Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 36

I walk along the hallway behind Shane, watching the powerful muscles in his back flexing beneath his white shirt. Did that really just happen? Did he just order me to bed like I’m a teenager? What the hell is that about? I obeyed him though, didn’t I? Without question. Because he can play me like a six-string.

When we reach his room, he holds open the door and I step inside. I walk towards the middle of the room as the soft click of the door signals it closing behind us.

“Take off your clothes and lie on the bed,” he says softly. His voice is as smooth as hot chocolate and it sends a shiver through my body.

My pulse thrums against my pressure points as I turn to face him and peel the oversized t-shirt over my head before dropping it onto the floor. Hooking my fingers into the side of my panties, I look him in the eye as I peel them down my legs and kick them off, so they land on top of the t-shirt.

He doesn’t speak, but he rubs a hand over his jaw as his eyes roam over my naked body. My nipples pebble under his gaze and although I’m still mad at him, the rush of wet heat sears between my thighs.

Stepping backwards, I reach the bed and lie down on it. I look up at him as he walks towards me.

“Why have you been avoiding me, Hacker?” he asks as he begins unbuttoning his shirt.

My pulse quickens. The sight of Shane Ryan removing his clothes could be a Broadway show. I know I would pay good money to see it. “Because you’re an asshole!” I say with a smile.

He doesn’t reply, but simply cocks one eyebrow at me as he shrugs off his shirt before his hands drop to his belt and he unbuckles it. My abdomen flutters at the sight of his powerful hands working the soft leather, pulling it through the metal buckle and letting it hang loosely. I lick my lips as he unzips his fly and pushes his suit pants and his boxers down his thick thighs in one swift movement before bending and pulling them off his feet along with his socks. When he stands up straight again, his cock is rock hard, glistening with pre-cum. I swallow at the sight as my body thrums with the anticipation of what is about to happen.

“So, why have you been avoiding me?” he asks again as he takes a step towards the bed.

I flash one eyebrow at him. “You’re an intelligent man, Shane. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Well, I can only assume it has something to do with my refusal to talk to you about my past? But I have been one hundred percent clear with you from the start about what this is.” His eyes drop to the space between my thighs, that is already starting to throb with need, as though to emphasize his point. “So, why, Hacker? And don’t make me ask you for a fourth time.”

I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him. “It’s not that you wouldn’t talk to me. It was what happened after,” I say, suddenly feeling vulnerable in front of him in a way that I never have before.

“I fucked you?” he snaps with a frown.

“Did you?”

“I’m pretty fucking sure I did!”

I lean up on my elbows and tilt my head as I stare at him. “Well, it kind of felt like it was Erin you were really fucking!”

The fire flashes in his eyes. Is that for her? Does he feel that heat and anger simply at the sound of her name? He steps towards the bed and crawls over me, holding himself up on his forearms until our faces are only a few inches apart. “I was most definitely inside you, not Erin. So, what the fuck does that mean?”

I glare into his blazing green eyes. “I get that sex is all you want from me. But I don’t appreciate you screwing me when you’ve got a hard on for another woman.”

His nostrils flare as he glares back at me. “You think that was for her?”

“Wasn’t it? She had literally just walked out of the room and your dick was almost busting through your zipper.”

He gives a subtle shake of his head. “I don’t like sulking, Hacker,” he says with a snarl. “But just this once I will indulge you. I told you that I don’t want Erin and I am not a liar. But I can’t help the fact that she still wants me. She sat on my desk and then she crossed her legs to make sure I got a good view of her panties.”

I suck in a breath and blink at him. Is this supposed to make feel better?

“But all I could think about was you sitting on my desk the other day in those damn pink panties that were soaked with your cream. That was why I was hard, Hacker.” Pushing his knee between my thighs, he nudges my legs apart and then settles himself between them. He pushes his hips against mine, and his erection presses against my opening. “You make me hard.”

“I thought…”

“I told you I have no feelings for her like that. Not anymore,” he interrupts me.

I want to ask him if that means he has feelings for me, but I don’t dare.

“So, the next time you doubt me, do me the courtesy of speaking to me about it instead of sulking like a spoiled brat. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whsiper.

He narrows his eyes at me and my heart lurches into my throat. He presses his lips against my collarbone and then slowly moves down my body, covering my breasts and my stomach in kisses.

“Shane,” I moan his name as I rake my fingers through his thick hair.

“You smell so good, Hacker,” he mumbles against my skin before his head dips lower and he settles between my thighs. He slips his tongue inside me and I reward him with a rush of cream. A few seconds later, his tongue is replaced by two of his thick fingers and I groan out loud, arching my back off the bed in order to take more of him. My walls clench around him, sucking him deeper inside. He licks the length of my folds and sucks my clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerve endings until I’m writhing beneath him. He curls his fingers inside me, pressing against that sweet spot while he sucks and licks and it’s not long before I am shouting his name out loud as my climax tears through my body.

He stays there until the last of my orgasm has trembled through me, before sliding his fingers out of my channel and moving up the bed so we are face to face. “You taste so fucking sweet, little Hacker,” he grins at me.

I place my hands on either side of his face, which glistens with my arousal. “Show me,” I breathe.

“You want to taste yourself?” he growls.

“Yes,” I pant. I want him to seal his mouth over mine and kiss me the way that I have imagined him kissing me since the first time he summoned me to his office. But he has never kissed me, and I realize he’s not going to as he slides one hand back down my body and slips one finger inside my slick channel.

A few seconds later, he lifts his finger to my lips. “Open,” he commands.

Opening my mouth, I allow him to push his wet finger inside. I suck on it, tasting my sweet, salty arousal on his skin. His eyes burn into mine and his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard.

“Fuck! Jessie!” he growls as he moves his face closer to mine. Then he slides his finger from between my lips. I’m about to protest, but before I can utter a sound, he seals his mouth over mine, pushing his tongue inside and flicking it against my own. I groan into him as I taste myself again on him. There is something so hot and intimate about his kiss. And as his tongue claims my mouth, he drives his huge cock into me, swallowing my moans with his own.

I melt into him as he nails me to his bed. Our bodies pressed together so closely I can hardly tell where one of us ends and the other begins. I know I will probably pay for this. Shane will punish me for getting too close to him. For being vulnerable. For making him kiss me. But right now, I don’t care. All that matters is me and him and the things he makes me feel.

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