Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 32 –– Quadrupedal Troglodyte

While waiting for Xiaohui to heal Haru, Yumi attacked the troglodyte by swinging a kick on the shoulder of its other arm to amputate it. Her attack was successful. Because it just lost its left arm and its right hand, the troglodyte fell to the ground on its chin. However, it still had an arm intact on its other front limb, as well as its rear limbs completely unscathed. Yumi the went to the other side to meet Xiaohui and Haru.

“How long do you need?” Yumi asked.

“Around 5 minutes,” Xiaohui answered while healing Haru.

“Got it.”

Slowly, fingers started to appear from the troglodyte's wrist that Xiaohui cut earlier. It was regenerating faster than they expected.

Yumi then leaped into the air to send a punch on its shoulder. However, before Yumi could land a hit, the troglodyte munched her with its elongated mouth.


Yumi got her leg bit by the troglodyte, stuck and couldn’t get away. Its teeth were so strong that Yumi’s fyx energy texture couldn’t let her break free from it. Yumi tried to punch the troglodyte to make it let her go, but the troglodyte managed to keep her in its grip.

Xiaohui then threw his spear to the troglodyte’s chin, stabbing it from below. The troglodyte got hurt and accidentally opened its mouth, letting Yumi go and fall to the ground. Yumi was saved by Xiaohui.

Haru had been healed. Although he wasn't completely healed yet, the pain was bearable enough for him to continue fighting.

Yumi who got bit pretty hard, was lucky enough to coat her leg with extra thick fyx energy before the troglodyte bit her, protecting her from severe damage. She had very good reflexes and control of her fyx energy flow.

Now that the three of them stood up back again, they tried to come up with a new strategy.

“Listen, I have a plan,” Yumi said.

The two of them listened to her closely.

“I can’t scan its core while it’s moving around so much. I need you to cut it legs so that I can scan it thoroughly. Meanwhile, I will keep it occupied as a bait.”

Xiaohui and Haru tried to search for its core before, but it was a futile effore. They couldn’t sense the different levels of fyx energy concentration in a monster, since it had a fluctuating fyx energy flowing irregularly everywhere in its body. Only Yumi could find it thanks to her core scanning technique.

The three of them then proceeded the plan as discussed. After retrieving his spear from the troglodyte’s chin, Xiaohui went to its left leg while Haru went to its right leg. Meanwhile, Yumi stood in front of the troglodyte, trying to amputate its other shoulder.

After a lot of struggle, the three of them managed to amputate all of the troglodyte’s limbs, leaving it defenceless on the ground. It lay on the ground on its stomach, struggling to regenerate its lost limbs.

Yumi then walked around the troglodyte, trying to scan its core using medix coated on her eyes. She then finally found it.

“Guys, I found it!”

Yumi exclaimed to let others know. She finally found the core of the troglodyte.

“It’s in its skull!!!”

Right after Yumi shouted the location of the core, she got punched by the troglodyte who sent her flying miles away. Turned out, the troglodyte focused its regeneration on one of its front limb closest to Yumi, which was the one that Yumi first cut earlier. The time had passed enough for the troglodyte to regenerate its limb to protect itself from her.

Xiaohui and Haru then immediately ran towards the troglodyte’s head to aim for its core. The troglodyte realised that they had found its core and it struggled to move its head around to stop them from dispelling it.

“Climb on my back.”

Haru piggybacked Xiaohui and activated his fyx skill. Haru ignited light on the soles of his feet to accelerate his speed.

The two of them then jumped high to the sky. Xiaohui drew his spear and shot it at the top of the troglodyte’s head. His aim was accurate.

Before the spear landed on its head, the troglodyte covered its head with its hand, guarding its core. The troglodyte possessed some intelligence that was proven useful for its survival. Xiaohui then immediately fell to the ground after losing his balance from throwing his spear mid-air. He was frustrated because they were so close to dispelling it.

While mid-air, Haru ignited more light on his feet and shot some light from his feet as a propeller, adding more speed and changing his direction mid-air. He then propelled himself towards the top of the troglodyte’s head.

The troglodyte tried to block Haru from getting to it by blocking him with its palm. Right upon contact, Haru pulled Xiaohui’s spear that stabbed the troglodyte’s hand and climbed on its arm. He then jumped towards its head to send a final attack.

Haru swung Xiaohui's spear and directed it at the top of the troglodyte’s head. Upon landing, Haru managed to stab it right on its core, beneath its skull inside its head.

The troglodyte screamed in pain as its core got destroyed by the spear. Its body then started dissolving and it vanished into thin air.

The troglodyte was successfully dispelled.

While Xiaohui, Haru, and Yumi were fighting the troglodyte, Four was fighting against the Lord Commander the whole time.

“Why are you doing this, Saaya? Who are you, truly?”

The Lord Commander was trying to figure out her true identity and her motive for infiltrating the squad.

“I am Four, a member of the Stainless Syndicate. We are the ones who will change the world.”


Upon hearing the name of the organisation she belonged to, the Lord Commander was appalled. He suddenly realised how dangerous she was.

Stainless Syndicate was an international organised crime organisation that comprised of the deadliest individuals in the entire world. Every person in the organisation was equal to an S+ -class Exorcist, capable of destroying an entire city on their own. Not much was known about them aside from their claim to change the world by working towards a global revolution to reconstruct the “world.”

Four, as her name suggested, was the fourth strongest person in the organisation. Nobody knew how many members the organisation had, yet a lot of government officials from around the world claimed that there were at least more than a hundred people working for this organisation.

After realising that the people who did a terror attack during the day of the Lantern Festival were members of this organisation, the Lord Commander finally understood why she was able to infiltrate the most elite squad of the Sacred Guards Regiment. She was nothing to be underestimated.

The two of them then exchanged blows, fighting with their lives on the line. Unlike the Lord Commander who was horrified by her prowess while processing the information he just got, Four was having fun fighting him. She was confident that she was stronger than him or anyone there, so she had nothing to be afraid of.

“What do you want with the Premier and the Crown Prince?”

The Lord Commander asked her while they were fighting. He tried to gather as much information as possible.

“That’s not for you to know,” she replied.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard through the whole meadow. Four turned her head to see where the sound came from. She then saw the troglodyte’s core destroyed as it vanished. She realised that the troglodyte got dispelled by Xiaohui, Yumi, and Haru.

“Tch. I can’t believe they dispelled it.”

Four was irritated that the troglodyte was not able to retrieve the Premier and the Crown Prince as she planned. Since her original plan got screwed by the Lord Commander, she was not having a good mood.

Four then shot a ball of light in the air, signaling her location. Her ally–– Hamlet–– picked it up and immediately left his battle with Meixia and Arudo. It was a signal for them to retreat.

Knowing what they were about to do, the Lord Commander tried to stop them from escaping.

“Not so fast!”

Four then threw a ball at the Lord Commander. Upon contact on his body, the ball transformed into cuffs that bound his arms and his legs along with his body, making him unable to move. She used the lumina handcuffs that were given to her as a member of Garuda Squad.

“We will see you soon,” Four exclaimed eerily.

“Don’t let them escape!” the Lord Commander shouted to others while struggling to get out of the cuffs.

Meixia shot a light blast towards them. Before her attack landed on them, Hamlet covered Four and himself with his shadow and suddenly vanished from the meadow.

They disappeared without a trace.

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