Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Ryan Renewed: Chapter 11

I blink away the tears as I march down the hallway to my bedroom. I don’t know why I’m such an emotional wreck lately, but Shane is a complete jerk. I don’t know what I was thinking going to him to talk about this. I mean, I get that he’s an asshole a lot of the time, but he’s also logical and rational too, so why the hell did he get pissed as hell about the fact that I want to have a few blood tests to rule out any physical reasons why I’m not pregnant yet?

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and sniff loudly. None of the other boys are home. Not that I think they’d be any more sympathetic to my cause. They just don’t get the pressure I feel under every month when my period arrives. It makes me feel like a failure, even though my rational brain knows that’s not true. The value of a woman, and a person, is so much more than their ability to procreate, so why the hell is it bothering me so much? Why is it consuming me?

Even as I ask myself the questions, I know the reason why. It’s because I’m scared they’ll change their minds. They’re all excited by the thought of it right now, but I see their faces every month when I get so upset – it takes a toll on them too.

What if they decide they’re happier as we are?

What if Shane decides that he was right not to want a child for all those years after all? Because that it my biggest fear, that I will have my perfect family ripped away from me again. Right now it is only a promise of a home full of children, and promises can be broken, right?

Walking out of the bathroom after my shower, I see Mikey lying on my bed. He gives me a huge grin as I walk into the room, his eyes roaming over my body which is covered only by a small towel because all of the huge bath towels seem to have disappeared from my bathroom. I have an idea the hot, mischievous devil smiling at me had something to do with that.

“Hey, Red.”

“Hey.” I smile back at him as I approach the bed but then I see there is a mini dress and some black lace underwear laid out on it and I frown. “What’s this? Are we going out?”

“You’re going out,” he says with a deep sigh. “But not with me. I was asked to get these ready for you.” He fingers the lace of the panties and as he does, I see they are crotchless and my pussy floods with warm heat.

“But I’m under strict instructions not to even touch you,” he adds with a roll of his eyes.

“What?” I flash my eyebrows at him as I sit beside him on the bed. “Since when do you guys obey rules like that?”

He runs a fingertip down my cheek, following my jawline and throat until it reaches the edge of my flimsy towel. Goosebumps prickle over my skin.

“Well, ordinarily, you know I wouldn’t.” He winks at me. “But Shane is currently in one of his don’t even look at me funny moods.”

“So he thinks I’m going out with him?” I roll my eyes. “He hasn’t even asked me. What if I’d rather stay here with you?” I move quickly, straddling him as he lies on the bed.

He rests his hands on my hips and shakes his head. “No way, Red. You’re not getting me into a heap of trouble. You know the rules. You two have had a fight so you need to work it out. Don’t be using me as a distraction.” I close my eyes and Mikey sits up and wraps his arms around me. “Even if it would be the best distraction ever,” he whispers in my ear. “Because I wish it was me you were wearing those panties for tonight, Jessie.”

I open my eyes and look at him.

“But you know that you and him need to work this out.”

“Did he tell you what we argued about?” I ask quietly.


“Aren’t you curious?”

Instead of replying, he seals his lips over mine and kisses me, softly at first until I start to grind my hips against his hardening cock. A growl rumbles through his chest and he slides his tongue into my mouth as I rake my nails down his muscular back. Warmth pools in my core as he kisses me, rolling my hips over his cock until I’m moaning into his mouth. I shift my hips, trying to gain some friction on my pulsing clit, but he holds me still. When he pulls back from me, I’m left panting for breath and wanting more.

“I need to stop because I want to fuck you so bad,” he breathes.

“You didn’t answer my question,” I remind him.

“What you two fight about is between you and him, Red. Right now, you should get ready because Shane wants you to meet him in the basement in a half hour.”

I swallow hard. Part of me wants to tell Shane to go to hell. He doesn’t get to act like an asshole and then start ordering me around like I’m his obedient servant. But the other part of me knows that this is his attempt at making things right. Besides, for the most part I enjoy him being a bossy alpha-hole.

