Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 13

It’s been two and a half days since we got Liam back home and two days since Shane left for his business trip with Erin. I have only spoken to him once and that was only to say hi and pass the phone to Liam. Even the few words we spoke were strained and uncomfortable. Conor keeps in regular contact with him. Not that I have seen much of Conor either. He and Mikey have been doing the work of four brothers with Shane gone and Liam out of action. At least Mikey sleeps in here with us, but Conor is like a ghost, drifting through the apartment to eat and sleep. I miss him. And Shane.

I look down at Liam’s handsome face and smile as his eyelids flutter and he drifts off to sleep. He is my priority right now, and his recovery is more important than me missing his brothers’ company. His injuries are healing well. Dr. Lisa says there will be no permanent scarring to his face, and only a little on his chest and back. Not that anything could make this man any less attractive to me. He is a beautiful soul. Inside and out.

“Is he asleep?” Mikey asks as he walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his skin glistening, still damp from his shower. He is the mirror image of his twin, but so very different in so many ways.

“Yes,” I say as I brush Liam’s hair from his face. It took me ages to wash all the blood from it, using just a bowl of water with shampoo and a washcloth, but now it is back to normal. Dark and thick. It’s too long, and he needs a haircut because it keeps falling into his eyes. Although it does make him look downright adorable.

Mikey walks over to the bed and holds his hand out to me. “Let him sleep, Red.”

I nod my agreement and push myself up, taking hold of Mikey’s hand and allowing him to pull me up. Unexpectedly, he scoops me into his arms, making me giggle as he walks us to the other side of the room and places me down in the middle of his king-size bed.

I watch as he slides off his towel and dries his hair with it. When he’s finished, his hair is sticking up all over the place and it makes me smile at him, and he gives me a goofy grin in return.

“You look after him so well, Red,” he says as he smooths back his hair before lying on the bed beside me. “He’s doing better than anyone thought he would. Even the doc said she is amazed at how well he’s doing.”

“Thank you. He deserves looking after,” I say, thinking of all the trauma he has experienced in his life.

“He sure does,” Mikey says as he brushes my hair back from my face. “And so do you.”

“You guys always take care of me,” I smile.

Mikey sucks the air in through his teeth. “Actually, I don’t think you’ve been taken care of for a few days now.” He arches one eyebrow at me.

“Oh,” I whisper as the heat flushes between my thighs. “But, don’t you have to go to work?”

“Yeah. But I have always have time for you. And I can be a little late,” he grins. “I’m the boss.”

“But Liam is sleeping,” I remind him.

“Well, you had better be quiet then, Red,” he winks at me before rolling on top of me. “Besides, those meds he’s on knock him out for hours.”

“You’re a bad man, Mikey Ryan.”

“Well, you are a fucking hot woman, Jessie Ryan, and I really need to fuck you. Like now,” he growls as he holds himself up on one powerful forearm while his free hand snakes down my body and slips into my panties.

“Mikey,” I groan softly as his hand travels lower until he brushes the pad of two fingers over my clit.

“Jessie,” he chuckles, teasing me as he moves his head lower, sucking on my hard nipple through the fabric of my top as he toys with my clit before he nudges my thighs apart with his knee. His fingers travel further southwards until his entire hand is fisting in my panties and I groan loudly when he pushes a finger inside me. “Oh, you’re so fucking wet already, Red,” he groans as he pulls his hand free and begins to tug my panties roughly down my legs. “Let’s get these off you so I can make you come nice and hard,” he growls before tossing them onto the floor. Then he moves further down the bed, bending his head low and licking the length of my pussy. “Fuck! You are so fucking sweet. I love eating you out.”

I run my fingers through his hair as the familiar waves of pleasure start building in my stomach and thighs. It has been too long since I have felt him there. He licks and sucks me as pushes a second finger inside my pussy and I raise my hips up to meet him, desperate for the orgasm that he is about to deliver.

“You’re so easy,” he chuckles softly, the sound vibrating through me and adding to my pleasure.

“Mikey?” I plead.

“You want to come, Red?”

