Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 43 –– Battle of the Royal Palace part II: Chroma Realm

Four’s fyx skill was Light Eater. She could absorb lumina sorcery by inhaling her opponent’s attacks through her mouth. She also had a light absorbent fyx energy texture that allowed her to absorb lumina sorcery passively. After absorbing it, she could then convert it into pure fyx energy that she could use as an additional power source.

Zum realised that Four was absorbing his energy, so he decided to push her and back away, giving distance between the two. He succeeded and Four was released from him. He finally realised why his attacks couldn’t make any significant damage to her.

“So that’s your true fyx skill.....” Zum mumbled.

All this time, Four never revealed her true fyx skill to anyone. She never even revealed the fact that she was a Transflage. She only told everyone that her fyx skill allowed her to coat her fists into any shapes, without transforming them into Transflage state. The only instance she ever used her true fyx skill was during her fight against Bataar, which she considered serious enough to use it.

Before 10 minutes was up, Zum’s Garuda Form was slowly shrinking. Because Four absorbed some of his energy, he ran out of fyx energy more quickly than he was supposed to.

Four noticed a clear sign that Zum was running out of fyx energy and neede some time to recharge. Not giving him any break, Four went on a rampage and sent a fatal blow towards him. She leaped towards him and sent a piercing drill towards Zum, just like she did to Arudo. Unable to muster any fyx energy, Zum tried to block it using his arms, despite knowing that she could still pierce through it.

Suddenly, someone kicked Four’s arm and redirected her attack right before it landed on Zum. His leg was shining brightly, perfectly covered in light. He shielded Zum from a deadly blow that could have finished him in an instant.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Zum.”

Despite starting off on the wrong foot the first time they met, he is here to resuce him.


Haru came to the rescue.

A few moments before Zum was losing his Garuda Mode, Haneul noticed that he was running out of fyx energy and completely got overwhelmed by Four. Haneul then suggested Haru to go help him.

“Go. I can take care of him with Xiaohui,” Haneul said to Haru, saying that he would fight alongside Xiaohui to fight against Hamlet.

“But, I can’t let the Premier fight––” Haru refuted.

“If you don’t, I will,” Haneul threatened him.

Thinking that Four was an even more dangerous enemy than Hamlet by the fact that she killed Arudo in a single blow, Haru then agreed to Haneul’s suggestion to come and help Zum fight Four.

After Haru left, Haneul joined Xiaohui to fight against Four’s ally, Hamlet.

“Why did you kill the Advisor!?” Haneul shouted at him.

Hamlet remained silent, not answering to Haneul’s question.

Haneul then looked at Hamlet in his eyes, with his eyes glowing with light. The two of them made an eye contact. Haneul then reiterated his question.

“Why. Did. You. Kill. The. Advisor?”

Hamlet suddenly felt his heart throb and an urge to answer his question. He then replied to him with a trembling voice.

“We had to.....get some information....about the day of the coronation....”

After he answered, Hamlet felt like he was possessed by something. He felt like he was hypnotized to answer Haneul’s question.

By infiltrating the Temple Members Assembly and pretending to be the Advisor, Hamlet managed to get some information about the coronation ceremony. Even though he didn’t get the full information, he did manage to take notes of some of the main points of the event.

Haneul was enraged. Having his Advisor killed, Yujin almost got killed, the newest Chief of Garuda Squad–– Arudo–– also got killed, he lost everyone around him which made him think that he was partly at fault for being their target. He wanted to end them right there and then.

Haneul put his hand down and touched the floor with his five fingers. He then concentrated his fyx energy on his palm and let it seep to the floor. His fyx energy turned into lumina sorcery that slowly spread around the area they were fighting, covering their footing with light.

Xiaohui noticed what was going on and immediately jumped out of the area of their fight. He realised that Haneul was trying to activate a fyx technique and he didn’t want to be trapped in it with them.