“Fine,” I say with a sigh as I climb off Mikey. “Hadn’t you better leave then?”

Mikey laughs loudly. “No way. Just because I’m not supposed to touch you, doesn’t mean I can’t watch you getting dressed, Red. And if you could just wander around here in only your panties for the next half hour, that would be fucking perfect.” He winks at me again and I clamp my lips together to stop myself from smiling.

“You’re a deviant, Mikey Ryan.” I shake my head.

“Only for you, Red.”

A little over a half hour later I walk into the basement. There is no sign of Shane, but there is a sleek black limousine with its engine running near the elevator and a driver standing beside it. He opens the door as I approach and I peer inside to see Shane sitting on the back seat. He’s dressed in a suit and a white dress shirt, open at the collar so that the tattoo of my name on the base of his throat can be seen. I’m still so mad at him, but that doesn’t stop my pussy throbbing in anticipation at the sight of him.

I climb inside and sit on the opposite end of the seat so I’m as far away from him as I can reasonably be. I’ve got to make him work a little, right?

“Jessie!” he says, his tone full of frustration.

“Shane!” I snap back.

“Come here,” he sighs as the car starts to move.

I remain in my seat so he moves along the bench instead and I suppress a smile. It may seem like a small victory, but making Shane Ryan bend is a huge feat and we both know it. He sits beside me, his thigh pressed against mine and the heat from his body, coupled with the thick tension in the confines of the car, makes goosebumps prickle along my forearms.

“Where are we going?” I ask, trying to keep my tone sharp, but he rests his hand on my thigh and it sends a jolt of electricity straight to my pussy.

“To dinner.”

“At a restaurant?”

“Yes.” He frowns at me.

“Oh?” I breathe. I can’t help feeling a wave of disappointment. When he chose the crotchless panties, I thought I might be getting to visit The Peacock Club. The brothers own a string of exclusive, private members’ sex clubs. I’ve been there before, but only during the day for a meeting. I’ve never been there in the evening yet, although I’m desperate to.

“You were expecting somewhere else?”

“Maybe,” I whisper.

He laughs softly. “If I take you to a sex club wearing crotchless panties, Conor would come in and drag you out of there.”

I turn to him and smile. That is so true. The reason we haven’t been there yet is because Conor is so resistant to the idea. I’m sure he thinks it’s some kind of free-for-all, when in fact it’s probably safer than their regular club. Anything might go in a sex club, but as a rule it’s a very safe and respectful place. Everything is consensual, unlike in some clubs when a girl can find herself getting groped just trying to get across the dance floor.

“We’ll go there soon. Promise.” He winks at me and I have to turn away from him because I want him so freaking bad. I swear him and his brothers have turned me into the horniest woman alive. Making out with Mikey earlier has left me needy and on edge and I know that Shane could resolve the issue in a matter of minutes, but until he apologizes to me I’m going to continue to be petty and resist him.

“You still pissed at me, sweetheart?” he asks in that tone that makes me hot and needy.

“Yes,” I snap as I stare out of the window.

“I’m not apologizing, Jessie.”

That certainly gets my attention and I turn back to him. “Really?”

“What exactly do you expect me to be sorry for?” He arches an eyebrow at me.

“For being an asshole!”

“According to you, I’m always an asshole,” he says with a shrug.

“Well, yeah. But you were extra asshole-y today.”

He shakes his head in frustration.

“If you’re not apologizing then what’s all this for?” I narrow my eyes as I glare at him.

He reaches over and grabs me by the hips, pulling me until I’m straddling him. I gasp because I wasn’t expecting that, but I make no effort to wriggle from his grip. We both know where this is heading and I’m powerless to stop it now. Being alone with him only ever leads to one thing.

“This is because I know you’re upset. I know that you’re pissed at me even though you know I’m right…”

I open my mouth to tell him that he’s not right but he palms the back of my head and brings my mouth crashing down onto his, kissing me so hard I almost lose my breath. I waited a long time for one of Shane Ryan’s kisses and they were worth every second. They are possessive and all-consuming.

