Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 3

My heart is fluttering like a bird trapped in a cage as I ride the waves of my last orgasm. Shane kisses my neck softly as he fucks me through it. I love this side of him. Sex with us is rarely slow and soft like this, but tonight it is exactly what I need from him.

“You’re so needy tonight, sweetheart,” he whispers. “Your pussy is milking my cock.” He rolls his hips and hits the sweet spot inside me, making me whimper his name. “Lucky for you I’m still nowhere near done.”

“Hmm,” I purr as my senses start returning and I wrap my arms around his neck. “Whiskey always makes you frisky.” I giggle at my own poetic genius.

“You make me fucking frisky,” he growls.

Neither of us notice Conor walking into the room until he is standing beside the bed taking off his clothes.

Shane rolls his eyes and looks at his brother. “What are you doing in here?”

“Getting naked so I can fuck my wife,” Conor says with a grin and I giggle. I think I drank way too much tequila with the twins. I’m such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

“Well, I’m kinda busy with her right now.”

“So?” Conor replies with a shrug as he lies on the bed beside us.

“It’s my fucking birthday.”

“No it’s not. As you told us at least a dozen times tonight, your birthday isn’t for another month,” Conor replies and Shane shakes his head in exasperation.

“He does have a point,” I whisper making Shane turn his attention back to me.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Don’t be taking his side.”

“I would never take sides.” I bite on my lip and stifle a giggle, wondering if he’s going to allow Conor to join us.

“Then stop talking,” he growls as he starts to fuck me again.

Conor lies back on the bed with his arms behind his head. “I can wait.”

I have to clamp a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

“For fuck’s sake,” Shane groans, feigning his exasperation but he has a wicked glint in his eye that tells me he is more than happy for his brother to join us. He grabs me by the hips and rolls us onto our sides, hooking my thigh over his so that we don’t lose contact.

He brushes my hair back from my face and smiles at me before he looks over my shoulder at his brother who has already rolled onto his side behind me. “It is my fucking party though, so this pussy is all mine.” He winks before he seals his lips over mine and begins to fuck me so deliciously slowly and deep that my core turns to molten lava.

“So unfair,” Conor chuckles.

Shane wrenches his lips from mine, leaving me gasping for him. “Although, as it’s my birthday…” He looks at his older brother over my shoulder with pure devilment in his eyes. “You know I’ve been wanting to try that thing the twins did in Ireland?”

“No,” Conor says.

“What? Right now?” I ask as my stomach flutters with excitement.

“Come on, Con. I’m only gonna be forty once? If Jessie is up for it?” Shane looks at me, his eyes dark with longing and how the hell am I supposed to refuse him?

“It is his birthday,” I whisper as I turn my head to Conor.

“I know I’m pretty buzzed off that fancy whiskey, but…” Conor shakes his head.

“What?” Shane frowns.

“Our cocks will be touching.” He shudders, making me giggle.

“Your cock will also be squeezed into Jessie’s pussy tighter than it’s ever been before and is ever going to be again. Besides, no-one will ever know. It will stay between the three of us.”

Conor’s hand slides over my hips and ass and he groans. “I must be drunk because I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”

I take a deep breath, my walls squeezing around Shane and making him groan as both excitement and nerves ripple through my body.

“You ready for this, sweetheart?” Shane growls.

“Yes.” I swallow hard and Shane wraps his arms around me and rolls onto his back.

Conor pushes himself up and crawls behind me while Shane keeps me pressed close to his chest. His cock twitches inside me, filling me completely and I wonder how Conor is going to squeeze inside me too. My body trembles in anticipation, laced with just the tiniest bit of fear.

“We got you,” Shane says softly as he brushes my hair from my face. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll stop.”

“I know,” I breathe.

Conor leans over me, peppering my back and shoulders with soft kisses. “I won’t hurt you, Angel, but you tell me to stop if it gets too much and I will. Okay?”

“Okay.” I nod, my cheek brushing the hot skin of Shane’s chest.

“She wet enough for this, bro?” Conor asks his brother and heat flushes across my cheeks.

“I’ve had her in this bed for half an hour. I’m offended you’d even ask,” Shane chuckles.

“Hmm,” Conor mumbles as his fingers skim over the edge of my entrance which is currently being stretched wide by his older brother. “How the fuck am I gonna fit in here with you though?” he asks as he edges the tip of his finger inside me.

