Sahara Ashdell: Rebirth of Patreek (Book 3)

Chapter 12: Let the Battle Begin

They spent the remainder of the day preparing for battle and traveling to the Underverse. The elders would be opening a secret entry door to the Underverse that had never been opened before. They had known that Aran Satavan would be waiting for their arrival and would try to breach their entry point and overtake the living realm. The elders had spent years establishing a plan to prevent the battle from taking place in the land of the living. “The time has come.” A young ellon says entering the tent of Aran Rayterbay.

Sahara straightens her armor as she looks toward Brystol, who is sharpening a blue colored sword. He looks at her in a way she finds uncomforting. She wishes she could understand why he has such strong feelings toward her, but she just can’t remember what it was like to feel anything but annoyance toward him. “Here.” He says holding the sword he had been sharpening. “This is the sword of Hathga.” He holds it up so that she can see the sparkling blue blade glistening in the beams of sunlight that are streaming in from outside. “It was my great grandfather’s. It is forged from my family’s magic and is one of the most powerful swords to ever exist. A mere scratch from it will defeat the strongest beast.” He hands it to her turning the blade towards him so that she can grab the handle. “You will need it.”

“What will you use?” She wondered why he would give her such a powerful sword and leave himself vulnerable.

“This one.” He pulls out a sword from his belt that is silver and not shimmering like hers.

“Is it also forged by magic?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “It is only a sword, but I still have all my magic.” He says with a small smile.

“Thank you.” She says replacing the sword in her belt with the blue one. She felt his warm body close to hers as the tent emptied of the other elves. “Was there anything else?” She asked wondering why he was so close to her.

He seems reluctant to speak for a moment until the last elf leaves and they are alone in the tent. “I know you have lost all feelings for me, but my feelings for you are the strongest they have ever been. And…” He seems overly nervous she thinks as he pauses. “If one of us dies I would never forgive myself if I didn’t get the chance to…”

His new pause causes her some distress, but she tries to be kind with her words, “To what?”

“I know you don’t remember but if you succeed and do remember maybe it would mean something then. So I just need to.” Instead of words he suddenly kisses her lips catching her off guard. She feels the holes become present around her with his intense kiss and she thinks it isn’t half bad for a moment until he pulls away from her. “I love you.” He says before leaving her alone in the tent feeling annoyed by him.

“Ugh.” She grunts in disgust wiping her mouth and spitting before following him outside.

“Gurtha humnas fremonta bluthen shamanta nayanaa pey.” All the elders chant together as she sees a small portal open as the large army stays quiet. The arm progresses forward with the summons of the head elder and they quietly enter the opened portal to the Underworld. It is so quiet as they pass into the realm that she wonders where they could be, for she sees no civilization anywhere around. It is so dark that the area is unrecognizable. Moments after the last of the army enters through the portal, it closes quickly with all the elders’ words. “Batanfolo therima shempa quinisty mo.”

Sahara follows behind Aran Rayterbay, with Brystol close by. Their small regiment was set to go east with another regiment, while all the other regiments went in different directions so that they could surround the main Underverse kingdom where Aran Satavan resided. It was believed that Aran Satavan would be protecting the escapees. They had been walking for hours in silence when Sahara finally saw a small light glowing on the horizon.

As the light on the horizon grows larger, Sahara recognizes the town that the glow of light is coming from. It was Yetya, where she had been before when she was here unknowingly. She jumps suddenly hearing a rustling noise come from the field to the left of them. She looks around at the others in the regiment, but they all seem to not have heard what she did. She hears it again and whispers to Brystol, who has remained by her side the entire time. “Did you hear that?”

Brystol does not have time to respond because the sudden loud yell of a creature sounds from the field she had just heard rustling from. “Attack!” She and the others in the regiment quickly react by pulling out their weapons toward the charging beasts that are running towards them. The creatures do not look like elves or any other being Sahara has ever seen. They seemed zombie-like Sahara thinks as she feels frozen in place when Brystol jumps in front of her stopping one of the creatures from hitting her with a sword. She had never been in a fight like this before and it seemed overwhelming all of a sudden. She hears Brystol grunt in disgust as he stabs the zombie-like creature and silver colored blood splatters all over her.

