Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 22 ––– First Snow

After Yumi arrived at the scene, she told Haru to protect the Holy Monastic in case the chimera started targeting him again. She then fought the chimera and finally exorcised it, all by herself.

“’ve become stronger, Yumi.”

Haru said, complimenting her.

“T–Thanks! Well, it’s what I do, so.”

Yumi was one of Haru’s and Meixia’s best friend in the academy. Aside from being the Princess of the queendom, Yumi was an A-class Exorcist. She worked as one of the staff of the Ghouls Exorcism Corps, under the Exorcism Regiment. Unlike the other two branches of the National Defence, the Exorcism Regiment was independent from the military as it worked in coordination with other Exorcism Regiment from other nations, globally interconnected.

Suddenly, the Holy Monastic felt weak. Unlike fyxie, civvie are weak against ghouls since ghouls could suck their fyx energy and life force. The two of them then escorted him back to the Temple to let him rest.

Several weeks later, the season of ruina ended and nevea* was coming. According to the news, the first snow of the year fell today, right around sunset.

Coincidentally, today is Xiaohui’s and Dasom’s first anniversary. They are celebrating it by watching the first snow together at the highest tower in the city, Sannam tower.

The two of them are meeting secretly in front of the Temple’s gates a few hours before sunset. Both of them are wearing some nevea coats, as it is very cold outside. They are walking towards the tower while holding hands, as a couple.

At the entrance, the visitors must buy some tickets for the entrance fee. Xiaohui has prepared some tickets beforehand, so they don’t need to line up to buy them. The two of them entered using a couple’s ticket, half the price than regular ones.

At the top of the tower, there is a fence encircling the edge of the rooftop. People attach locks with their names written on it. Legend says that, if a couple puts a lock on this fence, their love with one another will last forever. Of course, this saying is not backed up by any credible support.

“Look at what I brought!”

Xiaohui shows a love lock for the two of them to put. He also brought a permanent marker for them to write it with.

Dasom looks thrilled. She hugs Xiaohui out of happiness.

The two of them then wrote their names on the lock and put it on the fence.

After that, they went to the ticketing area to ride a gondola. Xiaohui has planned this weeks beforehand. He uses the ticket that he bought to enter the gondola.

“I’m sorry, this ticket can’t be used to ride the private gondola.”

Turns out, the ticket that Xiaohui bought can only be used for a four-person gondola. He was expecting to ride it just the two of them, but it was not possible.

“Alright, then. One private gondola ticket please,” Xiaohui said, asking for a new ticket.

“I’m sorry, the tickets for the private gondola are all sold out.”

Dammit. Everyone must have bought it for the first snow,” Xiaohui thought to himself.

“It’s okay, let’s just ride that one. We’ve come all the way here, anyway,” Dasom said, comforting him.

Xiaohui nodded, and gave the ticket to the staff.

“Besides, they’ll just be––”

The two of them entered the gondola. Turns out, there is another couple already inside it.


Inside the gondola, Xiaohui and Dasom encounter Haneul, along with Yumi.

“H–hey guys.....!” Haneul greeted them, nervously.

An awkward situation arises.

After the ghoul attack at the cemetery, Haneul heard that Yumi is currently in town. He then asked Yujin to make her stay for a while. Seeing that there is no harm in that, Yujin told Yumi to stay. Since Yumi also found out that Haru and Meixia are at the Temple, she’d be more than happy to stay. She then decided to stay at the Temple for a while.

Seeing that nevea is coming, Haneul planned a date to go with Yumi on the day of the first snow. He then booked the tickets and everything, just like Xiaohui did. He didn’t tell Xiaohui nor Yujin about this date, although Yumi did tell Meixia about it. Since it’s a nice day out, Yumi agrees to his invite. The two of them then went to the Sannam Tower the same day as Xiaohui and Dasom.

Haneul and Yumi also had the same problem with Xiaohui and Dasom, as their ticket cannot be used for a private gondola. Thinking that they will be in a gondola with strangers, they can just focus on themselves. Once in, they found themselves meeting with people they know, creating an awkward situation.

“Y–Your Grace...! Your Divinity!”

Dasom panicked seeing the Princess and the Premier in the same gondola as they are. She bowed at them, paying her respect.

Xiaohui immediately followed her step, bowing at them in panic.

“This is....?”

Although she knows Xiaohui as her brother’s friend, Yumi doesn’t recognise the woman.


When Dasom was about to introduce herself, Xiaohui interrupted her.

“This is Dasom. She’s.....a friend, visiting from another town.”

Hearing that, Dasom looks angry. She doesn’t like being considered as “just a friend.”

“Ah, I see. Pleasure to meet you, Dasom,” Yumi said.

“It’s an honour, Your Grace.”

The four of them then stare at each other in silence. They don’t know how to approach the situation.

Meanwhile, Xiaohui and Haneul are staring at each other, giving signals to one another. They are communicating solely using facial expressions, without saying a single word.

Why are you here!?” Xiaohui looks at Haneul.

Why are you here!? Why is she here?? What’s going on between you two!?” Haneul replied, using expression.

“Nothing!” Xiaohui is panicking.

“Liar! You better tell me after this!

The sun is setting. After a few minutes of silence, finally, the first snow appears.

“Hey, it’s the first snow of the year,” Yumi exclamated, excited at the scene.

The four of them are looking through the glass window, seeing the snow falling. It looks beautiful.


Seeing the snow falls, the awkwardness between them gradually disappears. They became emotional, staring at the white snow falling from the sky.

Twenty minutes later, they returned back to the top of the tower after a two way route in the gondola. After reaching the ground, they decided to separate, and continue their date as previously planned.

It is currently nighttime. The sky is bright with stars shining at them, accompanied by the snow falling from above. Dasom pulled Xiaohui’s hand, bringing him next to the fence of the tower.

“A friend? Really? Is that what you think of––”

Dasom is mad because of what Xiaohui said earlier. He did that solely so that they wouldn’t suspect anything about them, but in turn, it made Dasom mad.

Xiaohui closed Dasom’s mouth with his finger, stopping her from speaking. He then pulled out something from his pocket.

“I have something for you.”

Xiaohui gave Dasom a gift box. Dasom opened it to see what’s in it.

She tears up as if it’s the most beautiful thing she ever sees. It’s a necklace with an amber pendant, considered as a very precious gift in the nation.

He then puts it around her neck. She looks beautiful in it.

“Thank you,” Dasom thanked him, and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Xiaohui is super happy. Even though not everything goes as planned, he’s glad that Dasom enjoyed the date.

“I also have something for you.”

Turns out, Dasom also brought something for Xiaohui. She gave him a larger box than Xiaohui gave her. Xiaohui opened it, and he looks excited.

“I heard that these can help you a lot in battle. Not that you’ll ever need it more than I do, but, yeah.”

Dasom is teasing him. Since they’re both Sacred Guards, they’re used to fighting all the time. However, the two never actually had a serious duel.

Dasom gave him a pair of battle boots. They’re the newest edition. Xiaohui has been wanting it for a while, but never got the chance to buy it because it’s sold out everywhere.

“How did you get these? Aren’t they sold out?”

“Well, a girl has her ways.”

Xiaohui chuckled.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I’m pretty sure the Premier is fine with it, but I don’t know the Princess well enough if we can trust her.”

Xiaohui apologized for calling Dasom his “friend” previously.

“That’s okay. I should have understood you. I’m sorry for getting mad too.”

The two of them then gave each other a big hug, holding each other tightly.

“Happy anniversary, my love.”

“Happy anniversary, dear.”

The two of them kissed the night away.

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