Sahara Ashdell: Threat to Malorsty (Book 1)

Chapter 12: Plorksol and Dancing

“Congratulations.” Brystol says surprising her as she steps out onto the plorksol field. She has not spoken to Brystol in two months, aside from the few times she had to during class for assignments. He never talked to her during plorksol practice, yet she still found his presence uncomfortable. And now he is standing in front of her telling her congratulations. She is not sure why nor does she know what to say. She looks around the stadium at the crowd of elves starting to fill the seats.“Headoreon Shawdlortur told me you passed the test.”

“What?” Sahara turns to face him in surprise. She had not expected to know until tonight at the ball.

“He said you only missed two.” Brystol smiles at her as if he is proud of her.

Sahara screams jumping up and down in excitement as she hugs Brystol. She feels Brystol’s arms hug her back and it makes her realize what she is doing. She sees Waizlynn moving toward them as she pushes herself out of Brystol’s arms. “Sorry.” She says feeling uncomfortable and adjusting her top.

Brystol laughs at her as he replies, “It’s okay.”

“Your keeto does not look like she thinks it is okay.” Sahara says looking around him at Waizlynn again. She sees Brystol look behind him toward Waizlynn and she takes the opportunity to turn and leave so that she can go over to Phylan and warm up for the game.

She is nervous as she stands on the sideline of the field holding her plorboard. She didn’t realize she would get to play, since it was her first game but Randolph told her she was starting. “You will be fine.” Phylan says jumping onto his board. He was getting to start too. “You are paired with Randolph, so you have one of the best players on the team.”

“I know. But what if I take all twelve shots to make it through the ring?” Sahara asks still clasping her board nervously.

“It has never taken you more than three shots to make it through the ring and you have never missed the pods.” Randolph says sliding on his wrist bands. “You are the best hitter we have. Just pretend it is practice.”

“Practice.” Sahara repeats looking around at the crowded stadium.

“You have to actually get on the board, Pukey.” Brystol’s words cause her nervousness to turn into anger as she looks over at him floating on his board next to her. She scowls at him before she turns her board on and drops it, so that it floats on the ground next to her feet. Brystol smiles at her before he flies off onto the field with the other players. She jumps on her board and joins them.

“How about Byrstol and Metif go first.” Randolph says as they gather in a small group. “Since it is Sahara and Phylan’s first game it will give them a chance to warm up to the crowd. Sahara and I will go last.”

Brystol and Metif manage to get the ball through their ring in four tries, leaving them eight tries to explode their pod. The other team has five tries to expode their pod. Brystol explodes the first pod and the Malorsty crowd goes wild. The other team also manages to explode their pod. By the time it is the sixth round, there are two pods remaining for each team. Both teams had missed exploding a pod. “Are you ready?” Sahara hears Randolph ask as he holds the ball waiting for the bell to start the round.

“I think so.” She says looking over at the two ellons they are about to go up against. It is two muscular ellons that are twice her size. She knows she needs to guard the ring when the other team has the ball but she is afraid of getting hit with the ball if they hit it as hard as they look like they can.

The bell suddenly sounds and Randolph hands the ball to the referee. The referee throws the ball up into the after whispering to it and Sahara sees the other three ellon in the round racing toward the ball. She feels frozen in place knowing she might collide with them if she too flew after the ball. She glances over toward Brystol, who is yelling at her to move. She looks back at the ball and notices the three ellon dodging each other. She quickly flies underneath the three ellons where she thinks the ball is going to fall to. To her excitement the ball comes directly to her. She swings and hits the ball at a good enough angle to send it soaring just a little ways in front of her so she could line it up with the ring. She glances back seeing the two players of the opposing team racing toward her. She quickly swings and hits the ball just before the players reach her. She watches the ball fly through the ring perfectly and can hear the crowd grow louder with shouts of excitement. Sahara looks up toward Randolph realizing he is racing toward the ring to block the other team from scoring when they retrieve the ball. Sahara races to join him at the ring. They manage to block the Torrest teams first ten shots, but they make their eleventh attempt.

“You go first.” Sahara tells Randolph as she feels the nerves building up inside her. She had calculated in her head if they switched off taking turns and he went first, then he would also have to go last on the eleventh try. She did not want to be last. Randolph misses the pod and the other team takes their first of two shots. They too miss the pod.

Sahara moves into position to take her swing. She glances down at her team who are all intently watching her. She sighs hoping to relieve some of the tension she feels in her mind. She lines up her arm and swings toward the ball. The ball barely misses the pod. Torrest takes their final shot and misses the pod. If Randolph or Sahara cannot hit their pod then there will be a tie and they would have to play an extra round for a tie breaker. Sahara covers her face trying to get out some of her fear as Randolph takes his next shot. She suddenly hears the crowd cheer, causing her to uncover her face. Randolph had managed to hit their pod. She smiles in excitement as she sees Randolph racing toward her screaming in victory. “We did it!” Randolph yells as he reaches her giving her a fist bump. “That was an epic shot! I can’t believe you made it on the first try through the ring!”