“Sahara! Fight!” Brystol yells as he stops another creature from hitting her with their spiky looking weapon. His words seem to snap her out of the state she was in and she quickly stabs the zombie-like creature Brystol is fighting in the back. The creature suddenly turns to ash and Brystol falls to the ground from the weight he had been placing on his weapon toward the creature. Without another word, Brystol picks up the creature’s weapon in his other hand and turns toward another creature and begins to fight. Sahara is impressed with his skills. She didn’t know he was trained to fight. She jumps realizing a creature has swung its weapon towards her. She swings her sword towards the creature and their weapons collide with a loud clank. The creature is stronger than it looks and she struggles for a few moments as she fights against the creature. The creature manages to knock her down on her back to the ground. She is pushing as hard as she can upwards with her sword to keep the creature’s weapon from touching her. She had not used magic all day because she wanted to save it for the Grey Elf but she realizes magic is her best option at the moment. She manages a repellant spell that causes the creature to fly backwards from her a couple of feet. That gives her the opportunity to stand back up and charge toward the creature. She uses her sword to knock the creature’s weapon from its hand before stabbing it in the center of its chest. She watches the creature’s zombie-like face change to a normal elf face before it turns to ash. She feels saddened by the realization that these zombie-like creatures once lived like her. She feels a sudden pain in her arm and the sound of another creature screeching next to her. She realizes her arm has been wounded and turns to defend herself but to her relief Brystol and the Aran have killed the creature.

“Sahara!” Brystol says running over to look at her arm. “Are you alright?”

“I am fine.” She says wiping the blood from her arm. She looks around noticing all the dead creatures lying around them. She feels saddened noticing that a few of the living have also been slain. “What happens to those that die in the Underverse?”

“They pass to the World Beyond.” The Aran says wiping the sweat from his brow.

“So, in a way we are helping them.” Brystol says and Sahara knows he is trying to comfort her.

“I didn’t know you knew how to fight.” She says wiping the blood from her blade and glancing up toward Brystol.

“Father started training me in battle as soon as I could walk.”

“I wish someone had taught me some things before today.” She remembers back to earlier at Kinderton when they had been practicing sword fighting outside the tent. Brystol had shown her a few moves and things to do with the sword, but she was obviously bad at it.

“You did fine.” He says with a small smile.

“I fear we do not have time for rest.” The Aran says loudly and it causes Sahara to look toward him. She notices him change his stance to a defensive position before she realizes the direction he is looking is filled with a large group of more creatures running towards them. She also sees larger beasts mixed in with the creatures that seem violent.

“What are those?” She asks feeling fear build inside her.

“Some of the creatures that escaped.” The Aran says not sounding nervous at all. “You two,” He says glancing back toward Sahara and Brystol. “Fall back to the end of the line.”

“What?” Brystol asks confused. “No.”

“It was a command, not a request.” The Aran sounds authoritative and scary Sahara thinks. “Fall to the rear.” And when you see the signal, make for the village to find Slagwart.”

“Father?” Brystol sounds reluctant to leave.

“Now Brystol!” The Aran yells angrily as the creatures draw closer. “Or she will never make it.”

Brystol yells angrily as he grabs hold of Sahara’s hand pulling her with him towards the back of the regiment. As they arrive at the back of the army, Sahara hears the screams of elves and the loud clanging of weapons. She turns to see one of the large beasts throw its head into the elves throwing them across the field. “We will never be able to win.” She says after a moment of watching the horrific scene before them.

“That was never the plan.” Brystol says grimly, closing his eyes in pain. Sahara looks over seeing Aran Rayterbay get surrounded by creatures, and what she assumes is Aran Satavan.

“What do you mean?” He doesn’t answer and Sahara remembers what the Aran had just said. “Your father said something about a signal. What signal?” Sahara suddenly realized she had been left out of important details that were unfolding.

Just then she sees a flash of light fly up straight in the air and Brystol grabs her hand yanking her with him as he says, “That one.”

She hears shouts of elves coming towards them. It is one of the other regiments charging toward the battle Sahara and Brystol are running away from. The elves run past Sahara and Brystol with their weapons and Sahara realizes everything happening was planned out to be a distraction for her to get to Slagwart and find the Grey Elf. “Will your father be alright?” She asks as they continue to run toward the village.

“I don’t know.” He says angrily. “Just focus on trying to find Slagwart. Where is he?”

“I don’t know!” She says wondering why he thinks she would know that.

“Use your telepathy and find him.” Brystol urges as they arrive at the village that is filled with fighting between elves and more creatures.

Sahara isn’t confident in her ability to use magic. She had been able to use some to throw the creature off her earlier but she had lost so much of her powers that she wasn’t sure she had any left. “I don’t think I can.” She says shaking her head toward Brystol.

“Why not?” He sounds distracted by the fight.

“I don’t think I have enough magic left.” She says wearily.

“Look around you Sahara.” Brystol points toward the fighting elves and then out back toward the large battle where they left the Aran moments ago. “You have to try, because if we can’t find him and the Grey Elf this was all for nothing.”

“Not if we can just get the escapees back into the gates right?” She asks hopefully.

“You just don’t get it do you?” He says with an agitated laugh before turning somewhat angry toward her. “No one else can close the gate of evil but you Sahara. And if you don’t get your powers back you can’t even do that. Everything is riding on you defeating the Grey Elf. This is a lost battle without your powers. All these elves…” he points around them to all the fighting, “are dead if you can’t do this.” Sahara swallows hard as a tear rolls down her face. She didn’t realize she was the only one that could close the gate.

