Sahara Ashdell: The Son of Evil (Book 2)

Chapter 12 - The Bloody Truth

She peeks in an office and finds Saitar Regald, who is her Advanced Mystical Combat instructor. “Saitar Regald?” She asks stepping into full view.

“Aranel. What can I do for you?” He asks looking surprised by her presence.

Sahara looks down the hall to make sure no one else can hear her, but she sees other Saitar’s offices open. “Could I come in a moment?”

“Of course.” He stands motioning toward the chair sitting on the opposite side of his desk. Sahara closes the door as she enters. “Is something wrong?” He asks.

“I just was wondering. Do other things glow when they are being controlled like glorman?” She asks as she sits down.

“That depends on how they are being controlled. There are spells to control beasts. And those spells cause the glorman and other beasts to glow green. There is telepathy that will not cause a green glow.” He replies sitting back down in his seat.

“Do you have telepathy?” She asks remembering how the glorman was in class last year.

“Excuse me?” He says standing back up looking uncomfortable.

“I just wondered because of how the glorman acted last year always trying to attack the students but never you.” Sahara says defensively.

“How dare you.” He says sounding angry. “You came to my office accusing me of such a despicable power.”

“Despicable?” Sahara asks remember him making her do it. “But you tried to teach me how.”

“Teach? No, I was investigating your abilities. Now, leave my office at once.” He demands as he waves his hand causing the door to open.

“I am sorry Saitar, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Sahara says standing to leave.

“Should you not be at plorksol practice anyway?” Saitar Regald says suddenly sounding calm and normal.

“Yes, sir.” Sahara says keeping her head down as she quickly leaves his office. She can’t help but think how odd it is that he just acted the way he did though. She decides her next stop should be to the infirmary to check on Bularia. “Hey?” She says as she peeks in the large room Bularia is lying in bed in. “Is it alright if I come in?”

“Sure.” Bularia says as she adjusts the bandage on her arm.

“Are you alright?” Sahara says pointing to the bed and Bularia instinctively sits up.

“Yes. I was just resting since I haven’t been sleeping much lately.” Bularia says.

“I didn’t know you weren’t sleeping much.” Sahara says sitting down in interest on the bed with her.

“It isn’t a big deal.” Bularia says shaking her head but Sahara feels like it is more of an attempt to convince herself rather than anyone else.

“You were being mind controlled, so it is a big deal. How long have you been having issues sleeping?” Sahara realizes that Bularia might already be Heltus. She feels her heart beating faster from the thought.

“Maybe a month or two.” Bularia replies.

“Did it start that night you woke me up?” Sahara asks.

“I don’t know.” Bularia said looking confused.

“You don’t remember waking me up and asking me something?” Sahara says cautiously.

“Oh.” Bularia rubs her head. “Yeah, I had heard someone talking and I thought maybe you had heard it too. But like you said it was just a dream.” Sahara relaxes a little realizing that it has to still be Bularia. Then, the thought strikes her that maybe it has been Heltus for awhile now, since he escaped when Frazor did.

“Do you still have that letter I gave you?” Sahara asks knowing she never had given Bularia a letter.

Bularia looks confused for a moment before she asks, “What letter? You never gave me a letter?”

“I know. I was just checking.” Sahara says suddenly hugging Bularia in relief.

“What is wrong with you?” Bularia asks pushing Sahara away from her.

“I was just worried about you.” Sahara says before trying to change the subject. “What are you doing this summer?”

“The same as always I am sure. Well, perhaps not now that Waizlynn has finally realized she has no chance with Brystol. She always spends the summer with us, but she seems to have found a new interest lately.” Bularia rolls her eyes.

“What do you mean?” Sahara asks.

“You know, she found out that Unter is the cundu to the wilderness region. So, she has her new goal to steal him from Carol.” Bularia laughs.

“Does Carol know?” Sahara asks in disgust.

“She is the one who told me.” Bularia says.

Sahara can’t help but shake her head at the idea of Wasteland being so manipulative. “Good thing she will never obtain that.” Sahara says remembering in one of the futures she saw Carol and Unter were married.

