Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 14 –– Yujin vs Xiaohui

After half an hour of trying to reach his Divine State, Haneul saw nothing at all. It was a fruitless attempt. Haneul was still unable to activate it.

They then finished with some meditation and prayer to end the session for the day. Haneul then returned to the palace to have lunch with Xiaohui and Yujin before continuing yesterday’s training.

Haneul met up with Yujin and Xiaohui at the training hall, just like yesterday. The Lord Commander had been waiting for them.

“Alright everyone, listen up. Today we’re gonna have some sparring. First up, Yujin is gonna fight against Xiaohui.”

The two of them walked towards the centre of the hall. Meanwhile, the Lord Commander and Haneul sat down at the audience seat.

The training hall was designed somewhat similar to a colosseum. There was a wide fighting ground in the middle, with audience seats encircling it. It was mostly used for training purposes, but sometimes Sacred Guards also used it to have a duel amongst themselves. It was also used for the annual Sacred Guard Cup, a tournament to decide the strongest squad in the Sacred Guard Regiment.

Yujin and Xiaohui stared at each other, waiting for the signal for the commencement of the battle.

The rule of the battle was simple. They were allowed to use their fyx skill for this battle, yet, they had to defend themselves using medix. They were also expected to attack whilst imbuing medix as best as they can. Once one of them could not continue, the battle ended.


The battle began.

Xiaohui made the first move. He drew a tube attached to his waist and threw it above. He then dashed towards Yujin, trying to throw a punch at him with his right hand.

Yujin clasped Xiaohui’s fist with medix around his palm, grappling for dominance. Suddenly, the tube that Xiaohui threw earlier fell right above their current location. Xiaohui then caught it with his left hand and swung it at Yujin.

A beam of light appeared on one of the tips of the tube, swinging like a photon saber. Yujin then reflexively dodged the attack and took a few steps away from him. He was so close to getting hit. Xiaohui started wielding the tube like a sword, whilst thinking for the next attack.

Xiaohui’s fyx skill was “Retractable Light Spear.” He owned a tube of lumina spear that can sprout out light blades on both ends. He could adjust the length of the light blades, a unique skill belonged to Rayoza clan. He could wield it both as a saber and as a spear, just as he wanted.

Right when Xiaohui lost his focus, Yujin appeared behind him. He pointed his index finger at Xiaohui and sent an attack at him.


A huge blast of light was fired from the tip of Yujin’s finger. He unleashed an incredible amount of output energy, a large scale attack that covered a wide range of area.

In a split second, Xiaohui immediately sprouted out another blade at the other tip of the tube, creating a perfect spear. He imbued his spear with medix for a stronger defence. He then rotated his spear, creating a defensive shield. Yujin’s light was dispersed around Xiaohui, protecting him from the attack. At that range, Xiaohui would have been a goner if it weren’t for his quick reflex.

Yujin’s fyx skill was “Finger Blast.” He could fire a gigantic blast of light from the tip of his finger. It was a large scale attack that could burn enemies to crisps. Once fired, the attack could last up to 10 seconds.

Since this skill required a huge amount of fyx energy, Yujin could not use this attack consecutively and had a cooldown period to recharge his energy for another attack. The output energy of this skill was comparatively similar Bing’s Divine Spirit's attacks, Dentou.

Now that Yujin was recharging, Xiaohui was thinking of a way to land a hit on Yujin before he came up with another attack. Xiaohui then retracted his blades and threw his tube towards Yujin.

Yujin who was still recharging swiftly dodged his tube by leaning his body slightly to his side. Xiaohui smirked and shouted something.


The tube released its blade from behind Yujin, stabbing him from behind.


Yujin was stabbed on his shoulder. He was not able to coat his body with medix on time to protect himself from the attack. Yujin then plucked the spear and threw it away, far from Xiaohui.

“Now, what can you do without your spear?”

Yujin provoked Xiaohui. As a Knight, Xiaohui was heavily reliant on his sword to conjure lumina sorcery.

Yujin then dashed towards Xiaohui, trying to have a hand-to-hand combat.

“Let’s settle this, shall we.”

Yujin threw a jab at Xiaohui with medix imbued to his fist. Xiaohui blocked his attack with his arms, using medix as well.

The two of them fought in a close-range combat. Yujin punched Xiaohui, followed by Xiaohui kicking him, and the two exchanged blows, with medix imbued in their every attack and defence.

The two of them were slowly getting tired. After recharging for sometime, Yujin was finally ready to fire another attack. He then pointed his finger at Xiaohui, attempting to attack him.


Another gigantic blast of light was fired right in front of Xiaohui, burning him and sending him flying towards the other end of the arena. It was a clean hit. Xiaohui got blasted away by Yujin and lay on his back.

“That was a great match. You fought––”

Just when Yujin thought he won, Xiaohui got back up on his feet. Although he dealt with a significant damage, he was still able to hold his ground.

Yujin grinned. It’d been a long time since their last duel. He looked impressed by Xiaohui’s growth over the past few years.

“–– very well.”

Xiaohui’s body was glowing with medix energy aura. Fortunately, he managed to coat his body with medix before Yujin’s last attack, so that he suffered less damage than he should have.

“I’m not done yet.”

Xiaohui raised his hand while standing still in front of Yujin. Suddenly, his tube flew right to his hand, returned to its original owner. The tube flew like it was being pulled by a magnet, exactly towards Xiaohui’s hand. Xiaohui then released the blades on both ends, making a spear just like before.

Aside from retracting and protruding the blades remotely, Xiaohui was also able to retrieve the tube of his spear back to his hand. It was part of his fyx skill. He could not, however, control the tube in the air aside from returning it directly to his hand in a single direction.

Xiaohui then rotated his spear right in front of his chest, creating a circle of light. He then changed his footing, trying to unleash another attack.

Seeing Xiaohui’s stance, Yujin knew that this was one of Xiaohui’s special techniques. Yujin then prepared himself for a countermeasure, trying to attack him before he did. Yujin conjured 5 mini light balls on the tips of his fingers of his right hand. Although he was almost done recharging, by the time Xiaohui came to him, he would have enough fyx energy to fire those 5 blasts at the time.

Xiaohui then charged at Yujin, using his special attack. At the same time, Yujin dashed towards Xiaohui, meeting him halfway.

“Sphere of Raze!”

“Shattering Surge!”

The two of them shouted their final attacks at the same time, clashing each other.

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