Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 38

As Conor slowly slides his cock out of me, I groan loudly. I’m still blindfolded so I can’t see anything, but I feel him roll to the side and he rests his hand on my back. The bed dips on the other side of us and I wonder if Mikey or Liam, or both, of them have joined us too. My skin tingles with electricity and every part of my body is hypersensitive. Shane holds onto my hips as he pulls out of me too, and the rush of cum that pours out of me makes my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Shane chuckles softly as he holds me tight against his chest. “You’ve soaked me in cum, Hacker.”

“Sorry,” I whisper as I rest my head on his chest and draw in shallow breaths as I try to regain at least some of my senses.

Someone unties my scarf and pulls it from my head and I blink in the bright light of the room as Shane cups my chin and tilts my head so I can look at him. “You okay?” he asks.

“Hmmm,” I mumble and he lets my head fall back to his chest. But then his arms disappear and he is rolling me off him and into someone else’s arms. I glance up to see Mikey’s handsome face smiling down at me.

“Let’s go get you cleaned up, Red,” he says as he walks us toward the bathroom and it’s only then that I realize Liam is no longer in the room. The sound of running water and the smell of vanilla tells me he’s running me a tub, and I smile as I wrap my arms around Mikey’s neck and snuggle against him.

Liam is standing waiting for me as Mikey sets me down on my feet.

“Are you getting in with me?” I arch an eyebrow at Liam.

“I could do with a soak,” he says with a wink as he climbs into the tub, wincing as he lowers himself into the hot water. He’s still not fully recovered and his ribs and shoulders still ache when he exerts himself. When he is sitting comfortably, he holds out a hand to me and I take it, while Mikey holds onto my other one as they help me into the water too. The steam and the heat are making me feel even more lightheaded, and it’s a relief to sit down. Liam pulls me between his thighs and I lean back against his chest.

“You not joining us?” I ask Mikey, who perches on the edge of the tub.

“I’m not sure the three of us in there would be all that comfortable, Red,” he says with a chuckle. “Besides, I’m going to get us some refreshments. I think we could all use some fluids.”

“Red Gatorade for me,” Liam says.

“Blue for me please,” I add.

“You’ll both get whatever I can find,” he says with an eye roll, but we both know he’ll get us exactly what we asked for. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek before disappearing out of the door, leaving Liam and me alone.

Liam pulls my hair back and kisses my neck softly, and I close my eyes and sigh with contentment.

“You were incredible tonight, baby,” he says, his lips grazing my ear and making a shiver run the length of my spine.

“You were pretty incredible yourself. Are you feeling okay?”

“Better than ever,” he growls as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him until our bodies are sliding together in the bubble filled water. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t fuck you for longer.”

“It was all perfect.”

“Doc says I’ll be back to full strength soon.” He bites my earlobe. “And then you and me got some serious catching up to do, baby. Because it has damn near killed me having you lying next to me and not being able to fuck you the way I want to these past few weeks.”

“Well, I can’t wait,” I giggle as he rubs his beard over the delicate skin of my neck, tickling me until I squirm in his arms. “It’s not exactly easy for me either. I mean, you’re pretty hot, Liam Ryan.”

“Jessie,” he growls my name, and then he reaches for a washcloth. “Let’s get you cleaned up before you give me another boner. Because if you do, I’ll have to turn you around and make you ride me. Do you want me to wash your hair too?”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll wash it in the morning.”

“Okay,” he whispers as he runs the washcloth down my body, over my breasts and stomach and then between my thighs before he proceeds to gently wash my most intimate areas. Considering he is the biggest, and probably the meanest looking of the Ryan brothers, he is by far the most sensitive and gentle. He makes me feel so cared for and suddenly I’m overcome with a rush of love for him.

“I love you, Liam,” I breathe as the emotion sticks in my throat.

He drops the washcloth into the water and wraps those huge biceps around me again. “I love you too, Jessie.”

“Thank you for tonight. I can’t say it was much of a punishment though?” I turn my head and arch an eyebrow at him.

“Well, that’s because it wasn’t supposed to be, baby. Why punish you when it’s much more effective to show you what you’d be missing if you ever left again.”

“I never will. You know that, right?”

“Yes.” He presses a soft kiss against my temple as Mikey walks back into the room carrying refreshments. Red and blue Gatorade, just like we asked him for.

After I am thoroughly clean and extremely exhausted, Mikey helps me out of the tub and grabs a huge fluffy towel to wrap me in as Liam hoists himself out too, stifling a groan as he does.

“You sure you’re okay?” I ask, stifling a yawn.

“I’m fine.” He rotates his shoulder and winces. “Nothing a good sleep won’t fix.”

“He’s trying to get another week off work, Red. Take no notice of him,” Mikey says with a wink.

“Asshole,” Liam fires back good-naturedly.

Mikey rolls his eyes. “Some of us have to go pull an eight-hour shift in half an hour.”

“I’d say my heart bleeds for you, bro. But I nearly fucking died two weeks ago,” Liam says as he starts to dry himself off with a towel. “Hanging on by a thread, the doc said.”

Mikey dries me off too as he banters with his twin. “Fuck’s sake! How long are you going to dine out on that? It’s been two weeks, bro. I’d have been back to work the next day.”