Suddenly, the pair are surrounded by the rest of their team as they all chant and celebrate together. “Good game.” She hears Brystol say as he taps her shoulder.

“You too.” She says trying to be polite but really all she can think of is how much she dislikes him.

She didn’t have much time left for a dance lesson after the game. But her roommates manage to teach her some basics before it is time to leave for the ball. “Hi Sahara.” Tyde surprises her as she arrives down to the courtyard of the Academy with her roommates to travel to Holestroy.

“Hi.” She nervously pushes a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. Marol had fixed her hair up into a strange design and Carol had fixed her makeup. It was custom for elleth to wear glittery eye makeup but Sahara was finding it uncomfortable.

“You look…” Tyde sighs a small sigh before he continues, “amazing.”

“Thank you.” Sahara replies shyly as she sees Carol wink at her.

“Would you like to ride with me to the ball?” He asks motioning toward one of the carriages.

“I would love to, but..” Sahara feels an arm wrap around her waist and she hears Bularia interrupt her.

“We will manage without you. Right elleths?” Bularia looks over toward Marol and Carol.

“Absolutely!” Carol says smiling as Marol gives an overly excited nod.

“You should definitely ride with Mail…” Bularia catches herself calling him by his nickname, “I mean Tyde.”

“I think it is four to a carriage.” An ellon says playfully punching Tyde in the side. “We could make it a double date.”

“Sahara, this is Tusher.” Tyde pushes Tusher away from him.

“Aranel!” Tusher bows dramatically toward her. “A pleasure."

"And this is his keeto, Dima." Tyde motions to an elleth standing behind Tusher.

"Hello." Dima curtsies to Sahara.

"It is nice to meet you both." Sahara smiles.

“Arenal.” Headorean Shawdlortur calls over to Sahara as he steps out of a carriage. “You will be in this carriage.” Sahara notices the carriage is between two other carriages that appear to be occupied by multiple guard elves. She then looks up to see the two dragons that always travel with her.

“Wow.” Tyde says looking at what Sahara feels is an overly dramatic display of protection. “You don’t travel light.”

Sahara feels embarrassed as she walks over to the Headoreon and asks, “Is all this really necessary.”

“I am afraid so your Royal Highness.” He says opening the door for her. “Your friends may travel with you.”

“Thanks.” Sahara says feeling disgruntled.

The ride to Holestroy is loud as Tyde, Tusher, and Dima play and ask Sahara tons of questions about the human world.

She smiles at Tyde as he helps her down from the carriage. She has never had anyone interested in her before and she likes the way it makes her feel. She sees the aran, tari, and Brystol standing at the top of the stairs to the entrance greeting guests. She smiles toward the tari as their eyes meet. She watches the tari turn and say something to Brystol before he turns his eyes toward Sahara. She sighs in annoyance when he begins to move toward her.

"Sahara!" Mecca’s arms are suddenly wrapped around her. "You look beautiful!"

"You too." Sahara says as their hug ends and she notices Mecca’s royal blue colored gown.

"Hi Tyde." Mecca smiles at Tyde before she gives Sahara a half excited smile. "Are you two, together?"

“We came together.” Tyde says smiling over toward Sahara. She feels her cheeks grow warm before she realizes Brystol is getting closer to her through the crowd of students.

"Please don't leave me with the jerk?" Sahara says as she turns her back toward the quickly approaching Brystol to face Tyde.

"Jerk?" Brystol sounds fakely wounded by her name calling. "You wound me." She cringes at his words, knowing he overheard her.

She has the evil thought to call him a boy but knows she would receive a scolding from his parents. Instead she manages a sweet innocent smile before she turns to face him. "Would devil be more appropriate?"

Brystol smiles sarcastically into her eyes, "It is a step up from pukey."

She feels anger grow in her stomach as it twists into knots. "Why are you bothering me?"

Brystol looks back at his parents and sighs before looking back at Sahara, "It seems we have an agenda for the evening." He briefly glances toward Tyde with an apologetic nod. "I am to escort you in."

Sahara feels disappointed as she looks over toward the aran and asks, "Is it optional?" The aran nods at her with a stern expression.

"It seems not." Brystol says sounding sad.

Sahara fights the urge to cry, she wishes that for once life could be made of her own choices. "I can meet you inside." Tyde touches her hand pulling her attention back to him.

"No." Sahara shakes her head quickly.