“What do you mean?” Bularia asks.

“Oh. I just think he is already in love with Carol. He would never go for Waizlynn anyway.” Sahara says before she realizes Bularia said Unter was a cundu. “Wait. Being a cundu, is he not betrothed?”

“The Wilderness Elves don’t make treaties like that. Their royalty are free to choose. But at least you and Brystol have worked out.” Bularia says with a smile.

“Right.” Sahara says standing up. “Maybe, I should get to practice. I am already late.”

“I thought if you missed or where late to another….” Bularia tries to speak but Sahara cuts her off.

“I know. I know. But you were more important than playing in a stupid game anyway.” Sahara says lightly pushing Bularia’s shoulder on her unhurt side.

“I’m fine. Now, go to practice.” Bularia scolds her.

“Alright.” Sahara starts to leave but then turns back to Bularia. “In case you didn’t know, I love you and you are the best friend.”

“Back at you. And thanks for protecting me today.” Bularia says rubbing the bandage on her arm.

Sahara hurry’s out to practice only to find Headorean Shawdlortur walking off of the plorksol field. “Headorean?” Sahara asks in confusion. She had never seen him at the plorksol field during practice.

“I explained to Saitar Bleavins of your encounter and how you saved Bularia. That way you will be allowed to play in the game tomorrow.” Headorean Shawdlortur says with a nod.

“Oh, thank you sir!” Sahara says feeling relieved. Her last tardies and absences had been unexcused.

“Just make sure you do not find yourself late or missing again, aranel.” He sounds scolding as he pats her on the shoulder before leaving.

She scurries into the practice field and smiles as Phylan flies over to her on his plorboard. “You sure find yourself in a lot of binds this year.” He says teasingly.

“I made it didn’t I.” Sahara says sliding her wrist bands on.

“What happened to your shirt?” Phylan asks and Sahara pulls at the torn bottom of her shirt she had forgotten it was torn.

“I had to help Bularia.” She says quickly before jumping onto her plorboard.

“With your shirt?” Phylan asks in interest.

“It’s a long story.” Sahara says flying up to join their teammates for practice.

“Hey. You alright?” Phylan asks as they finish practice and are jumping off their plorboards.

“Yeah.” Sahara says trying to sound normal. She had not performed her best during practice.

“You want to go to the rec hall and play Elsina with us tonight?” Phylan asks.

“No, I have to meet with Verdiwild again for training.” Sahara says apologetically, she had not played any elf games with them since coming back from holiday.

“Right. And the nights you’re not doing that you have to study or disappear to wherever it is you go do for hours.” Phylan says sounding annoyed with her.

“I’m sorry. I just have a lot.” Sahara tries to explain but Phylan begins to wave his hand for her to stop.

“Don’t worry about it.” Phylan says before he moves to leave the field.

She sighs in sadness as she watches Phylan meet Mecca at the exit of the field. She sees Mecca glance at her in a disappointed way before the pair leave looking upset. “I can’t make anyone happy.” Sahara mumbles to herself as she shoves her wrist bands into her bag.

“You make me happy.” She looks over at Brystol, who is smiling at her. His words only make her remember how she had held him up against the aquarium a couple of hours ago.

She shakes her head at him with her words, “I keep hurting everyone I care about.”

“Skip your training with Verdiwild tonight.” He says.

“You too? Seriously? You should know, above all elves, that I can’t.” She replies knowing she needs to get a handle on her emotional magic.

“Yes. You can.” He pleas. “Just one night. We can convince Verdiwild to let you off one night. Then we can sneak out or go do something fun.”

“No. I still can’t fully control my emotional magic.” She shakes her head and begins to leave the plorksol field. “I slammed you into the aquarium just a few hours ago.”

“Maybe Verdiwild is not what you need.” Brystol says following her. “Maybe a night of fun and time with your detto is just the ticket.”

“It would be nice to have a break.” She admits.

“You could tell him you are sick.” Brystol says with a smirk. “That way, they would think you were in your room and we could be left alone.”

“Fine. But, we do what I want.” She says with a smile.