Liam laughs out loud. “You took two days off because you hurt your toe last year.”

“It was broken. After you dropped a fucking barbell on it!” Mikey protests.

“Boys,” I laugh. “Stop arguing. You’re harshing my mellow.”

“Harshing your mellow?” Mikey raises an eyebrow at me. “Who the fuck says that, Red?”

“What? People used to say that.” I open my mouth and feign my indignation. “It’s cool.”

“No. It was never cool. I’m pretty sure that even when it was cool, it wasn’t cool,” Liam laughs as he wraps his towel around himself and steps toward me. He bends his head low and presses his lips against mine while Mikey finishes drying me with the towel before he starts to rub arnica oil over my ass cheeks.

“That feel good, Red?” he chuckles and I groan into Liam’s mouth. When he has finished, Liam breaks our kiss and Mikey pulls one of his clean, soft cotton t-shirts over my head.

“All done and ready for bed, Red,” he whispers in my ear.

“Thank you both,” I whisper.

“You’re welcome, baby,” Liam says with a wink before he and Mikey leave me alone in the room.

As I walk out of the bathroom a few moments later, Shane is pulling back the covers of the freshly made bed.

“You changed the sheets?” I say with a smile as I reach him.

“Well, the other ones were soaked with champagne and cum, sweetheart,” he says with a grin as he pats the bed and indicates that I should get in.

I climb in and he pulls the covers over my body before sitting down beside me. “Are you tucking me in?” I grin.

“Sure am. You look beat,” he says as he brushes my hair back from my face.

“I am.” I stifle a yawn.

“You should count yourself lucky that I care about my brother so much, Jessie,” he says with a groan.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that Conor is taking a shower right now, and it’s his turn to spend the night with you. So, I am going to walk out of here and let him have you all to himself.”

“But why should I count myself lucky that you’re leaving?” I frown at him. I wish he wouldn’t talk in riddles when my brain is already feeling like cotton candy.

“Because,” he licks his lips and bends his head low until his mouth is resting against my ear. “What we all just did was incredible and you’ve got me all fired up, sweetheart. So, if I was to climb into that bed with you, I would spend the whole night doing very, very bad things to you.”

Despite the many orgasms he and his brothers have given me tonight, and the fact that I don’t think I could take any more of them, my insides still flutter at his words. “What kind of bad things?” I purr.

‘Don’t, Jessie,” he growls.

“What are you going to do instead, then?” I murmur.

“I’m going to take a very cold shower and then I’m going to do some work,” he says as he sits up.

Reaching up, I brush a lock of hair from his forehead. “You work too hard. You were supposed to be having the night off. We were supposed to do movie night.”

“Doing you was much better,” he winks at me.

Damn! He is so freaking hot. “Smooth talker,” I say with a yawn as my eyelids flutter, heavy with sleep.

“Hey!” he says sharply, and my eyes snap wide open.


He brushes the back of his knuckles over my cheek. “No more guilt or feeling bad over mistakes we’ve made in the past. Okay?” he says with a frown.


“I mean it, Hacker. It’s done with.”

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

“No. Tell me,” he grins.

“I love you more than candy,” I whisper as my eyes close again.

“Candy, huh? Damn, Jessie! That’s some deep shit.”

“Hmm,” I mumble.

He laughs softly and then he leans down and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. “I love you too,” he whispers and then he stands and leaves the room and I’m too tired and content to ask him to stay a little longer.

I must have drifted off because I’m woken by someone climbing into bed with me. I smile sleepily as Conor presses his body against my back and runs his hand over my hip.

“You okay, Angel?” he asks as he nuzzles my neck.

“Yes. I am deliciously achy and completely spent. I feel like I’m about to have the best night’s sleep of my life,” I purr as I stretch.

“Come here,” he growls and I turn around and allow him to pull me onto his chest, where I snuggle against him as he wraps me in his huge arms. His hand skims my ass and he sucks in a breath. “Damn, Jessie. Why the hell aren’t you wearing any panties?”

“Because you bruised my ass, Conor Ryan, and now it’s covered in Arnica oil.”

“I’m pretty sure you can still wear panties. What the fuck are you trying to do to me, Angel?” he groans.

“You can’t seriously be good to go again?” I yawn as I close my eyes and wriggle myself even closer against him.

“Does it hurt?” he asks softly.

“No. I loved it. All of it,” I sigh contentedly. “And I love you. You could never hurt me.”

He doesn’t answer me and I lift my head to look at his handsome face to find him staring into space. “Did you enjoy it?” I ask.

“Yes,” he growls as he squeezes me tighter. “Too fucking much. I’m already thinking of all the filthy things I can do to you while you’re tied to my bed. We’re going to be doing so much more of that, Angel. But you never told me to stop.”

I kiss his chest and then press my cheek against him. He’s right. I’m not sure when I would have asked him to stop if Shane hadn’t intervened, or whether I would have asked at all. I can’t get past the feeling that I’d be somehow admitting defeat if I did. I want to take everything he can give me. “I trust you to never hurt me, Conor,” I whisper as I close my eyes and listen to the sound of his steady heartbeat thumping against my ear as I drift off to sleep.

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