Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 35

As the minutes slowly drag by, I become increasingly anxious about whatever the Ryan brothers are concocting in the other room. The truth is, I do want to be punished for leaving them. Maybe then I could stop hating myself so much for it. I could stop imagining the pain they must have gone through when they realized I’d walked out on them after promising I would never leave. But now I’m sitting here on my bed, wondering what the hell I’ve let myself in for.

When the door opens a few moments later, I look up expectantly to see the four men I love more than anything in the world, walking into the room, each dressed in only sweatpants except for Shane who wears his suit pants and his belt, and all looking hotter than molten lava.

My entire body trembles from head to toe as I watch them saunter toward me, oozing sex and swagger.

Damn! I think my ovaries just exploded.

Mikey carries an ice bucket with champagne inside and he sets it down on the nightstand, while Conor holds something black in his hands. As he gets closer, I see that it’s my scarf and gloves from the rack in the hallway. Liam sits on the edge of the bed beside me and as he does I see the bottle of lube he’s holding. Holy fuck!

“Get her naked. Now!” Shane barks to Mikey and Liam, who dutifully oblige. Liam turns to me and pulls his t-shirt over my head, while Mikey kneels in front of me and hooks his fingers into the waistband of my panties, before pulling them down quickly and stuffing them into the pocket of his pants. Within five seconds, I am completely naked while the four of them surround me.

Conor holds out the gloves to me. “Put these on, Angel,” he growls.

“Why?” I whisper, looking between the gloves in his outstretched hand and his eyes which sparkle wickedly.

“We want to make it as hard as possible for you to identify who is doing what to you,” he grins at me. “The less you can feel with your hands, the better.”

“We were going to tie you up, but we need you to be able to move around,” Shane adds and a shiver of excitement laced with fear skitters up my spine.

I take the gloves and pull the soft leather over my fingers. They were a gift from the brothers and cost more than a month’s rent on my apartment in Arizona, and they fit me like a second skin.

When I have them on, Conor leans forward with my cashmere scarf. “For your eyes, Angel,” he growls, and I bow my head slightly, allowing him to blindfold me. I suppress a smile as I think about how it is going to take a lot more than this for me not to recognize my boys.

“Lie on the bed, baby,” Liam says once I’m blindfolded. I move back, feeling my way into the middle and then I lie there waiting for whatever punishment they are about to dole out to me, although in my mind all I can think about is this seems much more like pleasure. They could have bound me completely and I would fear nothing from any of them, and that realization makes me so happy I could almost purr.

“You ready for your punishment, Hacker?” Shane growls.

“Yes,” I breathe as I lie waiting.

“You don’t get to come until we say you can, okay?”


“And from now on, you don’t speak. Unless it’s to say our names, or the words, yes and no. You got that?” he adds.

“Yes,” I am almost panting now. I feel the heat and the energy from their bodies as I lie there waiting for them to touch me. Being unable to see heightens my other senses, and I can smell Shane’s cologne. The expensive soap that Conor uses. The oil from the car that Mikey was tinkering with just before he came upstairs. And the ointment I have been rubbing on Liam’s wounds to make sure they heal as fast as possible.

I hear them moving around, but they don’t speak. Then I hear the sound of the ice in the bucket moving when the champagne is taken out, followed a few seconds later by the foil being removed. When the loud pop of the cork happens a moment later, I don’t flinch because I was expecting it.

“Hold onto the pillow, and do not move those hands unless you’re told you can, Angel,” Conor growls and I nod my compliance as I reach back and grab the pillow beneath my head.

“Now, spread those legs, Jessie,” Shane orders and once again I do as I’m told before a few seconds later, the bed dips in front of me and I feel two rough hands running from my ankles to my thighs. I would know those hands anywhere, but even if I didn’t, I would be able to identify who this was, because he can never resist running the pad of his thumb over the scar on the inside of my thigh.

“Mikey,” I groan as his fingers brush over my folds and he chuckles softly.

“That’s right, Red,” he says before he slides one finger deep inside me and I arch my back in pleasure as I feel another body to the left of me.

“Liam,” I say his name softly as he was sitting on the bed beside me and I didn’t feel him move.

“We’re going to have to make this harder, baby,” Liam says against my ear before he begins trailing soft kisses over my neck and down to my breasts, before sucking one of my pebbled nipples into his mouth at the same time that Mikey does the same to my clit and my hips almost shoot off the bed.

As I’m trying to focus on the maddening teasing of the twins’ hot mouths, the bed to the right side of me dips and I brace myself for another mouth, but instead ice cold champagne falls onto the hot skin of my chest, making me gasp as it fizzes over my skin, running a trail between my breasts, pooling in my belly button and trickling down between my thighs where Mikey laps it up while he’s eating my pussy.