“Deal.” He agrees.

She manages to pull off acting sick toward Verdiwild and to her excitement he lets her out of training for the night. She teleports Brystol to her room just as they planned after she makes it to her room. “So, what is the plan?” He asks and she notices he is wearing typical elf designer pants and a shirt. She looks at his clothes knowing they will need to find him something to blend in. “What?” He asks pulling uncomfortably at his shirt.

“You said I could choose what we do. So, would you be mad if we went somewhere I have wanted to go since I was little?” She asks knowing he didn’t like her going to the human world.

“I assume that means we are leaving this world?” He asks and to her surprise he seems calm about the idea. She nods her head before he speaks again, “Let’s go.”

“We have to change first.” She says with a smile as she holds out her hand toward him. She didn’t need to hold his hand to teleport him with her, but she wanted to. He sighs taking her hand. She teleports them to Trina’s closet, hoping to find herself something to wear first.

“Is this where you keep finding those interesting clothes you like to wear?” Brystol asks looking curiously at an old t-shirt that has french fries on it.

“Maybe.” Sahara says looking through the hanging clothes for something to wear. She finds one of Trina’s favorite dresses and smiles knowing she would be sure to miss this one. And since Trina caught her last time she came, she would know for sure that Sahara, well Brooklyn, took it. “Be right back.” Sahara says to Brystol before teleporting to the attic to change into the dress. As she is changing, Trina’s screech reaches her ears from downstairs and she realizes Trina must of found Brystol. She teleports Brystol up to her room in the attic as quickly as she can. He looks extremely frightened. “We should probably leave.” She says grabbing her clothes and shoes.

“She knew you were here.” Brystol says still looking stunned. “She was watching.”

“Watching?” Sahara rolls her eyes at herself not thinking about Trina putting a camera in her closet after their last encounter. The Craig’s probably didn’t believe her and she was most likely trying to prove it to them. “Well, that complicates things.” She remembers how she had used telepathy to control the glorman and she wonders if she can do it to Trina. “Stay here.” She says.

“What? No!” Brystol says grabbing hold of her hand. “If the elders hear of us coming here and much worse of the humans catching us we will be in trouble.”

“And how would the elders ever hear? I have never even met the elders, so I am starting to doubt they exist. Either way, if Trina was watching us with a camera, we need to get it and the footage now.” Sahara says throwing his hand from hers.

Brystol shakes his head in agitation as he agrees, “Fine. What do we do.”

“I think I can make her do what we need. But you can’t come.” Sahara says knowing if he found out she was trying telepathy he might get upset.

“Alright.” Brystol replies.

“I better not reappear so, I will take the stairs.” She says moving around him.

She finds Trina in her bedroom on her laptop. Trina has her back to the door and does not notice Sahara. Sahara can see the video of her looking through the closet on the laptop. She doesn’t see Brystol in the video though. She closes her eyes and tries to focus on Trina’s thoughts.

After a moment, she hears Trina talking and it causes her to open her eyes. “They will believe me now.” Sahara smiles as she realizes what she is hearing is Trina’s thoughts as her words continue but her mouth does not move. “Brooklyn is dead next time she shows up.” Sahara begins to silently tell Trina to erase the video. She suddenly hears Trina speak as her mouth moves. “I need to delete the video.” She watches as Trina deletes the video.

She smiles in excitement before whispering, “Now, I need to take down the camera.” Trina repeats her words in an emotionless tone before standing and walking over to the door that connects her room to the other room that is her closet. Sahara turns to leave the doorway but is surprised to see Brystol staring at her in fear. He had overheard and seen what she had done. He suddenly turns and moves quickly down the hall away from her as she follows trying to be quiet because she knows Trina could hear them. “Brystol?”

He doesn’t slow down or speak to her as he moves down the stairs to the front door. “Where are you going? Someone will see you.” Sahara says still following him as he walks across the front yard.

“You just..” Brystol stops and turns toward her. “You just…” He points to the house as he struggles to find the words to say.

“I didn’t mean for you to see that.” Sahara says feeling intruded on. “I told you I needed to go alone.”

