Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 33

When I wake the following morning, Shane is gone. Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s a little after nine am. I wonder what time he left as I rub my hand over the side of the bed where he slept. It’s cold and I can’t help being a little disappointed by the fact that he didn’t even wake me.

Rolling out of bed, I make my way to the shower and step inside. I turn the temperature up as high as I can stand it and enjoy the hot water running over my body, easing my aching muscles. These Ryan brothers are certainly keeping me active. I smile to myself because I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I almost bump into Conor a little later as I step out of my own bedroom.

“You know where his office is,” he says to the person standing out of my view.

“Yes. Thank you,” a soft Irish voice says, immediately followed by one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in the world striding past me and walking confidently down the hallway in pumps that must have at least a six-inch heel on them. She’s dressed in a cream, fitted suit and her long, wavy blonde hair is styled perfectly. She looks like she just stepped out of some fancy magazine shoot.

“Who the hell is that?” I whisper to Conor as I watch after her with my mouth hanging open.

He leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his broad chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. “Erin. Our family lawyer,” he replies. “Don’t be fooled by her ladylike exterior. She’s vicious,” he laughs.

“She’s stunning,” I say, experiencing an unexpected pang of jealousy. So, this is Erin?

He pulls a face as though he disagrees with that statement before he adds matter-of-factly. “She’s also Shane’s ex. They almost got married.”

“What?” I stare at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. “How could you not lead with that?” I push him playfully on the arm.

He grins at me. “Not jealous are you, Angel?”

“No!” I snap back a little too quickly. “But Shane? Married?”

“Almost,” he says as he stands up straight and steps towards me. He wraps an arm around my waist and we walk towards the kitchen.

“What happened? Which one of them broke it off?”

“No idea.” He shakes his head.

“Liar!” I smile.

“I’m not,” he laughs. “It’s a closely guarded secret. Shane never talks about it. But two days before their wedding, they suddenly called everything off. He never told us why.”

“But aren’t you desperate to know?” I ask, my eyes wide as we walk into the kitchen to find the twins sitting at the table eating cereal.

“Not as desperate as you are, it seems,” he grins at me. “If Shane wanted us to know, he would have told us.”

“So, you’ve met the Ice Queen then?” Mikey asks with a flash of his eyebrows.

“Don’t let Shane hear you calling her that,” Liam warns him.

Mikey shrugs. “She broke his fucking heart. And she hates us. I’ll call her whatever I want.”

Conor shakes his head as he picks up a box of muesli and pours himself a bowl. “You don’t know that she broke his heart,” he says with a sigh.

“No. But he was a miserable bastard for fucking ages after,” Mikey says.

“Still is,” Liam adds, and the twins burst into laughter.

“I’m spot on about her hating us though, bro,” Mikey says when he stops laughing.

“Yeah, well, you might just be right about that,” Conor agrees.

I put on a pot of fresh coffee while the boys chatter amongst themselves. The subject of Shane’s ex-fiancée isn’t raised by them again, but I can’t help thinking about it. Shane Ryan almost married. And to that goddess?

Well, of course, if he was going to marry someone, it would be someone who looked just like Erin. I look down at my five foot four frame. My thick hips and my curvy thighs. How the hell do I ever compete with a woman like that?

I turn and look at the boys and remind myself that I don’t have to. I have the Ryan brother’s attention for now, and I should enjoy it while I can. Although I care for them all deeply, I know this can’t last. It’s not like I’m going to marry any of them. Especially not Shane who has made it abundantly clear that he’s only interested in me for one thing. I knew that this was just a temporary thing when I signed on, didn’t I? As soon as I figure out where the Wolf is hiding, I’ll be moving on anyway. That’s if this thing doesn’t fizzle out before then all on its own.

“What’s the ETA on that coffee, Angel?” Conor asks and I’m snapped from my thoughts.

“Coming,” I smile sweetly, and take the pot over to the table. As soon as I set it down, Mikey wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to him. “You fancy a movie and a sleepover with me and Liam tonight, Red?” he asks as he nuzzles my neck.

“Sure. Sounds good,” I smile at him, but I’m still distracted by the blonde goddess currently in Shane Ryan’s office.

I hang around the enormous living room when the boys and I have finished breakfast, under the pretense that I’m tidying up. But you have to walk past the huge open plan area to get to the elevators, and I hope to catch another glimpse of Shane’s guest before she leaves. If she leaves. What if she spends the night? Or longer? The thought makes me shudder just as I hear voices coming along the hallway .

“Thanks for this, Erin,” Shane says as he escorts her past the room.

I stand up, blowing a strand of hair from my face. “Hey,” I say as breezily and naturally as I can, as though I haven’t been loitering here waiting for them to make an appearance.

“Erin, this is our house guest…” Shane says.

“Jessie,” she interrupts him.

“Yes,” he nods as his eyes linger on her face, and the jealousy gnaws at my insides. Get a grip, Jessie!

I walk over and extend my hand, seeing as Shane offers no further introduction.

“I’m Erin. Shane’s lawyer,” she says with a curt smile as she takes my outstretched hand.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” I lie.

“Well, it’s been lovely to see you, as always, Shay,” she says as she turns back to him. “But I need to get going. I can show myself out.”


“Of course. It’s always a pleasure,” he says softly as he kisses her cheek. I glare at the two of them. I bet he used to kiss her on the mouth.

“I’ll be in touch.” She gives him a last lingering look before turning around and walking to the elevator.

He looks at me as I stand there with a bottle of furniture polish in one hand and a cloth in the other.

“Cleaning?” he arches one eyebrow at me.

“Shay?” I snap back.

“Don’t!” he glares at me. “Ever call me that.”

“Fine! Are you two dating or something?” I frown at him.

He steps closer and wraps one arm around my waist before his hand drops to my ass. “No. She’s my lawyer. Nothing more. Do you think I’d be fucking you with no protection if I was seeing other women?” he growls in my ear, and my insides tremble as his voice vibrates through my body.

“No,” I whisper.

“So, don’t ask me stupid fucking questions, Hacker.”

“Okay,” I frown and then he releases me and stalks off towards his office.


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