Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 38

Dropping the weight bar onto the floor, I stand straight and flex my shoulders before pulling out my earbuds.

“That’s an impressive weight for a short-stack like you,” a low voice says behind me. “What is that. One ten?”

“One twenty actually,” I say, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. “What can I do for you, Shane?”

I turn around to find him already dressed in one of his impeccably tailored suits, despite it being only eight am. He looks damn near good enough to eat and he knows it. I’m so glad that my cheeks are already flushed from my gym session as I remember what I said to him last night. I’m aware that it’s ridiculous to be upset about the fact that he once loved Erin, but I can’t help it. He is so closed off from me. He reminds me at every opportunity that I am nothing more than sex to him. I have asked myself what is so special about Erin that she was able to capture his heart. But I suppose I know the answer. She is smart and successful, and she looks like some kind of blonde goddess.

“Finish your workout. Grab a shower and get dressed. We’re going out,” he says coolly.


“You have such an issue with me going to see Erin. You can come with me.”

“What? No, thanks. I’d rather not.”

“It’s a pity you don’t have much choice then. We’re leaving at nine-thirty. Don’t keep me waiting,” he smirks before turning around and walking back out of the gym.

I stare after him and shake my head. Arrogant asshole! What the hell does he want me to go see Erin with him for? So, I can watch her fawning all over him and calling him Shay? Is this part of my punishment for telling him how I felt about her?

An hour and a half later, I walk down the hallway towards Shane. He is glaring at his watch, but I can’t help but smile at the undisguised look in his eyes when he sees me. My usual attire is skinny jeans and tank tops, pajamas, or more often than not, one of the guys’ shirts and my underwear. I checked my wardrobe after my shower and was suddenly incredibly grateful for Conor’s excellent taste and his insistence that I try on some sexy dresses when he took me shopping a few weeks earlier. I’ve chosen a knee length, skin tight green dress that shows the perfect amount of cleavage to be classy while still showing off my assets. To top it all off, I’ve paired it with some six-inch heels. or fuck-me pumps, as Conor’s friend, Callie, called them.

I strut along the hallway, enjoying the expression on Shane’s face as I make my way towards him. Conor and Liam were just starting their workouts when I was leaving mine earlier, and they are walking along from the other end of the apartment in just their gym shorts, with a towel each slung over their shoulders.

Liam wolf whistles so loudly that it echoes all around the room.

“Damn, Jessie!” Conor says appreciatively as they reach me. He pulls me into his arms and tries to kiss me.

“Conor! You’re a sweaty mess,” I squeal as I untangle myself from him. “But it is nice to be appreciated, boys.”

From the corner of my eye, I notice Shane shake his head.

“You make sure you come find me when you get back from wherever you two are going,” Conor winks at me.

“Not if I find her first,” Liam nudges him on the arm.

“If you’re quite done, we have to go,” Shane says with a sigh.

“Bye boys. I’ll see you both later,” I smile, turning back to Shane as the elevator arrives. I step inside first and stand with my back to the wall. He follows me inside and steps towards me. He leans close, his breath skittering over my cheek. “You clean up good, Hacker. I’m going to fuck you in nothing but those heels later.”

The breath catches in my throat, but I glare at him. “We’ll see,” I flash him my best smile and he chuckles and steps back, leaning against the wall, fully aware that I would let him fuck me any way and anywhere.

We arrive at Erin’s office building over an hour later. I glance around as I step out of the elevator. “This place is fancy,” I say as I struggle to keep pace with Shane in these damn heels.

“It should be for the money I pay her,” he growls and then a few moments later, he stops outside a huge solid oak door, with a small glass window that has the name Erin McGrath, Managing Partner, stenciled onto it.

Shane knocks, and Erin smiles widely as she opens the door to let him in.

“Shay! It’s lovely to see you,” she says, placing her hands on his arms and kissing his cheek.

“Hi, Erin,” he says. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Jessie along today.”

She looks behind Shane and at me and the disappointment is clear on her face, but it’s quickly replaced by her huge, fake smile. “Of course not. Come on in both of you.”

I walk into Erin’s office. It is enormous, with floor to ceiling windows and a huge glass desk in the center of the room. There’s a large chrome bookcase at one end of the room crammed full of law texts and journals. The whole place is polished chrome and glass and the height of sophistication. I sit in a black leather chair and don’t move, afraid to touch something that might cost a few thousand dollars and break it.

I listen intently as Shane and Erin discuss the legalities of the Ryan brother’s business and the transferring of ownership of some property in Ireland to Shane. They talk business for over half an hour, and I’m beginning to wonder why Shane bothered bringing me here. It seems like they’re wrapping things up when Shane throws me for a curveball.

“You did some work with the Russians a few years back, Erin?”

“You know I did, Shay,” she purrs. “I stopped working for them when we got engaged, at your insistence.”

“If I remember rightly, you did some work with the Ivanovs?”

“What if I did?” she sits up straighter in her chair now and frowns at him and suddenly, I am much more interested in this conversation.

“You ever hear of one of them named Alexei? Or a woman named Nataliya Vasiliev who married into the family?”

She stares at him and then at me.

“You can trust, Jessie,” he assures her. “She hates the Russians as much as we do.”

“You trust a woman who you barely even know, Shay? That’s so unlike you?” she flashes her eyebrows at him.

“Do you remember, Erin?” he sighs.

She doesn’t answer him, but she looks directly at me. “Is this something to do with you?” she asks, her lips curling back over her teeth, making her beautiful face look strangely unattractive.

I lick my lips. “I am interested in finding out about the Ivanovs,” I whisper. “Anything you can find out about them might be useful.”

