Sahara Ashdell: Rebirth of Patreek (Book 3)

Chapter 17: Innocent Kisses

“I miss you.” She whispers as he holds her and thinks about how lonely she has felt the past few months without him. She feels him lift her chin up towards him and their eyes meet. He just looks into her eyes for a moment before he finally speaks.

“I miss you too.” His words sound sad and just as lonely as she has felt. It makes her want to kiss him, so she does.

She loses herself for a few minutes as their kiss feels overly intense and she doesn’t even realize she is startling him until she hears someone clearing their throat behind her. She tries to jump up from Brystol’s lap as she realizes they are no longer alone, but Brystol holds her preventing her from getting off him. “Yes?” Brystol asks, giving Sahara a small smile.

“My apologies your majesty, but the Aranel’s carriage is ready.” Sahara recognizes Verdiwild’s voice and feels embarrassed suddenly.

“She will be out in a moment.” Brystol says, giving Verdiwild a short nod. “Thank you, Verdiwild.”

Sahara closes her eyes in embarrassment as the door closes and she hears Brystol snicker at her. She kisses him softly one last time before again trying to rise from his lap, but he pulls her back down preventing her from rising. “What if,” He pauses before swallowing hard, “you stayed with me?”

Sahara feels heat rise on her face. She tries to think of another reason he would want her to stay with him, but she can’t for the life of her think of another reason. “You mean to like to stay with you?”

“Just for the night.” He sounds as though he is asking a question as he caresses her jawline.

She suddenly felt uncomfortable and extremely nervous. “I don’t think Verdiwild nor your mother would approve.”

“I am the Aran. I can do what I want now without my mother or Verdiwild intruding.” He says happily.

She shakes her head refusing his offer as she pushes up away from him to her feet. “I promised to keep my virtue until we are wed.”

“Um,” He sounds as though he is teasing her. “I don’t think that applies to me.”

“Doesn’t it?” She says wondering if that was in a clause somewhere.

“I.” She watched his nose squinch up in thought, “I don’t think it should.”

“Better safe than sorry.” She says with a half-smile hoping he would let the topic go because she was not ready for such an encounter to happen. She isn’t even sure she knows what happened.

“Interesting phrase.” He says pushing himself up next to her from the chair he was sitting in. “Well, then. I guess you had better not keep the carriage waiting.”

“When will I see you again?” She asks, fixing her obviously wrinkled dress.

“Christmas break.” He says removing the fold from his shirt. “Though, now that you have forgiven me and are able to teleport, you could come anytime you wish and I would not object. Unless of course I was in a meeting or something important and you just appeared right in front of strangers.”

“I will only teleport at the best times.” She says with a flirtatious smile.

“A consistent kiss goodnight wouldn’t be objectionable.” He says pulling her up next to him again and looking at her softly.

“I might manage that.” She replies feeling giddy.

“Let’s say every night at oh,” He looks in thought for a second, “ten?”

“I can probably pull that off.”

“Good.” He says pulling her lips to his one last time.

“See you tomorrow then.” She says before exiting the room and progressing out to the judgmental look of Verdiwild.

The next two weeks seem to go by faster now that she has been teleporting every night to Brystol’s bedroom. They talk about their day for a few minutes before they kiss goodnight and then she teleports back to the bathroom at Malorsty. They had played and lost the last two Plorksol games and she wasn’t even upset about it because she was too excited to think about spending Christmas break with Brystol at Holestroy starting tomorrow.

“Hello.” Sahara’s daydream is disturbed by the greeting from Bularia as she enters their dorm.

“Bularia!” The four elleth’s yell as they jump up and run to hug her.

“What are you doing here?” Marol asked in excitement.

“We missed you!” Savanah says sounding bubbly as always.

“Father and mother said I could come take my exams today. They have been forcing me to do my courses from home. It has been awful.” Bularia sounds annoyed by her parents, and it makes the elleth giggle.

“Does this mean you get to come back next term?” Carol asks hopefully.

“No.” Bularia says sounding saddened by the news. “Mother says I am only here today because it is too dangerous.”

“What will you do over Christmas break?” Savanah asks obviously trying to change the subject to a happier one.

“Mother intends to hold me prisoner.” Bularia replies rolling her eyes. “I would give anything to be somewhere else for a few days.”

“How about coming to Holestroy?” Sahara asks excited by the thought. “She surely wouldn’t suspect you would be in danger there.”

“Do you mean it?” Bularia asks, sounding hopeful.

“Well, yes.” Sahara says shrugging her shoulders.

Bularia wraps her arms around Sahara tightly. “Thank you! It would be amazing to escape my overbearing mother for a while.” Bularia suddenly pushes away from the hug looking worried. “But will Brystol mind?”

“No. He won’t mind at all.” Sahara replies knowing how busy he is and how much less bored she will be with Bularia there.

The day’s exams go by quickly and Sahara gets excited to see Brystol, so she teleports to his bedchamber a few minutes early. She finds herself alone but doesn’t mind as she looks around his room. She yawns as she looks at the time. It was almost ten thirty. She fell on the bed in frustration. “Where could he be?”

