Ryan Renewed: New York Ruthless: Book 5

Chapter Ryan Renewed: Epilogue

6 Months Later

It’s dark when I wake. My breasts are heavy and tender. I need to feed my babies. I can’t believe I haven’t heard them crying already. I reach out, expecting to feel one of my boys’ hard bodies, but there is nothing but cool cotton sheets.

I sit up, blinking at the clock on the nightstand. It’s nine a.m. Damn blackout blinds make me so disoriented sometimes. I switch on the bedside lamp and confirm I’m alone in the huge bed. Pulling the covers back, I climb out and look at the monitor for the camera over the twins’ cribs. They are empty. The icy fingers that grip my heart are never far away. They have been there all my life and I suspect they’ll never leave.

My babies are fine though. Obviously being taken care of by their adoring daddies. The icy fingers melt away and I change out of my nursing tank top and pull on one of Liam’s soft cotton t-shirts instead.

The smell of bacon wafts from the kitchen, making me smile as I wander down the hallway. When I walk into the kitchen the sight makes me stop and stare for a few moments. The rush of pure joy I feel almost overwhelms me.

Mikey is wearing his ‘Kiss the Chef’ apron while he cooks but Conor stands beside him, holding baby Ella and the two of them are singing to her. The fact they are singing along to a hip hop song and the lyrics are entirely inappropriate doesn’t bother our daughter one tiny bit and she giggles at her daddies.

On the other side of the room, Finn is sitting on Shane’s lap while Liam feeds him some baby oatmeal. They have just started weaning and I’m relieved I’m no longer their only source of food. Not that my gorgeous husbands haven’t done their share of night feeds because I pump every day, too. The twins sleep until six a.m. now though and we’ve moved them to their own nursery. It has a camera and security system that the White House would be proud of, and for the first week they were in their own room, we all sat up half the night watching them.

“There she is,” Mikey says with a grin as he sees me.

Conor turns with Ella in his arms and waves her chubby little hand at me. “There’s your beautiful momma, baby.”

She giggles and I swear my heart is going to burst.

“Morning, sweetheart,” Shane says.

I walk to the breakfast table and sit beside him while he and Liam finish giving Finn his breakfast. Leaning down, I give our son a kiss on his plump cheek and he wipes some oatmeal on my face as a thank you, making us all laugh. “Why didn’t you all wake me? I slept so late,” I say as I wipe my face.

“You deserved a lie in,” Shane says with a shrug.

“Yeah,” Liam agrees. “And you were snoring when I woke up so I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I was not snoring. Was I?”

“Not that I remember,” Shane shakes his head. “You sure it wasn’t her moaning my name that you heard?”

“Shane!” I admonish him and my cheeks flush pink as I remember him waking me up with his hand in my panties and then five minutes later he was fucking me while his brothers slept around us. It’s not an unusual occurrence. We all gave up on the idea of separate rooms and sleep in the same bed every night now. I am often woken by one of them, or sometimes I do the waking. Sometimes another brother will join us, or if I’m very lucky they will all.

“Oh, I heard that too,” Liam chuckles softly. “I was planning on joining you both but you took your sweet time making her come, bro. I fell back asleep.”

Shane covers Finn’s ears. “I took my time on purpose. Asshole!” he whispers and I giggle.

Just then Conor comes over with Ella and I take her from his arms and bury my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet-smelling, baby skin. Conor gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before he goes to help Mikey bring the food over for breakfast. At the sight of the pancakes, Ella squeals and giggles.

“She’s sure got her mom’s sweet tooth,” Mikey chuckles as he slices a small piece off and hands it to her.

“Mikey, she’s too young!” I admonish him.

“Relax. It’s low sugar. Low salt. She only sucks on it,” he says with a shrug.

“Here let me put her in her chair so you can eat,” Conor says as he takes her from me again and places her in her high chair next to me. Liam puts Finn in his too and Mikey hands our son a small slice of pancake.

Then we all sit and eat our breakfast, talking about our plans for the day and later tonight. Whether we should take them to the park later or to the zoo. What movie we might watch when they go to sleep and we’ve all finished work for the day. The twins have brought a sense of balance to our lives. Nobody works at night any more unless there’s an emergency. The brothers have employed managers for the club and their security business. Shane sometimes works for a few hours in his office during the evening, but he’s always done by eight p.m.

I look around at my wonderful family and wonder if any person in the entire world has ever been so happy as I am right now.

Two Weeks Later

Pulling the hem of my short dress down over my thighs, I take a final peek at the twins. I stand staring at them, listening to their baby-soft snores and my heart feels like it’s about to burst with happiness. Ella frowns in her sleep and when she does she looks just like Shane. When she smiles she looks like Mikey and then there are times when she looks just like Liam or Conor. Finn looks a little more like my side of the family with his bright blue eyes, but I see his daddies in him too.