“Take us back, now.” He demands.

“But I thought we were going to go on a date?” Sahara had planned to take him to the Eiffel Tower, she had always wanted to go see it. He just stares at her silently and she realizes he seems a bit afraid of her. “It is only the second time I have ever tried to use telepathy.”

“Raglen teach you that too?” He asks looking around cautiously.

She shakes her head to his question, “Saitar Regald did.”

He looks at her confused. “What?”

“Last year, when he was teaching us to stop glorman. He made me stay after class and talked me through it.” She says wondering why he was so surprised by the news.

“He is telepathic.” Brystol says as realization sweeps over his face. “That is why the beasts never bother him.”

“I think so, but when I asked him earlier today about it, he freaked out on me and got angered.” She replies.

“You think he was the one that was controlling Bularia?” Brystol laughs.

“Why is that funny?” Sahara says offendedly.

“Of course he got mad at you, you straight up asked him?” He replies.

“No, I didn’t mention Bularia.” She promises. “And I was not accusing him, just asking about telepathy. I didn’t suspect him at first but now, I do. I mean, how many elves can do telepathy?”

“Not many. And none that would admit it, since it is outlawed.” He explains.

“Outlawed?” She asks recalling never hearing of telepathy in any of her courses.

He takes hold of her arm pulling her behind a tree as human voices approach. “I will explain later. We need to get out of here before someone else recognizes you.” He whispers to her.

She smiles before teleporting them from the growing darkness of Corinth to the sunny Paris. She sees Brystol cover his eyes from the sudden brightness of the sun. “There. Now we are thousands of miles away from anyone who would recognize me.”

The side street they are on is from a picture she had loved to look at as a child. The Craig’s had taken a trip to Paris and she would look at the pictures for hours and day dream. “Where are we?”

“Where I wanted to go!” She says excitedly. He turns around and she links her arm in his as they look up at the Eiffel Tower. She would much rather see it at night but it was still an amazing sight. “We are in Paris and this is the Eiffel Tower.”

The street just in front of them is bustling with humans and she can tell Brystol seems nervous. “It is highly populated. And my clothes do not exactly blend in.”

“Oh, I forgot.” Sahara says looking around for a store. She sees a shop window that has men’s clothing but realizes she doesn’t have any money. She teleports some human money from her uncles safe in his office to her hand. She smiles as she waves the money toward Brystol. “Let’s go find you something.”

“Where did you get that?” Brystol says looking around.

“My uncle keeps money in their house.” She says with a shrug.

Brystol looks annoyed. “You have to stop stealing from them.”

“He won’t even miss it. Come on.” She rolls her eyes and pulls him with her toward the shop. They find him normal jeans and a t-shirt before they explore the streets of Paris. They laugh and enjoy the atmosphere before she introduces him to pizza as they picnic in the park.

“Humans have weird looking food.” He says inspecting the triangular slice.

Sahara laughs at his reaction as he bites into the cheesy slice. “But it is delicious.” He nods in agreeance and Sahara checks around them to make sure no one can hear her. “Can you explain about telepathy being outlawed now?”

“The elder’s outlawed it before we were born. It is a grave sin to control another elf. If an elf is caught using telepathy to control another elf, especially to do something bad, they will be killed. The last elf that was caught doing such, the elders had skinned alive before publicly hanging him.” Brystol explains.

“That is terrible!” Sahara says in shock. “Why would they use such a punishment?”

“He controlled the Aran, my father.” Brystol says. “His name was Yevot, he was trying to force Verdiwild to bring you back to our world early. Verdiwild knew right away that something was wrong with my father because he would never request such a thing. So, he alerted the Elders and they found Yevot controlling him.”

“When was this?” Sahara asks realizing it had to have been with in the past fourteen years.

“About five years ago.” Brystol responses before moving closer to her. “You can’t let anyone know you’re telepathic. Please, don’t use it again?”

“I used it on a human not an elf.” Sahara defends herself. “And the first time was on a glorman.”

“Why do you keep going back to the Craig’s?” He asks sounding sympathetic.

“I needed human clothes for this.” She says motioning around them.