Sahara wakes up as a light twinkles on her eyelids. She realizes it must be morning just before she feels something moving next to her. Her eyes dart open in surprise remembering she was in Brystol’s room. Sure enough, there she was snuggled up in Brystol’s arms. He looks so peaceful she thinks as she looks at his facial features. He had a thin beard growing in and she thought he looked ruggedly handsome. She rotates toward him and runs her fingers along his chin line feeling the stubble. She smiles as he opens his eyes. “Morning.” She says in a whisper that makes him smile.

“Morning.” He says running his fingers through her wavy hair.

“I came for my nightly kiss, but you weren’t here.” She says in a pouting manner.

“I know. I was held up by the elders.” He nuzzles up to her nose with his. “Can I have a good morning kiss instead?”

She nods her head toward him before they share a tender kiss. It is quickly halted as the door to his bedchamber opens surprising them. “Your majesty, it seems that Sahara...” Verdiwild stops speaking as he notices Sahara peeking towards him still in Brystol’s arms. “Ah.” Brystol kisses her forehead before releasing her from his embrace. “She has been found.” He says nodding respectfully toward Brystol.

“Indeed.” Brystol says sitting up in bed also just as his mother walks inside and Sahara notices he has no shirt on. “Here we go.” He whispers in aggravation so that only Sahara can hear him.

“Sahara!” Tari Nathila says in shock as she quickly closes the door to the room behind her looking embarrassed by the situation. “Verdiwild!” Tari Nathila sounds scolding as she forces him to turn his back toward Sahara and Brystol.

“Mother!” Brystol sounds offended as he slides into his shirt. “There is no need for anyone to turn their backs as we are not inappropriately dressed.” Sahara quickly jumps out of the bed making sure the Tari can see she is fully clothed.

“I only fell asleep here last night waiting to see Brystol for our nightly…” Sahara stops glancing over at Brystol realizing that her words may not be helpful.

“You do this every night?” Tari Nathila sounded shocked more than she had been a few moments before.

“Yes. I mean no.” Sahara tries to think of what to say as she looks nervously at Brystol for help. “No! It is usually just kissing. I don’t stay all night. Well, except for last night. I mean.” She sees Verdiwild huff and look down uncomfortably at the floor while his back is still turned. “It is completely innocent I assure you!”

“Verdiwild, you may go.” Tari Nathila says sounding calmer and Verdiwild wastes no time in leaving the room. As soon as the door closes behind him, Tari Nathila turns her authoritative glare back towards Sahara and Brystol. “I understand your feelings for one another and that you are young, but the two of you represent something vital and fragile to the elf world. If it is discovered on the eve of your wedding that Sahara’s virtue has been compromised, even if it is by you,” She waves her hand toward Byrstol. “The elders will declare the betrothal unfit. You do understand that yes?” She seems to be speaking more towards Sahara than Brystol.

“We could still marry, though.” Brystol says in protest of his mother’s claims.

“Indeed. You could,” Tari Nathila sounds annoyed by his stupidity, “but at the loss of all that is bound to the betrothal contract. Holestroy would be passed on to another and the kingdoms would not be joined. Is that something you are willing to cast aside for a few moments of pleasure?” Brystol shakes his head in response to his mother.

“I promise. My virtue is intact.” Sahara says shyly and notices it seems to calm the Tari.

“Very well.” The Tari says letting out a sigh of relief. “We can move the wedding up a month to March twenty-sixth if the two of you would like instead of in April? If that would help tame any desires that may be endangering the contract.”

“On my birthday?” Sahara asks realizing that is the day after her Malorsty graduation. She looks at Brystol for his thoughts. “Is that what you want?” She asks him and he shrugs one shoulder at her in response. “What happens after our wedding?” She shakes her head and tries to clarify what she means feeling embarrassed again. “I mean do we go somewhere on a trip?”

“You will honeymoon, I believe that is what the humans call it correct?” Tari Nathila asks looking inquisitively toward Sahara, who nods her head in agreement. “It will just be a couple of days, since Brystol has duties to return to and you need to assume your duties as Tari as soon as possible.”

Sahara nodded trying to process everything. “And if we wait, do I still have to assume my duties on my birthday?”

“You will be the official Tari of the other kingdoms on your birthday, so yes.” Tari Nathila sounds remorseful.

“Then, we should just marry on my birthday.” Sahara says looking at Brystol for his agreement which he gives with a smile.

“I will begin the preparations today.” Tari Nathila says with a sharp nod before she takes Sahara by the hand and begins to lead her toward the exit. “Come along Sahara.”

Sahara doesn’t see Brystol again until after dinner that evening when Bularia arrives. He greets Bularia at the entrance as he passes by going to his office for another meeting. He winks at Sahara as he closes the door. She sighs wondering if this is how their life was to be, only ever seeing each other when they pass in the hallways. “Shall we go have a bit of fun?” Sahara asks with a large smile to Bularia, who nods anxiously.