Tyde gives a consoling squeeze to her hand. "I don't think we have a choice."

"I am sorry." Sahara says to him before he moves up the stairs alone. She looks back at Brystol, who seems awkward about the situation and stays silent, he is looking in every direction but at Sahara. She hoists her dress up over her feet in aggravation before she walks around Brystol. "Let's just get this over with." She scuffs. As she moves up the stairs, she feels Brystol's hand take hold of her elbow. She jerks her arm away from him. "Don't touch me."

She smiles and curtsies to the aran and tari as they arrive in front of them at the top of the stairs. "Sahara, you look beautiful my dear." The tari says sweetly taking her by the hand. "I knew that dress would be perfect for you. We are so pleased to have you."

"How are your studies progressing? Brystol tells us you're the top student in the classes you share." The aran's words surprise Sahara, causing her to turn and glance at Brystol. She cannot believe he would say something nice about her.

"I am trying to stay ahead." She says feeling unconfident about being able to get four years of courses finished in three years.

The aran looks less pleased and sounds scolding as his voice lowers. "Now, if we could get the two of you to get along, all would be well."

"We have heard unpleasant rumors of the two of you." The tari releases Sahara's hand as she keeps her loving tone gentle. "You will share the first dance to wart off further speculation and show the alliance is strong."

Sahara wants to protest but Brystol speaks before she can. "Do you know how to dance?"

She squints angrily toward Brystol before she realizes he may be trying to help. "No." She does not lie. "I never learned in the human world."

"Brystol can show you." The aran arches his brow in disbelief. "Just let him lead."

"It was a good try though." The tari smiles teasingly at the two of them. "Now off you go."

Sahara hides her annoyed sigh as she turns to enter the castle. She feels Brystol touch her elbow again and she gives him a sharp disapproving glance. He removes his hand immediately from her as he apologizes, "Sorry." She continues to walk next to him towards the ballroom. "You do realize I will have to touch you to dance with you."

She stays silent as she sees students and parent elves smiling and whispering about her as they travel through the hallway. She smiles politely in response to their onlookers.

As they enter the ballroom, music begins to travel around the room. The large crowd in the room turns to look at Sahara and Brystol, causing Sahara to feel nervous. She sees Brystol's hand extend out to the side of her, inviting her to take it. She glances over nervously toward him and sees the nervousness on his face as well. "It is just one dance." She murmurs to herself as she places her hand in Brystol's. He relaxes with a relieved smile before leading her out to the middle of the grand room.

She suddenly feels something hit her foot and she trips. Brystol quickly catches her in his arms. She hears small amounts of laughter spreading across the room as she feels her cheeks grow hot. She glances behind her, seeing Waizlynn standing smugly next to where she tripped. Sahara realizes Waizlynn purposely tripped her. "It is alright." Brystol says calmingly and she looks up into his eyes. He seems genuinely caring as he holds her close to him and he whispers. "We can make them forget it happened."

She straightens herself up, trying to brush the embarrassment off her face. "It is not likely they will forget your keeto tripping me." She says angrily.

He slides one hand down to her waist and slides his other hand to her hand. "We can if you focus on me." She feels him begin to move her with the music as she nervously glances around the room.

She steps on his foot accidentally causing him to wince in pain. "Sorry." She says feeling flustered as she glances toward the whispering crowd.

"Look at me." He says gently in her ear causing her to look into his eyes. "They don't matter." Her nerves fade as she stares into Brystol's eyes. After a moment, she forgets she is even dancing. She doesn't understand why, but his eyes make him seem like a completely different elf. They make him seem kind and she doesn't feel hatred for him at the moment. Their silent dance seems to end sooner than Sahara expected. Brystol stops moving as the music ends but Sahara can't seem to tear her eyes from his. They just stand there in silence for a moment staring at each other as he holds her against his body, still in a dance position.

Waizlynn suddenly pushes between them causing Sahara to automatically step backward. "Now that your job is over, I need punch." Waizlynn whines pulling on his arm to drag him away from Sahara.

Sahara sucks in a gulp of air as she quickly turns away from them to go find her friends. She sees her roommates all looking surprised but excited at the same time. "That was so romantic." Marol says sounding as if her heart was melting.

"We thought you came with Tyde?" Bularia asks confused.

"I did." Sahara rolls her eyes trying to shake the queer feeling she has inside. "Brystol’s parents forced us to dance."

"Sahara?" She turns to see Tyde smiling at her and extending a glass toward her. "I brought you some punch."

She smiles shyly taking the punch from him. "Thank you." She notices he does not have a glass for himself. "Did you not want one?"

"I don't eat or drink sugar." He explains, "I am in training for the run team."