“So did I, but we got mine somewhere else.” He says causing her to shift uncomfortably. “It is okay to admit it.”

“Admit what?” She says moving away from him in defense.

“You miss them and keep coming back to feel close to them.” He says lovingly and it causes her to fight tears from leaving her eyes. “I know they were mean to you but they were the only family you knew.”

“We should go back it is almost morning in our world.” She says standing up and adjusting her dress.

“Sahara?” He stands up grabbing her hand to get her attention. “You have to stop bottling up your feelings.”

“I’m not.” She feels her anger grow as her vision begins to turn orange.

“Are you sure, because you…” Brystol again tries to get her to talk but she pushes him with her mind and causes him to fall down on the grass.

She realizes humans are looking at them and she hides her eyes realizing her vision is still orange. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” He says and she can hear him brushing off his pants. She knows they need to leave the view of humans before she loses control of her emotions. She walks quickly toward a more private area. As she arrives to an alleyway she stops and tries to calm her emotions. “Are you alright?” She hears Brystol ask behind her.

“I don’t know.” She says turning to show him her orange fire filled eyes.

He steps up closer to her so that he can reach out and touch her cheek. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t.” She lies.

He takes his hand down from her cheek as he shakes his head in annoyance. “You didn’t like it when I lied to you. So, stop lying to me.”

His words cause her emotions to grow as she remembers him poisoning her friends. “Your lies hurt my friends.” She says has her vision reddens.

Brystol looks behind them at all the humans as he asks, “Please don’t do this here?”

She angrily teleports them to the woods where she had built her small cabin weeks ago. As they arrive she begins to pace through the dark morning lighting trying to lessen her emotions. She can only think about how confused she is by all her feelings. “Is this a better place?” She shrieks at him as she causes a tree to fall to the ground.

“Sahara, just calm down. We were only talking. That is all I want is to talk to you about it.” He says and she finds it annoying.

“About your thoughts?” She says as she causes another tree to fall close to him and it causes him to jump out of the way.

“No.” He shakes his head with his words. “About your feelings.”

“You mean your feelings on what I should do!” She causes another tree to collapse as he dodges it.

“Why are you trying to hurt me?” He asks as he tries to get closer to her.

She realizes she doesn’t know the answer to his question “You need to leave me alone!” She shrieks in her demonic voice as she causes his body to slam into a tree trunk.

“No.” He says after a moment of catching his breath. “I won’t leave you alone. Not until you admit your feelings.” Her red vision darkens as she throws a fire ball toward him. He dodges it and she can feel her anger pulsing in her veins as she again tries to hurt him by throwing another large ball of fire toward him. He again dodges it as he speaks again. “Just admit you miss them and that you are still mad at me.” She screams as she causes the ground to shake beneath him. He stumbles around trying to keep his balance but he can’t stand up on the shaking ground, but he keeps talking, “You have never had a family that loves you or anyone that loves you. You have always been alone.” His words are making her angrier.

“You think you are better than me. But, your family tollerates you, they don’t love you either. A father that loves you would never put you in the dungeon.” She replies in anger as she causes another tree to fall barely missing him. “You deserve Wasteland because you are the worst two elves I have ever met!”

“You don’t mean that.” He says dodging the rods of electricity she is throwing toward him.

“You lied to me about dating her! You would take her as your mistress as soon as our wedding is over.” She is angry at the thought as she throws more electrical currents toward him.

“What?” He sounds confused by what she is saying. “No.”

“Liar!” She says as she causes a large bolt of lightening to strike from the sky next to him on the ground.

“I’m not lying to you!” She sees Brystol create some sort of shield around him from her electrical currents.

“I should have taken Slagwart up on his offer.” Sahara says with an evil smirk. “Good thing it is not too late!” She says hammering a bolt of lightening down on the shield around Brystol.

“What offer?” He asks.

“To break the betrothal.” Her words seem to finally wound Brystol. “He will help me anytime I ask.”

“You don’t mean that!” He says sounding angry.

“I do.” She laughs as she circles around him feeling true hatred for him. “I want him and he wants me.”