“Why?” she snaps.

“I, … I have an interest in them,” I stammer. I wasn’t prepared for this change of direction at all and my usual lies don’t trip off my tongue quite so easily.

“An interest?” she snorts.

“Erin!” Shane snaps. “Why we want the information isn’t important. Can you answer the damn question?”

“That was all so long ago. The Ivanovs are one of the oldest families in Russia. They are not easy people to work with. I’d have to pull some of my old personal files. But, I’ll have a look when I have time to, if it’s important to you, Shay.”

“Thanks, Erin,” he says as he stands to leave.

I stand too, and Erin walks towards me, looking me up and down like she’s just found me stuck to the bottom of one of her Louboutins. “You must have a magical pussy or something, girl, to have this one fighting your corner.”

I blink at her and step back. I’d like to slap her in the face, but she is important to Shane, and she could be a big help in finding out who Nataliya is.

“Enough!” Shane intervenes for me and Erin smiles sweetly at him. He still kisses her cheek before we leave the office though. Asshole! “I’ll be in touch,” he says smoothly.

We walk out of Erin’s office and I take a deep breath, relieved to be out of there. Shane turns to me and scowls as we walk along the hallway. I frown back at him. What the hell have I done now? I was perfectly nice to Erin, even when was being a complete bitch to me.

As we pass the ladies room, he stops and grabs my hand, pushing open the door and pulling me inside. He closes the door behind us and turns the lock with a loud click.

“Shane? What are you…” I start to say but before I can finish my sentence he is on me, pressing me against the tiled wall with the weight of his body. He lifts one hand to my face, dragging his thumb across my lip before he cups my cheek. He rubs the pad of his thumb along my jawline and stares at me so intently, the warmth spreads through my core.

“You know that she means nothing to me?” he frowns.

I swallow hard. “Yes. You told me that.”

He bends his head low and seals his lips over mine, forcing his tongue inside my mouth and kissing me roughly. Just as suddenly, he pulls back from me, leaving me wanting more. “So, why don’t you believe me, Hacker?”

“I do,” I protest.

“Does she intimidate you?” he narrows his eyes at me, and I swear sometimes this man can read my mind.

“A little, I guess,” I admit.

He takes hold of my chin and tilts my head up, so I have no choice but to look at him. “You know that no-one can make you feel inferior without your permission, right?”

I roll my eyes at his pop psychology and he squeezes my jaw tighter. “Don’t roll your eyes at me. Why do you let her talk to you like that?” he scowls at me now. “You’re like a different person around her. Where is my little firecracker?”

“I don’t know. She’s just so damn perfect, she seems like she has her shit completely together. I mean has she ever made a single mistake in her life?” I flash one eyebrow at him.

“Believe me, she’s made plenty.”

“Why don’t you let me call you Shay?” I whisper.

“Because I fucking hate it. She calls me it because she knows it’s one of the few ways she has left to push my buttons.”

“Oh.” I chew on my lip. I hadn’t even considered that. “You and her just look so good together,” I say as the emotion wells up in my chest. “She’s perfect for you.”

“Perfect? You’ve said that twice now. And if she was perfect for me, we’d be together, wouldn’t we?” he growls and suddenly I’m aware of his free hand reaching down and lifting the edge of my dress. The soft fabric glides over my thighs as he gently pulls it, raising it higher.

Pressing his lips against my ear, he whispers. “You want to know what’s perfect?”

“What?” I pant as his hand skims over the bare skin on my thigh and between my legs.

“This sweet cunt,” he growls as he pulls my panties to one side and pushes two fingers straight into my hot, wet entrance.

“Shane!” I groan as the pain and pleasure burns through me.

“Perfect the way it is always soaked with your cum, Hacker. Always ready for me. The way you squeeze my cock when you’re desperate to come. How fucking sweet you taste. It’s so damn perfect that I think about being inside it all fucking day,” he growls as he pulls his fingers out of me and drops his other hand from my face. The familiar jangle of his belt being unbuckled causes a sudden rush of wet heat between my thighs.

I wrap my arms around his neck as my cheeks flush with fire. He is about to fuck me in this restroom, which to be fair is possibly the fanciest one I’ve ever been in in my life, in his ex-girlfriend’s office, and I am desperate for him to.

The sound of his zipper opening makes my insides melt like warm butter and I spread my legs wider apart to allow him easier access. “Eyes on me, Hacker,” he snaps, noticing that my eyes have dropped down to his hands to watch as he takes his stiff cock out.

I look up at him again. His green eyes hold mine captive as he pulls my dress up around my waist and slides my panties aside once more. I’m thankful I chose to wear these fuck me pumps because without them he’s almost a foot taller than me. He grabs one of my thighs, pulling it up and wrapping it around his waist before bending his knees and driving himself into me.

“Is this what I have to do to prove to you that you’re the only woman I’m interested in?” he groans as he nails me to the tiled wall.

“Don’t pretend this is all about you making me feel better,” I pant.

“There’s my firecracker,” he chuckles. “And yeah, this is also about me not being able to keep my fucking hands off you,” he growls as he hits that perfect spot, releasing a rush of my cream. My walls squeeze tighter around him, drawing him in as deep as I can.

“Stop squeezing me, Hacker, or I’m not going to last five minutes.”

“Well that could be good thing, seeing as we’re in your ex-girlfriend’s restroom.”

He growls in frustration as he thrusts into me harder than before. “But you’d love her to catch us though, wouldn’t you?”

“You’re an asshole.”

“Maybe. Now stop talking and let me fuck you. The only word I want to hear from your mouth is my goddamn name when I make you come.”

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