“Why can’t someone else close the gate?” she asked.

“Because it can only be closed by one that speaks both elf and pixie language who is not evil. And if you haven’t noticed, you are the only one that exists that fits that description.”

“What was the plan if I didn’t ask you to come fight?” She wonders.

“They were just going to send you here the way you came before when it was time to close the gate.” He says grabbing her by the hand again. “Hurry.” He pulls her with him through the street quickly avoiding the creatures that are running towards other elves. They find a dark empty alley to stop in. “Try to find him.” Brystol says looking out towards the streets. “We don’t have much time.”

Sahara tries to focus her mind by closing her eyes but all she can feel is nervousness. “No. I can’t.” she says shaking her head and opening her eyes. “I can’t do it.”

“Yes you can.” He says before his expression changes seeing her nervousness. He sighs compassionately before moving over in front of her and placing his hand on her cheek, forcing her eyes to look up into his. “You can. Just relax.” He suddenly kisses her and she finds the distraction annoying, but a distraction all the same. As he breaks his lips from hers, she finds the strength to use her powers to try and teleport to Slagwart making sure she is holding Brystol’s wrist so that he will teleport with her if it works.

She opens one of her eyes wondering if it worked but she notices they are still in the alley. She growls slightly before closing her eyes again and focusing more on finding Slagwart. She tries to teleport to him again and when she opens her eyes this time she notices they are standing out in the middle of the street. “What have you done?” Brystol asks pulling out his sword in defense as creatures begin to approach them.

“I don’t know.” Sahara says also pulling out her sword as a creature roars toward her. “I tried to teleport to Slagwart.” She says in a panic as a creature lunges its weapon towards her. To her surprise another zombie-like creature stops the weapon with his own weapon. She is confused about what is happening as she steps back letting the two creatures fight. The creature that was defending her kills the other creature before turning toward Sahara. She raises her blue sword up but the creature just stares at her in confusion.

“Sahara?” The creature says in a familiar tone.

“Slagwart?” She asked in confusion about the way he looked. He looked like all the other zombie-like creatures but when she saw him last week he looked normal. “Is that you?”

“I thought you went back?” Slagwart asks before noticing Brystol. “Cundu.”

“Who is this?” Brystol asks giving the creature a disgusted stare.

“It is Slagwart.” Sahara says feeling still in shock at his appearance.

“Interesting.” Brystol says in reply.

Sahara suddenly felt disgusted at the thought that such an unattractive creature had seduced her last week. “Why do you look so different?”

“I..” Slagwart looks down at his wrinkled and wholly body before looking back up at Sahara. “Everyone changes when they die and come here.”

“I feel much less jealous now.” Brystol says in a whisper to her as Slagwart suddenly kills another creature. And all she can do is swallow hard in response.

“Hurry, come with me.” Slagwart says motioning for them to follow him. They silently do as he asks and follow him into a building and up the stairs to a quiet room. Sahara instantly recognizes the room. It is the same one she met him in when she teleported to him before. “Why are you back?”

“The feelings I gave your aunt. I need them back.” Sahara says wasting no time.

“That isn’t how it works Sahara.” Slagwart says shaking his head. “If you ask for them back, Brystol will die.”

“I have no intentions of asking for them back.” Sahara says hoping Slagwart understands her meaning. Slagwart looks unreadable for a moment as he stares at Sahara and Brystol as if he is waiting for them to say more.

“You have come to me to have me help you kill my own aunt?” He asks sounding offended.

“I just need help finding her.” Sahara says stepping closer to him. “If we can’t find her and get my powers back then the realm of the living will be destroyed because the gate of evil you had me open released all the evil into your realm and they will breach into ours.”

Slagwart looks ashamed of himself as he looks down at the floor away from Sahara. “I am sorry I tricked you into doing that. I hope you know I had no choice.”

“We always have choices.” Brystol says shaking his head in disbelief.

“Aran Satavan had my father and threatened him. He instructed me to teach you to portal and use the word he told me to teach you to open another secret portal. I swear I had no idea it was the gate of evil, or I would have never done it.”

Sahara can hear the truth in his words and she knows he is being honest. “I believe you.”

“I don’t.” Brystol says causing Sahara to give him a disapproving glance.

“Slagwart.” She steps closer to him taking hold of his boney hand that feels cold and disgusting. She holds back her gags. “We have to set it right. Please help us set it right?”

Slagwart searches her eyes for a moment and Sahara smiles as she notices his eyes have never changed. They were the same Slagwart eyes she had always known. She thinks he smiles back at her but she can’t tell with all the dangling flesh around his teeth. “What is the plan?” He asks.

Sahara sighs in relief and releases his hand looking back at Brystol. “I am not really sure we have a plan beyond finding you.” She confesses.

“Then we better hurry.” Slagwart says pulling out a chair for Sahara to sit down in at a table in his room.

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