his shoulder toward her before motioning toward the door behind him. “We should not leave them waiting.”

Sahara rolls her eyes in annoyance as Brystol opens the door that leads to the hallway. She moves toward the door to exit as Brystol steps to the side to allow her to pass. She stops in front of him before she turns to look him in the eye and clearly claims, “I will never marry you.”

“Fine by me.” Brystol says back toward her showing no emotion.

She feels herself relax some from his words and wonders if he knows how they could break the betrothal. “Is there a way out of it?”

Brystol looks out toward the hallway briefly before looking back at Sahara. “I don’t know. We just have to get through this binding thing and then we have three years to figure that out.”

Sahara looks out into the hallway and sees Verdiwild’s scolding expression heading toward them. He motions with his hand for them to come toward him. Sahara moves out past Brystol and hears him following behind her. “What are you two doing? Everyone is waiting for you.” Verdiwild scolds. “Come along.” He ushers them toward a set of double doors that two guards open and Verdiwild moves inside. She stops hearing a large crowd hush. Verdiwild announces her and Brystol inside the room and Sahara sees Brystol move slightly past her.

Sahara knows she should be moving but her feet are frozen and all she can hear is her heart beating in her ear. Brystol stops at the door and looks over toward her in confusion. She swallows hard as she tries to steady her nerves and her fingers begin to twist together. Brystol moves back toward her before he whispers, “Are you alright?” Sahara hates to show weakness in front of Brystol, so she just quickly nods her head toward him in silence. Brystol moves to the side of her and holds out his elbow toward her. “Take my arm and just follow my lead. You’ll be fine.”

Sahara reluctantly slides her arm into his and he leads them around the edge of the door and into the throne room. She notices hundreds of elves standing in the large room staring at her. She quickly looks down at the floor as she continues to move inside the room. She hears whispers from the crowd as they move toward the front. She glances up at the front of the room, noticing Verdiwild standing next to Headoreon Shawdlortur. The Aran and Tari are standing to the left of Verdiwild, and a table is to the right. The box, Verdiwild had earlier in Headoreon Shawdlortur’s office, sits on the table. Brystol stops and moves his arm from hers before he bows. She curtsies toward the aran and tari hoping she is doing it correctly.

The Aran nods toward Verdiwild, who removes the scroll from the box on the table. Brystol’s hand brushes Sahara’s and she notices he is holding his hand out next to hers so that she can take it. Instead, she glances over at the watchful crowd that seem so intrigued by her. “Take my hand.” Brystol whispers and it causes her to comply with reluctance. She squeezes his hand hard purposely and she feels him squeeze her hand harder in return. She grits her teeth in pain and releases her firm grip on him, which causes him too also lose his tight squeeze and look over toward her with a smirk knowing he won whatever that small battle was. She sighs quietly in frustration as Verdiwild moves in front of them holding up the scroll.

Verdiwild proclaims to the room, “Quantalme i ontornie, krimplme se lepenque.”

Sahara wishes she knew what he was saying as she glances toward the smiling Tari. “We fulfill the alliance; we bind them at fifteen.” Brystol whispers toward her and it causes her to look back at him in surprise. She wondered if he had read her thoughts.

Verdiwild says something incoherent as he removes the feather ring from around the scroll. The feather begins to glow as Verdiwild continues to speak incoherently. Brystol raises their joined hands out toward Verdiwild, who moves the feather that is no longer a ring but now a flat feather out over the top of their hands. The feather floats above their hands as Verdiwild continues with his whispering incoherent language. The glowing feather suddenly falls onto their hands and quickly wraps around their hands causing Sahara's hand to tingle. The feather begins to glow so brightly that she must close her eyes. "The betrothed each acknowledge it to be true." Verdiwild proclaims loudly and Sahara is thankful for his sudden use of English, so that she can understand. "The alliance bound by blood between the two."

Sahara feels a sudden jolt of an odd electricity pulse in her hand. She looks over toward Brystol, wondering if he feels it too. The glow of the feather suddenly disappears and Brystol jerks his hand quickly away from hers, never looking at her. Sahara hears the crowd of elves begin to clap as she looks back at Verdiwild holding up the scroll. The glowing feather gently swirls back around the scroll and locks in place. The glow of the feather does not extinguish as he moves over and places the scroll back into the box.

Brystol bows toward the Aran and Tari and Sahara follows his lead by curtsying toward them. She then notices he turns toward her and bows. She turns toward Brystol in response and curtsies. He holds out his arm for her to take and she complies as he leads her from the room and through the excited crowd. As they exit into the hallway, Brystol briskly pushes her arm off his and turns in silence away from her toward a staircase. As he begins to leave, Sahara quickly tries to catch up to him as she asks, "What do we do now?"

Brystol abruptly turns toward Sahara stopping her in her tracks. "I am going to my room. And I don't really care what you do." He turns to leave her alone in the hall as he mumbles over his shoulder. "Teleport home."

"Thank you," She blurts out toward Brystol. Her words cause him to turn back toward her and she sees the confusion on his face, so she explains, "For translating."

Brystol rolls his eyes in annoyance with his response, "Exactly. That is one of the many reasons you should not be the tari. You cannot even speak our ancestral tongue."

Sahara feels herself shrink in size from his words. She knew she was under-qualified to be the future tari but to hear the future aran say it hurts. She silently watches Brystol turn and continue his journey up the stairs. As the sound of voices from the throne room draws nearer and enters the hallway, Sahara feels the need to escape but she is not sure where to go as she looks around. Verdiwild's words startle her, "A carriage awaits to return you and the Cundu to the Academy, Aranel." She nods her head in silence as she follows Verdiwild to the carriage.

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