She sees him suddenly turn towards her with his red flaming eyes. “I would kill him if he touched you.”

“Poor little spoilt Cundu can’t have everything he wants.” She causes a flock of birds flying over to come down and surround him as they try to break through his shield but she sees his anger grow from her continued words. “Maybe, I already have broken it. He kisses better than you and the way he holds me…”

Brystol suddenly screams and causes an explosion around him causing the birds to die and fly away from him through the air. She sees him moving quickly towards her in anger as his eyes grow redder. She tries to slow his pace as she throws more balls of fire at him, but he hits them away from him as he yells in a demonic voice at her. “Stop!”

“He will be the perfect father to our kids.” She says just before she feels Brystol grab her waist pulling her up next to him. “Don’t touch me!” She says as she tries to move his hands off her.

“You don’t mean those things. You are just trying to avoid your real feelings.” He says as the flames in his eyes disapear.

“I’m not!” She says as she creates a pulse of energy that causes his body to move away from hers.

“You think it is wrong to have feelings and show them because the Craig’s never let you express yourself. They hated you but you loved them.” His words cause her vision to turn blue and she causes rain to hammer down so hard onto Brystol that it causes him to collapse to the ground. “You thought if you hid your feelings and pretended everything was alright they would love you back. You don’t have to hide your feelings from me!” He shouts over the loud rain and thunder and she causes a volt of electricity to wrap around him and he winces in pain but manages to continue. “Because I will love you regardless of what you do or say! I still love you.” She feels a tear break from her eyes at his words as she realizes how much she is hurting him with the electrical currents.

She drops to the ground as the electrical currents release Brystol and the storm clears. She looks back over at Brystol, who is lying on the ground shaking. She hurries over to him as her vision clears up. “Brystol?” She gasps realizing she hurt him. His arm is cut open and she sees a flicker of electricity jump up through the cut. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay.” He says trying to sit up as his body continues to jerk.

She feels bad as she wonders if she can stop the electrical current flowing in him. “No, you’re not. Lay down and let me see if I can get the current out.” She says seeing the current jump up from his cut again.

“Not until you talk to me.” He says pushing her hands away as his body convulses.

“This needs out of you now, it might get to your heart.” She tries to reach for his arm, but he pushes her away.

“Then you better talk fast.” He says with a painful smile.

“This isn’t a joke Brystol.” She says feeling frustrated as she struggles with him to look at his arm.

“I’m not joking.” He says continuing to fight her off. “Admit you miss them.”

“Fine!” She huffs as she stops wrestling with his hands. “Yes, I miss them. I come back home because it is home. I know it is stupid. I get home sick for people who hate me and don’t miss me back. I love them even though I shouldn’t.” She feels tears begin to fall down her face.

“It isn’t stupid.” He says sliding his hand onto hers.

“It is stupid.” She shakes her head in disagreement. “I don’t want to feel like this. I know they could care less where I am or if I am alive. They would probably celebrate if I were dead. And yet, here I am in a different world with kind elves, who care about me but all I want to do is visit my mean human family.” She feels him suddenly squeeze her hand from the electricity in his arm. She reaches toward his cut and waits until she sees the current flash up from his cut again and she uses her hand to grab it and pull at it. He cries out in pain as Sahara tugs on the electrical current that begins to come out of his cut along with blood. “I’m sorry.” She says.

“Stop.” He begs painfully but she knows she almost has it out so she continues. “Please stop?” She quickly yanks the rest of the current out as he screams in more pain than she had ever heard him be in.

As she extinguishes the current, she notices tears running down Brystol’s face from the pain and she quickly moves down and kisses his lips. She hoped it would help with some of the pain but she also wanted it to be an apology. As she sits back up, she notices his arm is now bleeding more so she quickly tries to put pressure on it to get it to slow. She feels panicked as she notices Brystol seems drowsy. “No. Don’t go to sleep.” She says to him but he doesn’t seem to hear her, so she yells his name and shakes him. “You have to stay awake.” He moves his eyes towards her but his heavy eyelids still don’t seem to want to stay open.

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