Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 25

I stare at the image on the computer screen with my mouth hanging open in shock and my cock straining against the zipper of my suit pants as I watch my deviant little brother making my wife come in the middle of our fucking nightclub. At first I wasn’t sure that was what he was doing. They could have just been slow dancing, but as soon as he pressed her face against his neck I knew.

I should have run down there and told him to stop, but I was rooted to the fucking spot. Anger burns through my veins that he would do that while people stood just inches away from her. That someone might see is bad enough. But somebody could have accidentally brushed up against her while he was making her come. Felt her trembling in that way that’s only for us. Heard her fucking soft, moans and whimpers. Got even the slightest scent of her hot, wet pussy.

If I had gone down there I might have punched him in the mouth, or even worse I might have joined in on the action – either way, I would have caused a huge fucking scene and none of us want that.

If I needed any further proof of what the two of them have just done, watching Mikey put two fingers in his mouth and suck them clean just gave me it.

God, I am going to fucking kill him.

I walk to my office door and stick my head out. “Chester!” I shout to our head bouncer standing nearby.

“Yes, Boss?” He jogs over to me.

“Go find Mikey and my wife in the VIP area and tell them to meet me in the apartment. Now!” I bark.

“Yes, Boss,” Chester says with a nod before he disappears into the crowd.

I stand in Shane’s office as I wait for my asshole younger brother and my horny wife to get up to the apartment. I hear her giggling in the hallway and it makes the rage burn in my chest. I hold onto the back of Shane’s office chair, my knuckles turning white as I will myself to calm the fuck down before I say something I’m going to regret.

The two of them stroll into the room with smiles on their faces, her cheeks flushed pink still after she just came in a room full of complete strangers.

“Everything okay, Con?” Mikey asks.

“No it’s fucking not okay, you fucking selfish asshole!” I snarl.

“What the fuck?” he snarls back while Jessie stands beside him, blinking at me in shock.

“You just finger-fucked my wife in the middle of my fucking nightclub!” I shout.

Jessie’s cheeks redden further while Mikey scowls at me.

“No, I finger-fucked my wife, in my nightclub, jackass!”

“Hey!” Jessie tries to interrupt us but I ignore her and focus on him, because it’s easier to be mad at him than her.

“She is our wife, which means you don’t just get to do whatever the hell the fuck you want with her, Mikey.”

“What?” he walks toward me, squaring his shoulders as he approaches. “So, I’m supposed to ask your permission before I make my own wife come now, is that it?”

“You were in a room full of fucking strangers!” I shout, remaining behind the chair because if I step toward him too, I might just knock him on his ass.

“Nobody saw a thing,” he says with a shrug.

“I saw every fucking thing!” I shout louder. “She is not some random that you picked up at the bar, so don’t fucking treat her like one.”

“Conor,” Jessie shouts now too and I turn and blink at her. The hurt on her face is obvious, but I’m too pissed at the two of them to back down.

“What is the big fucking deal, Con?” Mikey asks. “We were just having a little fun.”

I push the chair aside and march over to him, bringing my face close to his. “The big deal is that I would have to fucking kill any man who watched my wife come, you fucking selfish little prick.”

Mikey scowls at me, the tension in his shoulders matching mine. My fists are clenched by my sides as I wait for his apology.

“What the fuck is going on?” Shane’s voice cuts through the tension in the room but it is Liam’s hands I feel on my shoulders and his voice I hear in my ear. “Calm down, Con,” he says softly. I remain glaring at his twin for a few seconds before I step back.

“Mikey fucked Jessie in the VIP room downstairs.”

“I didn’t,” Mikey snarls.

“He did not!” Jessie adds.

Shane and Liam look at the three of us in confusion.

“I finger-fucked her,” Mikey adds with a shake of his head.

“Oh my God,” Jessie hisses as her cheeks flame with heat and shame, and a part of me feels guilty for making her feel bad about herself. But the anger overrides it.

“Mikey,” Shane says with a sigh. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

“Really, Shane? You of all people are asking me that?” Mikey frowns at our oldest brother.

“That was different, nobody could see us,” Shane replies and I shake my head in disbelief.