“Yes,” I moan loudly, no longer concerned about Liam across the room. It’s not like he hasn’t seen this plenty of times before anyway.

Mikey curls the tips of his fingers inside me, pressing against that sweet spot as he grazes my clit with his teeth, and I come quickly and loudly. When he pulls his fingers out of me, a rush of my cum follows, making my face flush with heat.

“You are a bad girl, Red,” he grins at me and I stare up at him, chewing on my lip as the last of my climax ebbs away. He leans down, pressing his lips over mine and kissing me fiercely, and I taste myself on him. I groan into his mouth as he pulls up my tank top up, breaking our kiss to work it off over my head.

“I am so desperate to fuck you,” he groans before pushing himself up on his knees and flipping me over and pulling me up until I’m on all fours. He slaps my ass and I squeal. “You want this?” he growls as he pushes the tip of his cock inside me.

“Yes,” I pant as I push back against him, but he edges back too, teasing me. “Please, Mikey?” I gasp.

“I love to hear you beg,” he chuckles as he grabs me by the hips and then drives his cock deep inside me. I throw my head back as the euphoria courses through me at the sensation of him filling me, and the rush of wet heat between my thighs makes my legs tremble.

“You’re so fucking tight, Red. I love pounding my cock into your pussy,” he hisses as he rails into me. I lean forward, pressing my face into the pillow to muffle my groans as he reaches around to my clit and begins to rub, bringing me to the edge again.

He leans forward, wrapping my hair around his free hand and pulling me back against him, until my back is flush with his chest. This is one of his favorite positions, and mine. It allows him to suck on my neck and also gives him easier access to the rest of my body. “Don’t hide that beautiful mouth. I want to hear every single fucking sound you make when you come for me,” he growls.

“Oh God, Mikey,” I hiss as he drives into me over and over again. Peppering kisses on my throat as he holds my head back by my hair and rubs delicious circles over my clit with his free hand. A few seconds later, I cry out as my climax crashes over me. He growls something unintelligible in my ear as he grinds out his own and fills me with his cum.

After we have caught our breath, he pulls out of me and I fall forward onto the bed, gasping for breath. Mikey lies down on top of me, supporting his weight on his forearms as he presses a soft kiss between my shoulder blades. “I wish I could stay here with you all night, Red. But I really got to get to work.”

“I know,” I sigh contentedly.

“Take care of my baby brother for me,” he says before he pushes himself up and climbs off the bed and I shiver at the loss of his warmth.

Pulling the covers over myself, I turn on my side and watch him dress. He has an incredible body, and he fills his tailored suit like he was born to wear it. My stomach flutters at the sight of him as he fixes his cufflinks and straightens his shirt. He turns to grab his jacket and catches me staring at him.

“You enjoying the show?” he asks with a grin as he walks back toward the bed.

I roll onto my back and smile up at him. “I sure am,” I say with a sigh as I lick my lips. “It is quite the show after all. You almost look better in that suit than you do out of it.”

“Don’t, Jessie,” he says with a growl and a shake of his head as he reaches me.

“Don’t what?” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

“Don’t make me later for work than I already am,” he narrows his eyes at me.

“I’m not sure what you mean. I’m just lying here watching you dress.” I give him my sweetest smile and he sits on the bed beside me, running his hand over the covers, up the outside of my thigh and over my hip before settling on my stomach. He splays his huge hand over my abdomen, and I glance down at it and think about the wonderful things he can do with those fingers.

“I know what you’re thinking, Red, and it’s not happening,” he chuckles before he leans down and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

“I was thinking that I should take a shower and get some sleep.” I arch an eyebrow at him.

“Sure you were. Just like I was thinking I should really get to work and stop touching you,” he winks at me. “But you should get some sleep.”

“And you should get to work. Conor will be wondering where you are.”

He nods and brushes the back of his knuckles across my cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“See you then,” I reach out and take his hand, wanting to prolong this moment with him. He stares down at me as though he’s trying to read my mind. “I love you,” I whisper.

“Love you too, Jessie,” he gives me a final kiss on the cheek before standing up and walking out of the room.

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