Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 18

Mikey and Liam wake me as they climb out of bed. It’s their turn to make breakfast this morning. “You need any help?” I ask as I blink in the dark room.

“No, they don’t,” Shane growls as he wraps one of his huge biceps around me. “You’re staying here.”

“Okay,” I whisper as I stretch my legs. My body aches from last night’s exertions. Movie and date nights always end the same way – with the five of us in bed together – and I love it.

Conor rolls into Liam’s vacated spot and snuggles up behind me. “Morning, Angel,” he whispers before he kisses my shoulder blade softly.

“Morning, big guy,” I whisper.

“How’s that ass?” Shane chuckles as he rubs a hand over it.

“Fine,” I purr as the memory of Shane spanking me last night makes wet heat pool between my thighs. “It was a pretty tame spanking by your usual standards.”

“Hmm.” He rubs his jaw over my neck and his stubble tickles my skin. “It wasn’t supposed to be a punishment, that’s why.”

“I know,” I whisper.

“But if I ever hear you saying that this place isn’t your home again, sweetheart…” he growls, not needing to finish his sentence because the threat is implicit.

“I know.” I swallow as he trails soft kisses over my throat.

“Actually, I’ve been thinking about that,” Conor says and Shane looks up at him.

I turn to lie on my back so I can look at the two of them.

“What about it?” Shane asks.

“Well, if Jessie was legally married to one of us, then she would be legally entitled to a claim on our assets,” Conor says.

“I can’t just be married to one of you though,” I whisper.

“It would only be for legal purposes,” Shane assures me.

I shake my head. “I don’t care about that stuff though.”

“If anything happened to us…” Conor says but I glare at him.

“Nothing is ever going to happen to any of you. I am not marrying one of you because I am married to all of you. You all agreed that the piece of paper didn’t matter.”

Shane sighs softly but Conor starts to chuckle. “I knew she wouldn’t go for it, bro. So I have another idea too.”

“We just get her name put on all the paperwork? The houses? The bank accounts? The businesses?” Shane arches an eyebrow at his brother.

“Yup.” Conor nods his agreement.

“What? That’s like way too much. No. I don’t need that,” I insist. “I don’t want your money.”

“Jessie,” Shane says as he brushes my hair from my face. “Some day very soon you’re going to be the mother of our children as well as our wife. We are all in this until the end. There is no getting rid of any of us, so we’re doing this. Okay?”

I stare at them. It’s true that I don’t want their money, but if we have children, I do want their futures to be secure. “As long as Mikey and Liam agree, but just the apartment. Or one of the clubs? Not everything.”

“What do you give us?” Conor asks as he pins one hand to the side of my head while Shane does the same to the other. Then they both start to trail their hot delicious mouths over my skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake.

“I don’t know,” I mumble as I squirm beneath their ticklish kisses.

“You do,” Shane murmurs against my skin. “What do you give us, Jessie?”

I close my eyes. I really don’t know the answer.

“U-um…” I stammer as they move lower and now their free hands are running over my abdomen and down between my thighs. I part them in anticipation and they both smile against my skin.

“Still waiting on that answer, Angel,” Conor says as his fingers skim my pussy. “Tell us and we’ll take care of you.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” I mumble as they start to drive me crazy with their delicious teasing.

“Answer the question,” Shane says as his lips move lower to join Conor’s fingers. “You’re gonna have to give her a clue because I need to taste this pussy, Con.”

Conor chuckles in response and then he lifts his head to look at me. “Think about what you have to give and then tell me what you give us,” he arches an eyebrow at me.

Fuck! This is a riddle. I have nothing really. No assets. I mean I can get my hands on money if I need it. But I give them my time. My love. My… Damn. I got it.

“Everything?” I offer as Conor’s hand slides between my thighs.

Shane looks up at Conor. “Our girl got it,” he grins at him.

“She’s as smart as a whip,” Conor chuckles.

“That was the answer?” I pant as my body sizzles with hit sweet, anticipation.

“Yep. Everything. So let us do the same for you, Angel,” Conor whispers as he sinks one finger deep into my pussy while Shane’s tongue dances over my skin until he reaches my clit.

“You already do,” I pant but the two of them are too focused on what they’re doing to me to hear, bringing me to the edge of orgasm as they work my body perfectly together.

An hour later, we’re sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when I decide to raise the issue of Hayden again. Everyone is full of Mikey’s delicious pancakes and have smiles on their faces, so I figure now is the best time to do it.

“So, are you all okay if I reach out to Hayden and see what his angle is?” I ask as I take a sip of my coffee.

“Of course,” Shane answers before any of his brothers can object and I feel like kissing him. “But you do nothing without running it by us first and you do not meet him alone under any circumstances. Deal?”

“Deal,” I agree.

“I’m free today if you want to stake him out?” Mikey offers with a flash of his eyebrows.

“I can take a few hours off too,” Conor adds.

“If these two don’t put him off then he probably is your half-brother,” Shane says with a chuckle.

“Oi,” Mikey gives him a gentle nudge. “We’ll be on our best behavior, won’t we, Con?”

“Yup,” Conor nods his agreement.

“You both promise?” I wrap my hands around my coffee mug and stare at them.

“It could be worse, Liam could be going with you,” Mikey replies and Conor and Shane start to laugh.

“Why is that so fucking funny?” Liam snaps.

“Because you have got your panties in a real bunch about this guy, bro,” Mikey chuckles.

“Fuck you all,” Liam says with a sigh and slight shake of his head.

I walk around the table to him and sit on his lap and he reluctantly wraps his arms around me as I take his face in my hands. “I love that you have my back, but I got this. I promise.”

He stares at me with his huge brown eyes before he nods softly. “I know, baby. I just want you to be safe.”

“I will be,” I say before I seal my lips over his and kiss him softly. He fists his hands in my hair as he deepens our kiss and I open my mouth, allowing him to slide his tongue inside.

“Not at the breakfast table,” Conor groans.

“You were happy to eat her on it the other morning,” Shane reminds him.

“That was different. That was me,” Conor chuckles and I’m vaguely aware of the three of them clearing the table and moving to the other side of the kitchen leaving Liam and me alone.

I pull back from our kiss and look at him as he pulls me closer to his chest. “I promise I won’t do anything reckless,” I whisper. I mean with my track record, I get that he is anxious about Hayden.

“Okay,” he smiles at me. “I promise to try and not lose my shit every time his name is mentioned.”

“Okay,” I giggle. “I love you, you know that right?” I ask, because out all of his brothers he is the one who doubts his own worth, and sometimes I wonder if that makes him question how much I love him. When we found out that his and Mikey’s biological father was the man who slaughtered my family before kidnapping me and making my life hell for two years, he struggled so much with accepting that I could see him the same way I always have.

“Yeah. I love you too, baby.”

“I know.”

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