“You too?” I snap. “Is there anyone in this room who hasn’t made my wife come in front of a room full of strangers?”

“What?” Jessie gasps in the background.

“For a start, she wasn’t your wife at the time. Secondly, we were in a private booth in a quiet restaurant,” Shane says quietly as he makes his way toward me. He keeps his voice calm and controlled but I know he’s on the verge of losing his shit too. “But most importantly, Con, it was a mutual fucking decision between two consenting adults. And right now you are being very disrespectful to one of those people, so calm the fuck down and we’ll talk about this.”

“He let people watch her come, Shane.” I shake my head in disbelief that I’m the only one who has an issue with this.

“You’re an asshole, Conor Ryan,” Jessie says and I hear the crack in her voice and it breaks my heart. I look at her and consider apologizing for making her feel bad but she turns on her heel and walks out of the door.

“Nice work, dumbass,” Mikey snarls at me as he goes to walk after her.

“Stay!” Shane orders him and Mikey does as he’s told.

“Fuck, we’ve only been gone a few hours,” Liam says with a soft sigh and a shake of his head.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Mikey?” Shane asks. “You know how he is about people seeing her like that.”

Mikey looks between me and Shane. I do have major issues with anyone seeing Jessie undone that way. I’ve never been like that with anyone before and I wasn’t always like that with her either, but since she became my wife, I don’t know what changed. My possessive side has completely taken over. It’s why I refuse to go to one of our sex clubs on a date with her, even though she and my brothers all want to go.

“I didn’t think he’d be watching,” Mikey says.

“He’s always watching her,” Shane reminds him.

“I’m sorry, Con,” Mikey finally says with a sigh. “I know you don’t like the public thing, but I swore no-one saw anything. I didn’t even let them hear her. I wouldn’t do that.”

I stare at my brothers. The anger slipping away and leaving a bitter taste of guilt in my mouth instead. “I just hate anyone seeing her like that. I can’t help it. It drives me crazy.”

“I know and I want to say it won’t happen again, Con, but…” Mikey shrugs.

“But what?” I frown at him.

“But it’s something you’re going to have to work on with her, bro, because it was fucking hot. I loved it and more importantly, Jessie loved it too. You know that he is into the voyeur thing.” Mikey indicates his head toward Shane. “It’s only a matter of time before he does actually fuck her in public.”

I look and Shane and frown, wanting him to tell me this will never happen. “I won’t until you’re okay with it,” Shane assures me.

“But you do want to?” I ask.

“Fuck, yeah,” he nods in response.

“Fuck!” I hold my head in my hands and sink onto Shane’s chair. “Was I just a complete asshole to Jessie?”

“Yup,” Mikey replies without missing a beat.

I shake my head. My brothers and I have lived together our whole lives and obviously we piss each other off occasionally. We can have huge fights but they are forgotten moments later because we all know that each of us would do anything for the other. But Jessie is different. I would die for her just as much as I would my brothers, but she doesn’t fully get that yet and so it breaks my heart knowing that I’ve hurt her.

“Go make sure she’s okay,” Shane says to Mikey and Liam and they both go after her.

“Fuck!” I say again under my breath.

“You okay?” Shane sits on the edge of the desk next to me.

“I almost fucking punched him in the face, Shane,” I say with a shake of my head but my older brother laughs softly and it makes me smile.

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time either of us has felt like punching the little miscreant. But at least you didn’t.” He arches an eyebrow at me.

“I need to work on this thing though, right?”

“Yes,” he says with a nod, “but not for me or Mikey. For her, because she’s into it, Con. And she would love to explore it with you too.”

“You think?”

He shakes his head. “I know.”

“Yeah,” I agree feeling even more guilty now that I upset her.

“You know how wet she gets when you spank her?” he grins at me.

“Yeah.” My cock twitches just at the thought.

“The public thing gets her just the same.” He punches me on the arm before he stands. “I’m having an early night for a change.”

“With Jessie?”

“Nope. I figured you’d want her to yourself after what you just did.”

“Thanks, bro.”

“Any time, dumbass.”

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