“Holy fuck!” I hiss as he pushes in further, twisting his finger against Shane’s cock and stretching me wide.

“You okay?” Shane whispers as he brushes my hair my face.

“Uh-huh,” I pant as my heart races and excitement skitters through my body. When Conor adds a second finger the only noise I can make is a guttural moan as the pain and pleasure burns through me. My walls squeeze around them both as I release a rush of wet heat.

“Fuck, she likes that,” Shane hisses.

“Do you, Angel?” Conor groans as he works his fingers slowly in and out of me. “You think you’re ready for my cock now, too?”

“Yes,” I pant. “Please?”

Shane’s fingers dig into my hips as he holds himself still. “I can’t wait to fuck you with him,” he grunts in my ear.

I suck in a deep breath because I am so turned on right now I feel like I’m about to spontaneously combust. I never imagined the two of them would ever do this, but maybe it’s the whiskey, or the fact that Shane is almost forty – or a combination of the two. Whatever it is, I am so here for it.

Conor pulls his fingers out of my pussy and I groan in both frustration and relief. He holds onto my hip with one hand as he guides his cock inside me with the other.

“Oh. My. God!” I grind out the words as he pushes inside me, stretching me wider than I had ever imagined possible.

“God can’t save you now, sweetheart,” Shane chuckles.

“You need me to stop?” Conor pants as he stops moving.

“No,” I shake my head. “Please don’t.”

“Good, ‘cause this is so fucking hot,” he growls as he pushes in a little deeper, his breathing hard and fast.

“How you doing back there?” Shane groans as he remains still, his cock throbbing inside me.

“There’s no way I’m getting all the way in, bro,” Conor replies. “I’m halfway and I think this is my limit.”

“It is.” I nod my agreement as tears prick at my eyes and my pussy throbs around them. “For the love of God can you both fuck me?”

“My pleasure,” Shane growls as he rocks his hips upward and the pressure of having Conor’s cock inside me as well means that Shane’s is directly pressed against my G-spot. My entire body trembles and I whimper shamelessly.

“That’s my girl,” Shane soothes in my ear and my eyes roll back in my head. I’m not sure how much I can take of this before I pass out or explode in one huge, life-altering orgasm.

“You feel so good, Jessie,” Conor hisses as he holds onto both my hips now and gently slides his cock halfway in and out of me. “You’re squeezing me so tight.”

I don’t even recognize the sound that comes out of my mouth when my orgasm bursts out of me like a river breaking its banks. I soak the three of us and through the sound of the blood rushing in my ears, I vaguely hear Shane and Conor groaning their appreciation and calling me a good girl.

I lie on Shane’s chest, completely boneless and in an orgasm-induced haze as the two of them go on fucking me together. Shane comes first and when he’s done, he pulls out of me, wrapping his arms tightly around me and pressing soft kisses on my forehead as Conor takes the opportunity to push deep inside me, causing me to moan softly into Shane’s chest.

“Fuck me, Angel, I would spend my entire life buried in this pussy if I could,” he groans as his own orgasm hits.

He grinds his release out into me and when he’s done, he lies over me, resting his weight on his forearms as he rests his lips against my ear.

“That was fucking amazing,” he whispers.

“I know,” I breathe.

“Hot as fuck,” Shane agrees.

“I… can’t…” I mumble as my eyelids flutter closed.

“We’re gonna have to stop fucking our girl into a coma, Shane,” Conor chuckles and I smile.

“What? No. She looks so fucking sweet when she falls asleep like this.”

“Hmm,” Conor mumbles and then the two of them go on talking but I don’t hear what they say, just the comforting murmur of their voices as I drift off to sleep.

When I wake in the dark a few hours later, I am sandwiched between Shane and Conor who lie either side of me. We have all moved to the other side of the bed where it’s dry and I’m wearing a soft t-shirt that smells like Shane’s cologne. They must have cleaned me up a little and slipped this on me while I was passed out in a tequila and orgasm-induced daze.

I listen to the sound of their soft breathing and smile. I take Shane’s hand and pull his arm around me as I snuggle against Conor’s chest and close my eyes.

This is perfect.

My life is perfect.

Well, almost.

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