Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 6

As I stare out the window, my heart races faster as we get closer to Alexei’s Connecticut fortress. I try to concentrate on the sensation of Jessie’s warm, soft fingers holding onto mine. Images of Alexei and his men torturing my twin force themselves into my brain and I have to force them back out. I need to stay focused, because I cannot let Liam down. We can’t let him down. Because I have no idea how I’ll even keep breathing if we don’t get him out of there and home to us. I don’t know how any of us would get over it. Even Jessie. She has only been a part of our family for a short time, but she is inextricably linked to us now, and I know she feels the pain of Alexei taking him as deeply as we do.

It was a sight to behold to see her working earlier, and in different circumstances, I would have been content to sit and watch her do her thing for hours, because she is a fucking genius. But I could hardly focus on anything except getting Liam back. I probably hindered her more than I helped her, with my constant questions and my pacing, but if I did, she never gave me any indication of that fact.

Now it’s my turn to step up. Because blowing shit up, killing and maiming, is my thing, and I will go through anyone I need to, to make sure I get my twin and the rest of us out of there safely.

“We’re almost there, Mikey,” Conor says as he turns in his seat. “What you got for us?” He nods to the huge black holdall at my feet.

“Bombs. Lots of bombs. And some tear gas,” I reply.

“Tear gas?” Shane asks.

“Yep. But I got us some masks,” I reach down and unzip the bag before pulling out the four gas masks.

“Nice,” Conor says with a nod as I pass two into the front for him and Shane. Jessie stares down at hers as I pass her one too.

“You ever worn one of these, Red?” I ask her.

She shakes her head.

I tighten the strap for her. “Put it on when I tell you to, and don’t take it off until you see us do the same. Or you’re completely clear of the hallway. Okay?”

“Okay,” she nods.

“Pass me the bag from the back, bro,” Conor says and I reach behind the seat and pull out his bag of tricks before handing them to him.

“Any preferences?” he asks as opens up the zip.

“Semi-automatic and a Beretta for me,” I reply.

“Same,” Shane adds.

“And what about you, Angel?” Conor turns to her and smiles.

“I’ve never used a semi-automatic before, but I’m game if you have a spare. And I’ll take a Beretta too.”

Conor pokes his head into the bag. “Will a Glock do?”

“Sure. As long as it will take out Alexei Ivanov, I’m easy,” she shrugs.

I feel the tension in the car growing at the mention of his name. We all want Alexei.

“I won’t let you down. Promise,” she says as she looks between the three of us.

“We know.” I squeeze her hand.

Conor and Shane nod their agreement. It is only fair that Jessie is given the chance to ice her father after everything he did to her and her family.

“But if one of us gets a clean shot…” Shane adds, not needing to finish the sentence.

“I understand,” she says quietly.

“You clear on the plan?” Shane says as we approach the mansion where Liam is being held.

“Yeah,” the rest of us reply.

The plan is simple enough. We drive through the gates and right through the front doors of the house in this car, which is basically an armored tank. Then comes the tear gas, the bombs and the shooting. Kill anything that moves that isn’t one of us. Spread out and find our boy.

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