Despite my anger at him, my body melts into his until I’m sagging against his chest and practically whimpering into his mouth. The feminist in me shouts at me to stop being so weak, but she is shouted down by the horny demon that the Ryan brothers have let loose.

He wraps his free arm around my waist, pressing me tighter to him until I feel his hard cock pressing against my pussy. I wrench my mouth away from his, gasping for breath as pleasure rockets around my body and wet heat slicks between my thighs.

“I hate when you’re pissed at me,” he says as he brushes my hair back from my face. “Let me make it better.”

“Shane,” I breathe. “You can’t just fuck me and pretend that today didn’t happen. You completely dismissed my feelings.”

He narrows his incredible green eyes at me. “That wasn’t my intention,” he finally says. “So if I did that, then I am sorry.”

I blink at him. An apology from Shane Ryan is a rare thing.

“And also I have no intention of fucking you before dinner.” He grins at me.

“You’re an asshole,” I whisper.

“So you keep telling me,” he says before he starts to trail soft kisses over my throat and I groan softly. “You’re so needy tonight though, sweetheart. I can tell by the way you’re grinding yourself on my cock. What did Mikey do to you?” he growls as one hand slides between my thighs and he dips a finger into my pussy.

“Nothing,” I hiss.

“But you’re fucking soaking. He must have done something.”

“He kissed me. That’s all,” I whimper as I bear down, trying to get more of him inside me, but he pulls back so he can continue taunting me.

“That must have been some kiss.” He withdraws his finger and runs it through my slick folds instead.

“It’s these damn panties,” I groan. “You know they make me horny.”

“Hmm.” He chuckles. Whenever he takes me out on a date he makes me wear crotchless panties and then he spends the rest of the night teasing me until I’m a trembling, dripping mess. “Well, I did just offer to make things better but you called me an asshole.” He dips the tip of his finger inside me again and wet heat floods my pussy.

“Shane?” I plead.

“I’m going to enjoy teasing you all night,” he whispers. “By the time I get you back in this car after dinner, you will be begging me to let you ride my cock.”

I stare at him, chewing on my bottom lip. It used to be that I thought he had all the power in our relationship, but that has shifted significantly in the time we’ve been together. He’s no longer just the grumpy alpha-hole who constantly pushes me, he’s my husband, one of my best friends and he makes me believe I am his equal in every way.

Despite our argument earlier, I know that we will work out a solution eventually.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll be doing some begging of your own,” I purr.

He smiles at me. “Damn straight.” He kisses me softly before he pulls back again. “You want me to make you come first though, sweetheart?”

Is this a trick question?

“Yes, please,” I purr as I grind my hips against him.

“Good girl,” he whispers as he drives two fingers deep inside me and that coupled with his words makes wet heat slick his fingers. “You like that, huh?”

“Shane!” I groan loudly, wrapping my hands around his neck and grinding shamelessly on him as he finger-fucks me in the back of the car.

“You hear how wet you are for me?” he growls. “How the fuck am I going to get through dinner without fucking you?”

“Then don’t,” I gasp. “Fuck me now!”

“I can’t, Jessie. I want to eat this pussy on our way home later, and I much prefer it when it’s only your cum I’m tasting.”

“Then pull out,” I offer as he rubs his thumb against my clit and stars begin to flicker behind my eyelids.

He laughs softly. “You know I can’t do that. Besides where else would I come? I don’t want to spoil your beautiful dress.”

“I don’t care,” I gasp as I ride his fingers, chasing the orgasm that I know he’s deliberately withholding now.

“You would when we got to the restaurant, Jessie. Trust me,” he chuckles as he pulls me closer to him, stilling my hips so he can push deeper inside me and press that sweet spot that makes my entire body tremble.

“Shane!” I shout as my climax washes over me in delicious rolling waves.

“That’s my girl,” he chuckles in between peppering my neck with soft bites and kisses.

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