I tiptoe away with my heels swinging in my hand, slipping them onto my feet once I’ve closed the door to the nursery. I can hear the sound of muffled voices as I reach the den and when I walk inside I swear I almost melt on the spot. My four husbands stand waiting for me. Every single suit they own is custom-made and fits their bodies perfectly, but there is something extra special about the ones they wear for our date nights.

They are each dressed in a dark navy one and a white dress shirt open at the collar. I have never seen four finer specimens of a man. I mean any one of them would be a dream come true and I get all four. Wet heat floods my pussy and I’m beginning to regret my decision not to wear panties.

We’ve had some date nights since the twins were born, but none with all five of us like this. There is no-one we trust enough to leave with our babies – well except for the woman who is standing beside them.

“Jessie, love, you look beautiful,” Em says with a smile. She flew in two days ago and is staying with us for a month so she can spend time with her nephews and her new great-niece and nephew.

“Thank you,” I whisper as Liam walks toward me. He slides his hands around my waist onto my ass. “You look fucking incredible, baby,” he whispers as he pulls me to him. “And that dress is goddamn dangerous.”

“I hope so.” I grin at him.

“You know where everything is, right?” Shane says to Em as he checks his watch.

“Yes,” she replies with a soft sigh and I can only imagine how many times he has gone through everything with her. He’s always been overprotective of me and his brothers and the twins’ arrival has made him one hundred times worse – or better depending on how you choose to look at it.

He spent so long worrying he’d be an awful father but he is amazing with our children. All of my husbands are and if it were possible, seeing them with our babies has made me fall in love with them even more than I already was.

“Now you lot get out of here and enjoy your date,” she says, pushing them toward me and the door.

“They shouldn’t wake until about six a.m.,” I say as I’m surrounded by my four husbands. The heat from their bodies makes me clench my thighs together. Was I always this horny? “But if they do there’s plenty of milk in the fridge.”

“Jessie has expressed enough to last the week,” Mikey chuckles.

“I’m sure I’ll cope until tomorrow. Now go,” she says with a smile.

“Thanks, Em,” the boys say and we walk out of the room.

“Tomorrow?” I whisper.

“Yeah. We’re staying in a hotel suite tonight,” Conor replies.

“What?” I blink. “Then I need to grab some clothes.”

“It’s all taken care of, baby,” Liam replies as he squeezes my ass before he looks down at his hand on my behind. “Are you wearing panties?”

“No,” I whisper.

“Conor is going to lose his shit when he finds out,” he chuckles.

“When I find out what?” Conor growls from behind us.

“That I’m not wearing any panties,” I offer. I don’t understand why it’s an issue because I’ve done it plenty of times before. Is it because I’m a mom now?

“Shane!” Conor groans.

“It will be fine,” Shane replies as he presses the button for the elevator and then he arches an eyebrow at me. “You’re a fucking sexual deviant, Mrs. Ryan.”

“She is a deviant and that’s what I’m afraid of,” Conor groans.

“What’s going on? Where are we even going?” I ask, confused by Conor’s reaction. Ordinarily he would love me not wearing underwear.

“The Peacock Club,” Conor replies.

“What?” I turn and blink at him.

“Yes, Angel. So you want to go put some panties on?”

Before I can reply, the elevator doors open. “Too late,” Shane says as he steps inside and holds the door.

As soon as we’re inside the elevator I’m surrounded by the four, hard, hot bodies of my husbands. Heat pools in my core as I think about the place we’re going to and all of the possibilities that may lie before us. Conor is standing behind me and he slides a hand beneath my dress. “Fuck, Jessie,” he growls as he skims my bare ass. “Why the hell aren’t you wearing panties?”

“I thought it would be fun. I didn’t realize we were going to The Peacock.”

“And if you had?” Shane turns and grins at me.

“Stop it,” I whisper. But he knows me so well, I still wouldn’t have worn panties.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask Conor.

“Are you excited to go?” he breathes in my ear.

“Yes,” I whimper as his fingertip grazes my pussy.

“Then, yes, I’m okay with it.”

“That’s if we make it out of the limo,” Shane chuckles.

“That’s if we make it out of the damn elevator,” Mikey adds.

The limo is nearing the club and I finish the last of my champagne. I can’t drink too much because it makes me giddy and I’m already overexcited at the thought of going to a sex club with the four sexiest and most attentive men on the entire planet.