"I didn't know we had a run team." Sahara takes a sip of her green colored drink cautiously. She had never drank anything green, but to her surprise it is delicious and sweet.

"Yes." He laughs, "plorksol outshines all other sports at Malorsty."

"I will have to come watch you sometime." Sahara says before taking another drink.

"I would like that." He says cutely. A new song begins to play and Tyde clears his throat before asking, "Would you want to dance?"

Sahara feels her nerves increase because she had stepped on Brystol's foot when she danced with him. "I am bad at it." She shakes her head.

"You looked pretty good a few minutes ago." He gives her a playful tug on her hand and she glances over seeing Waizlynn and Brystol dancing.

Sahara sees Brystol glance over toward her and she quickly looks away. "I would love to dance." She knows she needs the practice.

She and Tyde dance to a slow tune and she manages to only step on his foot twice. “I told you I was bad.” She says as the song ends.

“You are definitely better at plorksol.” He says teasing her.

A fun tune begins to play and her roommates run over to join her on the dance floor. She finds herself having fun as they are laughing and playfully dancing. As she spins, Brystol catches her eye. He is watching her dance with a odd expression that makes her feel uncomfortable. She decides to not let him ruin her night, so she refuses to look at him the remainder of the evening.

“We are so happy to see you doing so well.” Tari Nathila says smiles at Sahara as she squeezes her hand. “You seem happy in our world.”

Sahara thinks for a moment about how different her life is now then it was three months ago. “I really am.” She says with a smile. She had not thought about how happy she was since she had ben so busy with her studies.

“That is wonderful.” Tari Nathila hugs her before continuing. “I wanted to invite you to come stay with us over the holiday break. Christmas should be spent with your family, and we would be excited to have you here.”

Sahara had heard the students talking about going home for their holiday break and she had wondered what she would do, since she had no family. “Thank you.” She replies debating on turning the offer down because of Brystol. But then she realizes she has never had a real Christmas, not where she was treated as family. “That sounds nice, I would love to come.”

“So good!” The tari says clapping her hands together in excitement. “We simply cannot wait to spend more time with you. And we will make sure it is the best holiday you have ever had.”

Sahara wonders if the tari knows how all her previous Christmases had been spent. She knows it would not take much to make it the best one she has had. “I will see you in two weeks then.” Sahara says as she curtsies.

“Good bye Elfie.” Tari Nathila says squeezing Sahara’s hand again. “And congrats on the game today. We could not be more proud.”

“Thank you.” Sahara says as she moves down the stairs toward the carriage Tyde is standing next to, waiting for her. He smiles at her and she smiles back.

“After you Aranel.” He says with a bow. Sahara smiles at him as she climbs into the again heavily guarded carriage to head back to the Academy.

Sahara sees Waizlynn waiting for her as she arrives to J floor. She looks around noticing there is no one else in the hallway. She tries to walk around Waizlynn but Waizlynn moves over in front of her. “What are you doing, Pukey?” Waizlynn asks crossing her arms.

“I am trying to go to my room.” Sahara sighs in annoyance as she looks at Waizlynn.

“I told you to leave Brystol alone.” Waizlynn says stepping closer to Sahara.

“I already told you, I don’t want him. If you didn’t notice I was there with Tyde.” Sahara straightens her shoulders deciding she is not going to let Waizlynn feel like she has all the authority.

“I know about your requirements for tonight.” Waizlynn rolls her eyes. “I am referring to your pregame interlude.”

“What?” Sahara asks before she remembers hugging Brystol in excitement.

Waizlynn pushes her shoulder causing Sahara to step backward slightly. “Since you cannot seem to get the point, perhaps I should show you.”

“Look.” Sahara snaps toward Waizlynn. “I want the betrothal broken, probably more than you do. So, why don’t you spend your time convincing your deeto to figure out how to break it and leave me alone.” She finally notices the opportunity to move around her so she quickly moves through the gap Waizlynn left and walks toward her door.

“I know a quick and easy way to end the betrothal.” Waizlynn sounds devilish as she follows Sahara.“Meet me out by the trees on the edge of the campus in the morning and I will help you.” Sahara knows it is a threat, so she keeps moving in silence. “I will be there just after breakfast.”

“Don’t threaten me!” Sahara says turning to face Waizlynn so abruptly that she sees the surprise in Waizlynn’s eyes.

“Threaten you?” Waizlynn laughs. “I offered to help you.” She turns to leave Sahara as she continues, “but if you don’t want the help, then don’t ask for it again.”

Sahara can’t decide if Waizlynn actually knows a way to break the betrothal or not. She stands there a moment in thought watching Waizlynn walk away. She shakes her head and enters her room knowing that there is no way Waizlynn would know a legitimate way out of the betrothal when no one else does.

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