Sahara laces her arms with Bularia as she guides them up the stairs to Brystol’s game room. She knows Brystol won’t mind if they play his games in there. She doesn’t even think he will notice, with how busy he is. Sahara finds herself falling to the ground laughing a few hours later with Bularia. They had been having so much fun that Sahara hadn’t kept up with the time. Suddenly, the door to the game room opens and she sees Brystol smile in amusement at them lying on the ground. “Aran!” Bularia says standing up quickly and properly. Sahara finds her actions a bit strange, but she shrugs it off as Bularia is being respectful.

“It is half past eleven.” He says giving Sahara a scolding squint with his eyes and she realizes she missed their usual ten o’clock meeting.

“Is it?” Sahara asked in surprise. “I lost track of time.”

“You missed our ten o’clock appointment. Shall we?” Brystol says stepping sideways into the door for Sahara to pass through.

“Of course.” Sahara says standing up from the floor and hugging Bularia. “See you tomorrow.”

“Yes.” Bularia says with a curtsy that leaves Sahara feeling unsettled.

Brystol slides his hand into hers as they walk down the hallway. “How was your day?” She asks feeling tingles from his touch.

“I miss being the Cundu and spending my day playing in the game room.” He answers bumping her shoulder lightly.

“She seems different.” Sahara says thinking about Bularia.

“Who are we talking about?”

“Bularia.” Sahara replies stopping to look behind them and doesn’t see Bularia or anyone else in the hallway.

“I thought you said the two futures changed after the battle?” He asks because Sahara had talked to him about how everything the declure had shown her for the two futures had seemed to unravel after the battle of the Underverse.

“I think they did.” She replies continuing to walk down the hallway again.

“You didn’t check?” Brystol asks in surprise, abruptly stopping their progress down the hallway.

Sahara had been too afraid to use the declure again. She liked not knowing what the future held. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Every time I use the declure, I misunderstand the two futures and I cause more issues that cause more damage than good. I like not knowing what to expect and not causing more problems.” She didn’t want to admit it, but she really feared knowing what the future held. Now that Brystol’s father was gone, she feared the future she saw with Trylla as the Tari and Brystol dead could become reality. She felt him pull her in for a hug. “Your father would probably appreciate the fact that I haven’t made as much trouble the past few months.” Her words caused Brystol to laugh but her eyes tear up. She did miss the Aran, he was the closest thing to a father she had ever had. It would be weird without him here for Christmas.

“He definitely wouldn’t be impressed with my leadership skills.” Brystol says sadly as he releases Sahara and begins to walk down the hallway again.

“That isn’t true.” Sahara tries to comfort him. “He would be proud of you.”

“Not today.” He says with a heavy sigh.

“What do you mean?” Sahara asks, stopping in front of her bedroom door and facing him. She notices he looks weighed down by something.

“He would never approve of what my mother forced me to do today.” He says shaking his head remorsefully.

“What did she force you to do?”

“Jewel. She wanted Jewel and Xi gone.” Brystol rubs his face with his hands hiding his upset expression. “He is just four.” He says referring to his half brother Xi. “He lost his father and doesn’t understand and now, he lost his home too.” She sees how affected Brystol is by the matter and she notices a couple of the maids appear down the hall. She opens the door to her room and pulls him gently inside. “I sent them away to the castle my father gave her.” He continues to explain as she closes the door.

“Isn’t that where they spent the holiday anyway?” Sahara regrets her words when she sees the annoyance in his eyes toward her.

“That is beside the point.” He walks away from her toward the middle of the room before stopping and looking in thought. Sahara doesn’t know what to say because she didn’t realize Brystol cared this much for his father’s other family. “Xi just cried the entire time their things were being packed. He kept asking for father.”

“Are you letting them keep the castle?” Sahara asked curiously.

“I could never take that away from them.” Brystol says adamantly. “I told my mother that was not even an option. She just lost it today and wanted them out. Which I understand, probably more than anyone, because I was always the one. I was always the one there to comfort her when father would hurt her with Jewel.” Sahara sees Brystol’s sudden mood change from pain to anger. “I shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff.”

“Then don’t.” She says simply and Brystol laughs at her. “Seriously. It isn’t your load to carry Brystol. It should be between your mother and Jewel. Your mother shouldn’t have put you in the middle of it.”

“I put myself in the middle years ago.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” She moves up closer to him and wraps her arms around him. “You didn’t take away their other home. They had two so they will be fine. And you made your mother’s only home more comfortable for her. You freed her from the pain she had dealt with your entire life. I mean, I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to be forced to deal with the man I loved loving another and being forced to watch it happen every day. I think you did the right thing, and your father would not be upset with you for that. I mean he knew it bothered your mother, that is why they would go to Jewel’s castle for holiday. Perhaps that is even why he gifted her the castle, so that after he was gone, she would have it to be away from here.”

After a few minutes of silence and them just holding each other, she hears Brystol sigh sounding less upset. “Thank you.”

She smiles up at him feeling a higher level of love for him than she ever had before. She isn’t sure why, but their nightly talks have made her fall more in love with him. He pulls her in tighter and kisses her lips softly at first but then it intensifies. “I wish it were March twenty-sixth already.” She says breaking their kiss and feeling out of breath.

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