Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 29

I lean against the back seat of the car as Conor drives us through the streets of New York.

“Where the hell did you say we’re going?” Liam asks from beside me.

I can’t see Shane’s face, but I know without a doubt that he just rolled his eyes. Liam has a habit of asking the questions that we all want the answers to, but aren’t stupid enough to ask.

“To sort out your epic fuck up from yesterday,” he snaps.

“Yeah, I know. You told us that part. But where exactly is that?” he replies. “It’s kind of hard to get psyched up when you don’t have any idea what the plan is, bro.”

“Do you even know what the plan is, Shane?” Conor laughs, earning him a punch in the arm from our oldest brother.

“We’re going back to the bar. You three left too many loose ends, and I don’t need a war with the Russians right now.”

“What if they’ve already talked?”

“They haven’t. They’re small time. They don’t have a direct line to the top men. My sources tell me they’ve not spoken to their handlers yet. Nobody there recognized any of you. But it’s only a matter of time before one of them says something or sees one of you somewhere one day and realizes who you are.”

“You know we’re sorry, right?” Liam says.

I put an arm around my baby brother’s neck. He hates it when I call him that though, and I suppose I am only older than him by sixteen minutes. Liam is always the one who is most desperate for Shane’s approval. Not that he needs to worry. He already has it. Everyone knows that except Liam himself. Shane respects the hell out of him, out of all of us. But Liam will never measure up to his own expectations. He is always so damn hard on himself. Then we all have our demons. I suppose it was hard to get through our childhoods without some scars.

“So? You and Jessie?” Conor asks, changing the subject completely, and making me lean forward in my seat. I have wondered if this would be a thing between the two of them. Liam and I have always shared everything, including women, and we’re more than happy to share Jessie. Knowing that she cares about Liam and Conor doesn’t make me feel any less cared for by her. I’m not big on relationships, and Jessie gets that. She makes time for me whenever I need her, and I like it that way. But Conor and Shane never share. They love each other deeply. They only had each other for eight years until me and Mikey were born, and they share a bond as close as me and my twin do. But they do not share women. Until now.

“What about us?” Shane snaps.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist her,” Conor chuckles softly.

“Well, I’ll admit she has a certain appeal,” Shane nods. “You okay with that?”

Conor turns to him and smiles. “I am actually. Go figure.”

“Go figure,” Shane agrees.

“Hey. Let’s not forget, we liked her first. No-one asking if we’re okay with this arrangement?” Liam interrupts the bonding going on in the front.

Shane turns in his seat and just as I’m sure Liam is going to get a slap across the face from our oldest brother, Shane speaks instead. “This okay with you two?”

“Fine by me,” I nod.

“Of course. It’s just nice to be asked, that’s all,” Liam nods too.

“Good,” Shane snaps and then turns back to the road, before he quietly adds. “Because I wouldn’t give her up if it wasn’t.”

“You’re an asshole!” Conor shakes his head.

“You know, that’s what she said,” Shane bursts out laughing and suddenly the four of us are laughing like we haven’t done in a long time. Not since before they took Conor eighteen months ago. Jessie Romanov might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to the Ryan brothers. Our little red-haired ray of sunshine.

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