Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 6

It’s been three days since Jessie came home with us and she has been the perfect houseguest so far. She walked into the kitchen about two minutes ago and doesn’t seem to have noticed that I’m here. I take the opportunity to watch her. The tight jeans and tank top I had my contact at the boutique in Manhattan pick out for her fit her perfectly. She stands on her tiptoes to reach the cereal from the top shelf of the cabinet and the tank rides up, revealing her full round ass and a glimpse of the tanned skin on her back. I got her size spot on, but then I’ve hardly stopped looking at her curvy little body since we left Nikola Semenov’s house.

“Damn!” she curses as her fingers barely brush the edge of the box.

I watch her as she jumps, but she doesn’t quite have the co-ordination right to grab the cereal at the same time. “You need some help there, Angel?” I ask, suppressing a smile.

Turning sharply, she stares at me. “I didn’t see you there,” she stammers, and then she glances at her watch. “What are you doing skulking around in the kitchen at this hour of the morning?”

Pushing my chair back, I stand up and walk over to her. “I could ask you the same thing?”

She blows a stray strand of hair from her face and shakes her head slightly. “I couldn’t sleep, and I was hungry. You?” She crosses her arms over her chest and I can’t help but laugh. I have almost a foot and one hundred pounds on her, but she glares at me with such defiance in her eyes that it makes me want to put her over my knee and spank her ass. My cock twitches at the idea.

Reaching above her, I take the box of cereal from the shelf before handing it to her.

“Thank you,” she whispers, as though she’s momentarily forgotten that she’s supposed to be annoyed at me. It’s obvious that she was raised to have good manners.

“You’re welcome. And I’ve just finished work,” I finally answer her question. “Our club is open until six am.”

“Wow! And you work there every night?” she asks as she shoves her hand into the box and pulls out a fistful of Lucky Charms.

“No. Just a few nights a week. Would you like a bowl?” I arch one eyebrow at her.

“No, thanks,” she grins before tossing some dry cereal into her mouth and walking over to the table with the box.

I watch the way she moves. She calls herself a computer geek, and she dresses like a teenage boy, as though she wants to give off an energy that she’s clumsy or awkward. But she’s not at all. She is graceful and sexy. Every sway of her hips only accentuates her delicious curves. I wonder for a fraction of a second if I’m welcome to sit with her. But, fuck it! This is my house and I’ll sit where I want.

“Why can’t you sleep?” I ask as I sit on the chair opposite her.

She swallows the mouthful of dry cereal. “My mind is in overdrive. I need something to distract me.”

Her words bypass my brain and go straight to my dick. No, Conor, that is not the kind of distraction she is talking about!

I close my eyes and draw in a breath before I answer her. “Read. Watch TV?” I suggest.

“I’m too hyper to read right now. And there’s only so much TV a gal can watch, you know?” She flashes one eyebrow at me.

“You’ve been here for three days. You’re really bored already?”

“Out of my mind! I promise you I’m really good at what I do. Give me a chance to prove it to you. Give me something. Please?”

The way she says the word please makes my cock start to fire on all cylinders. Jesus! I’ve only been talking to her and watching her eat some fucking cereal. How the hell am I going to live with this woman and keep my hands off her?

Avoidance. That’s how.

“Please, Conor?” she says again, this time with a flutter of her eyelashes and all the blood rushes straight to my groin.

“Keep batting those eyelashes at me like that, Angel, and I can promise you I’ll distract you so hard you won’t even know what day it is,” I growl at her, the words coming out before I’ve even considered the implications of what I’m saying.

It doesn’t seem to scare her off though. She narrows her eyes at me and leans forward. “I bet you would, big guy. But, all I’m looking for is some work to keep me busy. Promise.”

I stare at her, licking my lips as I fall into those bright blue eyes. “You any good with hacking into security systems?”

“Yes. It’s my specialty,” she grins.

“Good. There’s a club downtown. I need the footage of a fight that broke out in there two nights ago. Can you get that?”

“If it exists, I’ll get it for you. What’s the name of the club?”


“Consider it done,” she says with a satisfied smile as she sits back in her chair and stuffs her hand back into the box of Lucky Charms.

“You should really use a spoon and a bowl. Mikey won’t be happy if he catches you manhandling his Lucky Charms like that.”

Her blue eyes twinkle as she bursts out laughing, and I realize the massive double meaning inherent in that statement.

“On second thoughts, maybe he would?” I laugh too. “Now, I am going to find me some sleep. You think you can get me that footage before I go back to work tonight?”

She stands up, wiping the cereal dust from her hand on her jeans and walks around the table until she is standing so close to me, I can smell that she’s used the vanilla body wash I bought her. “I could probably get it before you even fall asleep,” she purrs, and my cock throbs in appreciation.

I bend my head low, so my lips are close to her ear. “Well, by all means, Angel, if you do, feel free to come in and tell me all about it. I don’t need much sleep anyway.”

Her breath catches in her throat, and the sound only makes me harder. But she doesn’t step away from me. “I’ll get onto it as soon as I can,” she says softly, and it’s only then that she steps back and looks up at me, chewing on her bottom lip. I can’t tell if she’s trying to look like a sex kitten desperate to be fucked, or if that’s just her default setting.

I am so damn tired, I can hardly think straight. But Shane would lose his shit if I start fucking our hostage, and even my frazzled brain realizes that.

“I’d appreciate that, Jessie,” I say as I straighten up and walk out of the kitchen.

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