Liam moves lower, licking up some of the expensive bubbles while another hot mouth sucks on my right nipple and I writhe in pleasure as my fingers grip the pillow tighter. The sensation of three hot mouths on me is maddening and as I’m trying to determine if the third one belongs to Conor or Shane, it disappears and I groan loudly, but it is back again a few seconds later, except this time it is ice cold as he sucks my nipple into his mouth along with the ice cube he now has in there. His teeth graze me softly and I focus on the sensation as I figure out who that sexy mouth belongs to. I want to reach out and touch them so badly, but I haven’t been given permission to, and I want to do this right for them.

“Conor,” I eventually breathe and I hear Shane laughing in the background, confirming I’m right.

“She’s good,” he says with a chuckle.

“She guessed us all. Can I make her come now?” Mikey groans against my pussy as he keeps sucking and licking me with his amazing tongue.

“Hmm,” Shane agrees. “Maybe she’ll have more difficulty identifying your cocks, because she sure as hell knows your mouths.”

I want to ask whether I’m going to get to feel Shane’s hot mouth, or his cock, but I’m not allowed to ask questions either, so I stay quiet. Well, at least I try to as Mikey pushes two of his thick fingers inside me while he keeps nuzzling on my clit and my hips rock against him. Conor’s and Liam’s hands hold me down as they run over my body, along with their tongues, and I swear I think I’m about to pass out.

“Oh, God!” I hiss as the waves of pleasure roll over me.

At which point Mikey stops. “I don’t think oh or god are on the agreed list of words, Red,” he says with a chuckle.

“Nope. Definitely not,” Shane confirms.

“Damn! Not going to be able to let you come just yet then, Red,” Mikey sighs and I groan loudly, resisting the urge to say how unfair that is.

“Mikey,” I pant instead.

“Aw, Red. I would love to make you come all over my tongue. But rules is rules,” he says with an overly dramatic sigh as he trails kisses along my thighs instead and a few seconds later he is gone altogether and Liam’s hand is sliding between my thighs, rubbing between my folds but purposely avoiding the spot where I desperately want him as he continues to leave me teetering on the edge of oblivion.

“Liam?” I pant.

“Sorry, baby,” he chuckles. “Soon, though. Be a good girl and we might let you come later.”

“Hmm,” Conor mumbles against my skin as trails kisses across my breast before sucking on my other nipple. I hear more rustling in the ice bucket before someone is at my front again and Liam’s hand slides back up to my stomach. Whoever it is, rubs an ice cube through my folds and I buck my hips at the coldness and the contrast between that and the heat that is coursing through my body. Then he pushes it inside my opening and I gasp out loud before he drops his head and laps the melting water from my pussy.

“Fuck!” Mikey hisses, confirming it is him again. Then there are ice cubes in Conor’s and Liam’s hands and I realize Mikey must have handed them some and they swirl them over my stomach and breasts before licking off the melted liquid.

I writhe in pleasure as more champagne is poured over my breasts. Damn! Are all four of them here now? Or does Liam or Conor have hold of the bottle? I can’t tell any longer as I teeter on the edge of an earth shattering orgasm and multiple hands and mouths devour my entire body. I can hardly focus on anything and I’m going to come, really hard.

My thighs tremble and my insides contract as the orgasm threatens to burst out of me at any moment.

“Don’t you fucking dare, Hacker,” Shane warns from nearby, confirming he’s not on the bed with me.

“Shane?” I plead with him. I cannot hold out much longer while his brothers are torturing me with their sinful tongues and fingers. Conor’s hand is traveling southwards and he circles the tip of his index finger over my clit and I moan so loudly, I’m sure the walls of the apartment shake.

“Finish her off,” Shane eventually says and at the exact same time Liam sucks my nipple and grazes it with his teeth, Mikey pushes his hot tongue inside my pussy and Conor pushes down on my clit like it is a nuclear detonator and I lose all sense of time and space. I’m not sure if that was my permission too, but I am no longer in control of my body.

My orgasm crashes over me like a full scale tsunami and my entire body trembles violently as the three of them continue to coax the last tremors from me until I am lying beneath them like a gibbering wreck. Tears are spilling over my cheeks as my senses completely overwhelm me. When it has completely subsided, I feel them moving away, but not before each pressing a soft kiss on my stomach first.

I lie there, panting and gasping for breath as I wait for the next round of delicious punishment, as I wonder what I ever did to deserve the devotion of these four incredible men.

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