Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 16

Conor returned my panties as soon as Chester left the room. Now, I sit between him and Shane as the twins escort our visitor into the office and close the door behind them. His face is pale and his eyes dart around the room, like a frightened rabbit trapped in the lair of a wolf. I suppose that Liam and Mikey are a pretty intimidating pair. I watched on the security camera as the twins placed their hands on his shoulders and the poor guy looked like he was about to pass out. And now he is confined in a tiny room with all four terrifying Ryan brothers – no wonder he’s as white as a ghost.

His eyes land on me and I offer him a faint smile and regret it immediately because we have no idea who this guy is, but something about him looking so terrified endears him to me. I have been where he is many times myself.

Mikey pushes him roughly onto a chair and all five of us stare at him while he keeps scanning our faces, blinking rapidly as a bead of sweat runs down his brow.

“Who are you?” Conor barks.

“H-Hayden Chambers,” he stammers.

“So, Hayden Chambers.” Conor clasps his hands together, placing them on the desk in front of him as he leans forward. “What the fuck are you doing in our club asking about a dead woman?”

Hayden blinks and shakes his head. “She’s dead?” he whispers.

“Why are you asking about her?” Conor snarls again.

Hayden’s Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows. “I think she might be my sister,” he says, the crack in his voice apparent.

My heart starts to hammer in my chest and I gasp quietly. Shane places a hand on my thigh and squeezes gently, distracting me enough to allow me to regain my composure. Ordinarily I have a great poker face but that was the last thing I expected to hear today.

“Jessica’s brothers are dead,” Shane says calmly.

Hayden nods. “I heard that. I suppose I’d be her half-brother really. I believe Alexie Ivanov was my father, too.”

“You looking for a slice of his empire, kid, then you’re looking in the wrong place,” Conor snarls.

“It’s nothing like that,” he stammers. “I was just looking for my sister. Since my mom died last year, there’s just me and I just wondered if I had some other family out there, is all.”

“You said you believe he’s your father, but you don’t know for sure?” I ask him and he turns to face me, giving me his full attention and offering me a chance to study his features. He has dark eyes like Alexei, but then plenty of people do. I see a resemblance when I look closely, but perhaps I am seeing one because I’m looking for one.

“My mom left Russia with me when I was a baby. I don’t believe he even knew I existed, but she told me he was my father before she died. I could hardly believe it when I discovered who he really was. I suppose that was why she never wanted me to know him, but she gave me dates and told me where they met and it all seems to add up. I don’t see why she would lie to me then after keeping it a secret for all those years.”

“Why did you come here looking for her?” Conor asks, his knuckles white as he clenches his fists on the desk.

“Because this is where the trail ended,” he says. “This was the last place she was known to be.’

‘And who told you that little snippet of information?” Shane growls.

“Some Russian guy I met at a bar. He didn’t give me his name.”

“What bar?” Conor snarls.

“The Black Bear.”

“Never heard of it,” Shane says.

“It’s in Newark. It got closed by the cops last week.”

“Convenient,” Liam snorts.

“It’s true,” Hayden adds.

“So you never asked this guy’s name?” Shane asks.

“No. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who appreciated me asking questions about who he was. I was happy not to know.”

“And you think we do look like the kind of guys who appreciate complete strangers turning up at our place of business and asking questions about dead Russians?” Conor barks and Hayden jumps in his chair.

“No.” He shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Is she really dead?” he whispers.

“She no longer exists,” Shane answers, “so it seems you’ve had a wasted journey.”

Hayden swallows hard and I’m sure I see tears in his eyes. “I understand. I’m sorry I took up your time.” He pushes himself up from his chair.

Mikey places a large hand on his shoulder and pushes him straight back down. “Nobody said you could leave, fuck-face,” he snarls.

Hayden visibly trembles as he looks between Shane, Conor and me.

“If we let you leave here,” Shane says, his fiery green eyes narrowed and fixed on Hayden, “we expect you never to come around here asking questions again. You got that?”

Hayden nods furiously. “Yes, Sir.”

“Let him up,” Shane inclines his head to Mikey who takes his hand from Hayden’s shoulder before escorting Hayden from the room.

As soon as Mikey is back inside and he closes the door I let out a long, deep breath that I feel like I’ve been holding in for the past five minutes.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Shane asks as he takes my hand and squeezes it in his.

“Yeah,” I breathe. “You think he was for real?”

“No,” Liam replies and his brothers turn and glare at him but he shrugs. “Just some loser looking for some easy money.”

“Maybe he was telling the truth though?” I suggest. “It’s perfectly plausible that Alexei had another child he didn’t know about.”

“You’re saying you believe that guy, Red?” Mikey asks.

“I’m saying it wouldn’t hurt to look into him a little more and see what his story is – whether he’s genuine or not.”

“I agree. Then we can find out who the asshole was who gave him your former name too. Because I’m going to cut out his fucking tongue,” Shane snarls.

“Now that I can get behind,” Mikey agrees.

“Hmm. Now if only we knew a super-hacker who could get her hands on that kind of information,” Shane chuckles before he stands and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

“I’ll make a start as soon as I’ve helped Conor with the books.” I smile up at him and he winks at me before bending his head until his lips are grazing my ear. “Don’t be too long, I miss you working in my office with me.”

“I won’t.”

“We should all get back to work,” he adds as he looks at his younger brothers.

Mikey nods his agreement and stands too but Liam remains in his seat and stares at me. “You’re weren’t actually taken in by any of his bullshit, were you, Jessie?” he asks with a frown.

I frown back at him. It’s not like Liam to be the unreasonable one amongst his brothers. “All I’m saying is there’s a possibility he’s telling the truth.”

“And what if he is?” he snaps.

I blink in confusion. Why does it seem like he’s so pissed at me?

“I don’t know what happens then,” I tell him honestly.

He opens his mouth to speak but Shane puts a hand on his shoulder. “Enough. There’s no point arguing about it until we have more information. Let Jessie do her thing and then we can decide what to do next. All of us.” He turns to me as he says that last part and I know it’s mostly for my benefit, because in the past I have been known to be a little impulsive and make reckless decisions. But that was the old me. I’m much more considered now – at least most of the time anyway.

“Of course,” I agree.

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