Haneul then turned the lumina sorcery on the floor into chroma sorcery and activated a fyx technique.

“Special Technique: Heavenly Psychedelic Dream!”

Haneul activated a special technique and trapped Hamlet in it.

Using chroma sorcery, Haneul created an area where he trapped Hamlet where his senses were being tricked. His vision was blurred with hallucinations and his mind was on some psychedelic trip.

Chroma sorcery was a subelement of lumina sorcery which allowed fyxie to manipulate colours, thus creating illusions. This type of sorcery had a plethora of applications, including Yumi’s fyx skill: Invisibility. Not a lot of people were able to use chroma sorcery as it was an advanced form of lumina sorcery.

Hamlet saw Haneul everywhere in his vision. His mind and his body were not coordinating as well as he wanted. He then frantically shot a laser at every Haneul he saw in front of his eyes, not knowing which one was the real him.

Haneul saw Hamlet on a frenzy. He was panicking, trying to defend himself by attacking everything around him. Haneul then decided to strike him using his Transflage ability. He traveled using his Transflage state and shot a laser from his palm right in front of Hamlet’s face.

Hamlet got hit spot on. He got pushed a few feet away, but held his ground.

Haneul kept attacking Hamlet while he was under the influence. At one point, Hamlet got used to Haneul’s attack pattern of coming back and forth and managed to block some of his attacks. Hamlet then decided that he needed to put an end to this.

Hamlet shot several light blasts to the floor. Each spot he aimed made cracks on the floor, slowly destroying the area of Haneul’s fyx technique. Hamlet then touched the floor the same way Haneul did it.


Hamlet cracked the whole area of Haneul’s fyx technique. He completely destroyed it, and converted the area into his fyx technique.

“Monochromatic Transmutation!”

Hamlet turned the table around and trapped Haneul this time. The whole area turned into black and white. Haneul saw darkness all around him, with a few spots of white light in some parts of his vision. Haneul lurked around, trying to detect where Hamlet was.

“You’re not the only one with chroma sorcery, you know.”

Hamlet’s voice echoed through his ears, but he could not identify where it came from. The voice sounded as if it were coming from everywhere, echoing through the whole area.

Umbraea* sorcery? So you’re a––”

Suddenly, a fist out of shadow appeared on the floor and did an uppercut to Haneul before he could finish even his sentence. Haneul didn’t see it coming and got his on his chin. Another fist out of light appeared from above and punched Haneul’s head, immediately after the previous one. After that, Hamlet kept sending a series of attacks towards him, trapping him inside his fyx technique.

Having enough of the attacks, Haneul decided to wreck havoc and end his fyx technique.

“Transflage Technique: Amaterasu!”

He turned himself into a giant light creature, an embodiment of a light genie. Just by a few stomps on the floor, he managed to completely broke the fyx technique and turned the area back to normal.

“Tch. Transflages are such a hassle,” Hamlet exclaimed.

Haneul wrecked havoc inside the whole room. Hamlet tried to dodge all of his attacks, but still got hit several times due to his incredible size. Xiaohui finally joined the fight and backed him up by not giving Hamlet any room to dodge.

As best friends, Haneul and Xiaohui had perfect coordination. They knew how to communicate without words, just by subtle body language and gestures. Hamlet got overwhelmed by those two and tried to come up with a solution.

Right before Haneul landed a fatal blow to Hamlet, Hamlet used his fyx skill to transform into the Advisor. Seeing his appearance, Haneul stopped for a second, triggered by his appearance.

Taking advantage of his moment of doubt, Hamlet threw a shadowy dagger at Haneul’s shadow. The dagger hit his shadow right at his stomach.


Suddenly, Haneul felt his stomach throbbing. He felt like it’d been stabbed with something sharp. He then deactivated his Transflage state by reflex and fell to the floor, injured.

“Haneul!” Xiaohui shouted as he ran towards Haneul to catch him before he fell to the floor.

*umbraea = shadow.

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