Liam takes my glass from me as Mikey slides a hand between my thighs. “I love that you’re not wearing panties,” he breathes as he presses a soft kiss on my throat and I giggle.

“Enough,” Conor warns him. “Don’t have her on the edge before we even get into the place.”

“I was just confirming the absence of panties,” he protests. “You are wearing a bra, right, Red?”

“Of course I am. I think you’d notice if I wasn’t.”

“I would,” Shane chuckles.

“Everyone would,” I giggle. “I’d have milk stains all over my dress.”

“I bet there are loads of perverts who are into that as well,” Conor grunts.

“I can get why though,” Mikey says. “Jessie’s milk tastes amazing.”

I press my lips together as Conor rolls his eyes. “Why am I not surprised that you’ve tasted it, Mikey? You deviant.”

“Um, I have too,” Liam admits.

“Really?” Conor stares at him.

“How have you not, bro?” Shane laughs loudly and Conor stares at the three of them.

“Take no notice of them, big guy. You don’t have to taste it if you don’t want to,” I whisper as I curl my fingertips through his hair.

“I didn’t know it was a fucking option. I thought boobs were off limits until the babies don’t need them?”

“Well, yeah. But sometimes things just happen,” Mikey says with a shrug.

“It’s not like we fucking suckle on them or anything,” Liam adds.

“Well…” Mikey says and then he ducks as Shane throws the cork from our champagne bottle at his head.

“You are a fucking deviant, Mikey Ryan.” He laughs harder and even Conor is smiling now.

I slide onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. “Do you feel left out, big guy?” I purr.

He smiles at me. “Kinda.”

“You can try some later,” I giggle.

I have seen The Peacock Club during the daytime before, during non-business hours, but to see it at night is something else. It is elegant and classy, all chrome and black and gold and shimmering lights. I gasp out loud as we walk through the huge mirrored doors into the main room.

The place is a kinkster’s dream. There are people dressed in regular clothes just like us, mixed among people wearing collars and leashes, bondage gear, masks and feathers and capes and glitter.

I freaking love it here!

“Good evening, Mr. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan.” All of the bouncers greet us as we pass, before the manager comes over and does the same before telling us that she has reserved us the best private booth and assigned us their best waiter too.

“We’ll go find our booth,” Liam says and Shane nods to him.

“I just want to show Conor and Jessie the main floor,” he winks to Liam and Mikey who chuckle in response. Mikey, Shane and Liam have been here at night before to do some club business but it’s Conor’s first time here too.

Shane gives Conor and me a brief tour of the club. Conor keeps his hands on my waist at all times, as though he’s worried someone might run off with me, but the people here are for the most part a very respectful community who adhere to the strict code of conduct that the club has in place.

On one side of the club there is a dance floor but it’s obviously not for dancing. There is a huge bed in the center and currently there are three people on it. Two guys and a girl. Guy one is eating the girl’s pussy, while guy two is railing guy one.

“Wow!” I stand and stare unashamedly. “This place is amazing.”

“It’s something,” Conor says.

“Hmm.” Shane rubs a hand over his jaw.

“You don’t want to take Jessie there?” Conor glares at his brother.

“No,” Shane replies with a laugh. “But only because you wouldn’t be into it, would you, sweetheart?” He snakes an arm around my waist.

“No. I mean I quite like a little exhibitionism, but I’d feel too exposed doing it right there in front of a crowd.”

“Thank fuck!” Conor mutters.

“But the rooms downstairs,” Shane arches an eyebrow at me. I remember them from our visit. There are twelve rooms in the basement. They can be private if patrons choose for them to be. Alternatively, each of them has a two way mirror where a small group can watch the activities.

“I like the rooms downstairs,” I say biting on my lip and looking at Conor.

“Yeah. Me too. I’m gonna lock you in one and fuck you all night while we leave these three deviants up here.”

“Conor,” I giggle as he presses a soft kiss on my neck. “Come on and let’s catch up with the twins.”

As I turn to move, Shane stops me, standing behind Conor and me, he wraps an arm around each of us and pulls us closer so we can hear him whisper above the noise. “One day, Con, we are going to take her together in one of those rooms. We’re going to let people watch and you’re going to fucking love it.”

The very idea of that, along with the closeness of his and Conor’s bodies, makes me almost pass out and I sway on my feet. Both of them wrap an arm around my waist.

“We got you, sweetheart,” Shane breathes in my ear

“You liked the sound of that did you, Angel?” Conor asks as he bends his head low and his breath skitters over the shell of my ear.

“Uh-huh,” I murmur.

“Fuck!” he hisses. “You two are gonna fucking kill me.”

“But what a way to go, bro,” Shane says with a wink.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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